1,008 research outputs found

    Negotiating equity in UK universities.

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    Description of the project The research involved six case studies of higher education institutions across England, Scotland and Wales. The project aims were:to explore staff experiences of equity issues and institutional equity policies. Participants were drawn from different occupational backgrounds and a variety of socio-cultural groups paying attention also to gender, sexual orientation, ‘race’/ethnicity, disability, age and religio to conduct a critical discourse analysis of equity policies in the six institution to gather the views of senior manager-academics and administrators on their institutional equality policies, and how these relate to national policie to identify challenges, inadequacies, examples of good practice, and constraints/incentives in relation to equity policies at institutional and sector level

    Analytical Rebridging Monte Carlo: Application to cis/trans Isomerization in Proline-Containing, Cyclic Peptides

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    We present a new method, the analytical rebridging scheme, for Monte Carlo simulation of proline-containing, cyclic peptides. The cis/trans isomerization is accommodated by allowing for two states of the amide bond. We apply our method to five peptides that have been previously characterized by NMR methods. Our simulations achieve effective equilibration and agree well with experimental data in all cases. We discuss the importance of effective equilibration and the role of bond flexibility and solvent effects on the predicted equilibrium properties.Comment: 29 pages, 8 PostScript figures, LaTeX source. to appear in J. Chem. Phys., 199

    Disclination Asymmetry in Two-Dimensional Nematic Liquid Crystals with Unequal Frank Constants

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    The behavior of a thin film of nematic liquid crystal with unequal Frank constants is discussed. Distinct Frank constants are found to imply unequal core energies for +1/2+1/2 and 1/2-1/2 disclinations. Even so, a topological constraint is shown to ensure that the bulk densities of the two types of disclinations are the same. For a system with free boundary conditions, such as a liquid membrane, unequal core energies simply renormalize the Gaussian rigidity and line tension.Comment: RevTex forma

    Unnatural selection in Galapagos : the role of disease in Darwin’s Finches (Geospizinae)

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    Micro-evolutionary studies, such as those of Darwin’s finches (Geospizinae), have been used as indicators of rates of evolution under natural selection. Today however, such studies may be compromised by unnatural selection. Recently introduced infectious and parasitic agents in Galapagos may hamper our ability to monitor natural evolutionary change in endemic birds, by modifying such change. The opportunity to study natural selection in its iconic site may thus be lost, due to these and other forms of human environmental alteration, which may be replacing non-anthropogenic factors as the principal driver of evolution. To ensure that natural selection continues to shape the biota of Galapagos, anthropogenic impacts including introduced diseases must be managed effectively

    Reactive Turbulent Flow in Low-Dimensional, Disordered Media

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    We analyze the reactions A+AA+A \to \emptyset and A+BA + B \to \emptyset occurring in a model of turbulent flow in two dimensions. We find the reactant concentrations at long times, using a field-theoretic renormalization group analysis. We find a variety of interesting behavior, including, in the presence of potential disorder, decay rates faster than that for well-mixed reactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization of Drift and Diffusivity in Random Gradient Flows

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    We investigate the relationship between the effective diffusivity and effective drift of a particle moving in a random medium. The velocity of the particle combines a white noise diffusion process with a local drift term that depends linearly on the gradient of a gaussian random field with homogeneous statistics. The theoretical analysis is confirmed by numerical simulation. For the purely isotropic case the simulation, which measures the effective drift directly in a constant gradient background field, confirms the result previously obtained theoretically, that the effective diffusivity and effective drift are renormalized by the same factor from their local values. For this isotropic case we provide an intuitive explanation, based on a {\it spatial} average of local drift, for the renormalization of the effective drift parameter relative to its local value. We also investigate situations in which the isotropy is broken by the tensorial relationship of the local drift to the gradient of the random field. We find that the numerical simulation confirms a relatively simple renormalization group calculation for the effective diffusivity and drift tensors.Comment: Latex 16 pages, 5 figures ep

    Influences on academics' approaches to development: voices from below

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study research was to explore faculty-based academics’ views on what influences their behaviours and attitudes towards their development. Informed by critical realist ontology, the data collection was carried out through narrative interviews with academics in two contrasting English Universities. Findings, or areas for reflection, have emerged about the constraints and enablements academics perceive in respect of their professional development. In particular, themes such as the significance of professional status; misaligned initiatives and priorities; the influence of supportive networks; and emergent personal, individual concerns have surfaced. The conclusion is drawn that the significance of agency raises the importance of responding to the ‘voices from below’

    Free Energies of Isolated 5- and 7-fold Disclinations in Hexatic Membranes

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    We examine the shapes and energies of 5- and 7-fold disclinations in low-temperature hexatic membranes. These defects buckle at different values of the ratio of the bending rigidity, κ\kappa, to the hexatic stiffness constant, KAK_A, suggesting {\em two} distinct Kosterlitz-Thouless defect proliferation temperatures. Seven-fold disclinations are studied in detail numerically for arbitrary κ/KA\kappa/K_A. We argue that thermal fluctuations always drive κ/KA\kappa/K_A into an ``unbuckled'' regime at long wavelengths, so that disclinations should, in fact, proliferate at the {\em same} critical temperature. We show analytically that both types of defects have power law shapes with continuously variable exponents in the ``unbuckled'' regime. Thermal fluctuations then lock in specific power laws at long wavelengths, which we calculate for 5- and 7-fold defects at low temperatures.Comment: LaTeX format. 17 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.