12,457 research outputs found

    Confidence Statements for Ordering Quantiles

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    This work proposes Quor, a simple yet effective nonparametric method to compare independent samples with respect to corresponding quantiles of their populations. The method is solely based on the order statistics of the samples, and independence is its only requirement. All computations are performed using exact distributions with no need for any asymptotic considerations, and yet can be run using a fast quadratic-time dynamic programming idea. Computational performance is essential in high-dimensional domains, such as gene expression data. We describe the approach and discuss on the most important assumptions, building a parallel with assumptions and properties of widely used techniques for the same problem. Experiments using real data from biomedical studies are performed to empirically compare Quor and other methods in a classification task over a selection of high-dimensional data sets

    Effects of spin-orbit coupling on the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and the vortex-antivortex structure in two-dimensional Fermi gases

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    We investigate the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in a two-dimensional (2D) Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling (SOC), as a function of the two-body binding energy and a perpendicular Zeeman field. By including a generic form of the SOC, as a function of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms, we study the evolution between the experimentally relevant equal Rashba-Dresselhaus (ERD) case and the Rashba-only (RO) case. We show that in the ERD case, at fixed non-zero Zeeman field, the BKT transition temperature TBKTT_{BKT} is increased by the effect of SOC for all values of the binding energy. We also find a significant increase in the value of the Clogston limit compared to the case without SOC. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the superfluid density tensor becomes anisotropic (except in the RO case), leading to an anisotropic phase-fluctuation action that describes elliptic vortices and antivortices, which become circular in the RO limit. This deformation constitutes an important experimental signature for superfluidity in a 2D Fermi gas with ERD SOC. Finally, we show that the anisotropic sound velocities exhibit anomalies at low temperatures, in the vicinity of quantum phase transitions between topologically distinct uniform superfluid phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum phase transitions and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature in a two-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas

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    We study the effect of spin-orbit coupling on both the zero-temperature and non-zero temperature behavior of a two-dimensional (2D) Fermi gas. We include a generic combination of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms into the system Hamiltonian, which allows us to study both the experimentally relevant equal-Rashba-Dresselhaus (ERD) limit and the Rashba-only (RO) limit. At zero temperature, we derive the phase diagram as a function of the two-body binding energy and Zeeman field. In the ERD case, this phase diagram reveals several topologically distinct uniform superfluid phases, classified according to the nodal structure of the quasiparticle excitation energies. Furthermore, we use a momentum dependent SU(2)-rotation to transform the system into a generalized helicity basis, revealing that spin-orbit coupling induces a triplet pairing component of the order parameter. At non-zero temperature, we study the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition by including phase fluctuations of the order parameter up to second order. We show that the superfluid density becomes anisotropic due to the presence of spin-orbit coupling (except in the RO case). This leads both to elliptic vortices and antivortices, and to anisotropic sound velocities. The latter prove to be sensitive to quantum phase transitions between topologically distinct phases. We show further that at a fixed non-zero Zeeman field, the BKT critical temperature is increased by the presence of ERD spin-orbit coupling. Subsequently, we demonstrate that the Clogston limit becomes infinite: TBKTT_{\rm{BKT}} remains non-zero at all finite values of the Zeeman field. We conclude by extending the quantum phase transition lines to non-zero temperature, using the nodal structure of the quasiparticle spectrum, thus connecting the BKT critical temperature with the zero-temperature results.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    The black holes of radio galaxies during the "Quasar Era": Masses, accretion rates, and evolutionary stage

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    We present an analysis of the AGN broad-line regions of 6 powerful radio galaxies at z>~2 (HzRGs) with rest-frame optical imaging spectroscopy obtained at the VLT. All galaxies have luminous (L(H-alpha)=few x 10^44 erg s^-1), spatially unresolved H-alpha line emission with FWHM>= 10,000 km s^-1 at the position of the nucleus, suggesting their AGN are powered by supermassive black holes with masses of few x 10^9 M_sun and accretion luminosities of a few percent of the Eddington luminosity. In two galaxies we also detect the BLRs in H-beta, suggesting relatively low extinction of A_V~1 mag, which agrees with constraints from X-ray observations. By relating black hole and bulge mass, we find a possible offset towards higher black-hole masses of at most ~0.6 dex relative to nearby galaxies at a given host mass, although each individual galaxy is within the scatter of the local relationship. If not entirely from systematic effects, this would then suggest that the masses of the host galaxies have increased by at most a factor ~4 since z~2 relative to the black-hole masses, perhaps through accretion of satellite galaxies or because of a time lag between star formation in the host galaxy and AGN fueling. We also compare the radiative and mechanical energy output (from jets) of our targets with predictions of recent models of "synthesis" or "grand unified" AGN feedback, which postulate that AGN with similar radiative and mechanical energy output rates to those found in our HzRGs may be nearing the end of their period of active growth. We discuss evidence that they may reach this stage at the same time as their host galaxies.Comment: A&A in pres

    Self-avoiding walks on scale-free networks

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    Several kinds of walks on complex networks are currently used to analyze search and navigation in different systems. Many analytical and computational results are known for random walks on such networks. Self-avoiding walks (SAWs) are expected to be more suitable than unrestricted random walks to explore various kinds of real-life networks. Here we study long-range properties of random SAWs on scale-free networks, characterized by a degree distribution P(k)∼k−γP(k) \sim k^{-\gamma}. In the limit of large networks (system size N→∞N \to \infty), the average number sns_n of SAWs starting from a generic site increases as μn\mu^n, with μ=/−1\mu = / - 1. For finite NN, sns_n is reduced due to the presence of loops in the network, which causes the emergence of attrition of the paths. For kinetic growth walks, the average maximum length, , increases as a power of the system size: ∼Nα \sim N^{\alpha}, with an exponent α\alpha increasing as the parameter γ\gamma is raised. We discuss the dependence of α\alpha on the minimum allowed degree in the network. A similar power-law dependence is found for the mean self-intersection length of non-reversal random walks. Simulation results support our approximate analytical calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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