1,985 research outputs found

    Selective-Resonance-Based Quantum Entangling Operation on Qubits in Circuit QED

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    We present a fast quantum entangling operation on superconducting qubits assisted by a resonator in the quasi-dispersive regime with a new effect --- the selective resonance coming from the amplified qubit-state-dependent resonator transition frequency and the tunable period relation between a wanted quantum Rabi oscillation and an unwanted one. This operation does not require any kind of drive fields and the interaction between qubits. More interesting, the non-computational third excitation states of the charge qubits can play an important role in shortening largely the operation time of the entangling gates. All those features provide an effective way to realize much faster quantum entangling gates on superconducting qubits than previous proposals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum state transfer and controlled-phase gate on one-dimensional superconducting resonators assisted by a quantum bus

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    We propose a quantum processor for the scalable quantum computation on microwave photons in distant one-dimensional superconducting resonators. It is composed of a common resonator R acting as a quantum bus and some distant resonators rjr_j coupled to the bus in different positions assisted by superconducting quantum interferometer devices (SQUID), different from previous processors. R is coupled to one transmon qutrit, and the coupling strengths between rjr_j and R can be fully tuned by the external flux through the SQUID. To show the processor can be used to achieve universal quantum computation effectively, we present a scheme to complete the high-fidelity quantum state transfer between two distant microwave-photon resonators and another one for the high-fidelity controlled-phase gate on them. By using the technique for catching and releasing the microwave photons from resonators, our processor may play an important role in quantum communication as well.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, one colum

    Fast universal quantum gates on microwave photons with all-resonance operations in circuit QED

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    Stark shift on a superconducting qubit in circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) has been used to construct universal quantum entangling gates on superconducting resonators in previous works. It is a second-order coupling effect between the resonator and the qubit in the dispersive regime, which leads to a slow state-selective rotation on the qubit. Here, we present two proposals to construct the fast universal quantum gates on superconducting resonators in a microwave-photon quantum processor composed of multiple superconducting resonators coupled to a superconducting transmon qutrit, that is, the controlled-phase (c-phase) gate on two microwave-photon resonators and the controlled-controlled phase (cc-phase) gates on three resonators, resorting to quantum resonance operations, without any drive field. Compared with previous works, our universal quantum gates have the higher fidelities and shorter operation times in theory. The numerical simulation shows that the fidelity of our c-phase gate is 99.57% within about 38.1 ns and that of our cc-phase gate is 99.25% within about 73.3 ns.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Universal quantum gates on microwave photons assisted by circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    Based on a microwave-photon quantum processor with two superconducting resonators coupled to one transmon qutrit, we construct the controlled-phase (c-phase) gate on microwave-photon-resonator qudits, by combination of the photon-number-dependent frequency-shift effect on the transmon qutrit by the first resonator and the resonant operation between the qutrit and the second resonator. This distinct feature provides us a useful way to achieve the c-phase gate on the two resonator qudits with a higher fidelity and a shorter operation time, compared with the previous proposals. The fidelity of our c-phase gate can reach 99.51% within 93 ns. Moreover, our device can be extended easily to construct the three-qudit gates on three resonator qudits, far different from the existing proposals. Our controlled-controlled-phase gate on three resonator qudits is accomplished with the assistance of a transmon qutrit and its fidelity can reach 92.92% within 124.64 ns.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    One-step implementation of entanglement generation on microwave photons in distant 1D superconducting resonators

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    We present a scalable quantum-bus-based device for generating the entanglement on microwave photons (MPs) in distant superconducting resonators (SRs). Different from the processors in previous works with some resonators coupled to a superconducting qubit (SQ), our device is composed of some 1D SRs rjr_j which are coupled to the quantum bus (another common resonator RR) in its different positions simply, assisted by superconducting quantum interferometer devices. By using the technique for catching and releasing a MP state in a 1D SR, it can work as an entanglement generator or a node in quantum communication. To demonstrate the performance of this device, we propose a one-step scheme to generate high-fidelity Bell states on MPs in two distant SRs. It works in the dispersive regime of rjr_j and RR, which enables us to extend it to generate high-fidelity multi-Bell states on different resonator pairs simultaneously.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum information processing on nitrogen-vacancy ensembles with the local resonance assisted by circuit QED

