1 research outputs found
Tackling the energy efficiency gap in the Irish residential sector
- Author
- Andrew O'Callaghan
- BEIS (Department for Business Energy &
- Bell CJ
- Brischke LA
- Chuang Y
- Darby S
- Davis LW
- DCCAE (Department of Communcations Climate Action and Environment)
- DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change)
- DOE (Department of Energy)
- EC
- EC (European Commission)
- EST (Energy Saving Trust)
- Gillingham K
- Gram-Hanssen K
- Gram-Hanssen K
- Granade HC
- Hiike A
- IEA (International Energy Agency)
- Karl Purcell
- Nieman
- Phil Hemmingway
- PSD (Performance Systems Development)
- Sanstad A
- SBW (SBW Consulting Inc.)
- Seifried D
- Thomas S
- Thomas S
- Thomas S
- USEIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration)
- Zivin JG
- Publication venue
- 'Thomas Telford Ltd.'
- Publication date
- Field of study