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    With the local resonant interaction between a nitrogen-vacancy-center ensemble (NVE) and a superconducting coplanar resonator, and the single-qubit operation, we propose two protocols for the state transfer between two remote NVEs and for fast controlled-phase (c-phase) on these NVEs, respectively. This hybrid quantum system is composed of two distant NVEs coupled to separated high-Q transmission line resonators (TLRs), which are interconnected by a current-biased Josephsonjunction superconducting phase qubit. The fidelity of our state-transfer protocol is about 99.65% within the operation time of 70.60 ns. The fidelity of our c-phase gate is about 98.23% within the operation time of 93.87 ns. Furthermore, using the c-phase gate, we construct a two-dimensional cluster state on NVEs in n*n square grid based on the hybrid quantum system for the one-way quantum computation. Our protocol may be more robust, compared with the one based on the superconducting resonators, due to the long coherence time of NVEs at room temperature.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Universal distributed quantum computing on superconducting qutrits with dark photons

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    We present a one-step scheme to construct the controlled-phase gate deterministically on remote transmon qutrits coupled to different resonators connected by a superconducting transmission line for an universal distributed quantum computing. Different from previous works on remote superconducting qubits, the present gate is implemented with coherent evolutions of the entire system in the all-resonance regime assisted by the dark photons to robust against the transmission line loss, which allows the possibility of the complex designation of a long-length transmission line to link lots of circuit QEDs. The length of the transmission line can reach the scale of several meters, which makes our scheme is suitable for the large-scale distributed quantum computing. This gate is a fast quantum entangling operation with a high fidelity of about 99%. Compare with previous works in other quantum systems for a distributed quantum computing, under the all-resonance regime, the present proposal does not require classical pulses and ancillary qubits, which relaxes the difficulty of its implementation largely.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, one colum

    Complete hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis for photon systems assisted by quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities

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    Bell-state analysis (BSA) is essential in quantum communication, but it is impossible to distinguish unambiguously the four Bell states in the polarization degree of freedom (DOF) of two-photon systems with only linear optical elements, except for the case in which the BSA is assisted with hyperentangled states, the simultaneous entanglement in more than one DOF. Here, we propose a scheme to distinguish completely the 16 hyperentangled Bell states in both the polarization and the spatial-mode DOFs of two-photon systems, by using the giant nonlinear optics in quantum dot-cavity systems. This scheme can be applied to increase the channel capacity of long-distance quantum communication based on hyperentanglement, such as entanglement swapping, teleportation, and superdense coding. We use hyperentanglement swapping as an example to show the application of this HBSA.Comment: 11 pages (in one column), 5 figure

    High-efficiency multipartite entanglement purification of electron-spin states with charge detection

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    We present a high-efficiency multipartite entanglement purification protocol (MEPP) for electron-spin systems in a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state based on their spins and their charges. Our MEPP contains two parts. The first part is our normal MEPP with which the parties can obtain a high-fidelity N-electron ensemble directly, similar to the MEPP with controlled-not gates. The second one is our recycling MEPP with entanglement link from N'-electron subsystems (2 < N' < N). It is interesting to show that the N'-electron subsystems can be obtained efficiently by measuring the electrons with potential bit-flip errors from the instances which are useless and are just discarded in all existing conventional MEPPs. Combining these two parts, our MEPP has the advantage of the efficiency higher than other MEPPs largely for electron-spin systems.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Systematic study of α\alpha decay for odd-AA nuclei within a two-potential approach

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    α\alpha decay is usually associated with both ground and low-lying isomeric states of heavy and superheavy nuclei, and the unpaired nucleon plays a key role on α\alpha decay. In this work, we systematically studied the α\alpha decay half-lives of odd-AA nuclei, including both favored and unfavored α\alpha decay within the two-potential approach based on the isospin dependent nuclear potential. The α\alpha preformation probabilities are estimated by using an analytic formula taking into account the shell structure and proton-neutron correlation, and the parameters are obtained through the α\alpha decay half-lives data. The results indicate that in general the α\alpha preformation probabilities of even-ZZ, odd-NN nuclei are slightly smaller than the odd-ZZ, even-NN ones. We found that the odd-even staggering effect may play a more important role on spontaneous fission than α\alpha decay. The calculated half-lives can well reproduce the experimental data
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