25 research outputs found

    Photocatalytic splitting of water.

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    The use of photocatalysis for the photosplitting of water to generate hydrogen and oxygen has gained interest as a method for the conversion and storage of solar energy. The application of photocatalysis through catalyst engineering, mechanistic studies and photoreactor development has highlighted the potential of this technology, with the number of publications significantly increasing in the past few decades. In 1972 Fujishima and Honda described a photoelectrochemical system capable of generating H2 and O2 using thin-film TiO2. Since this publication, a diverse range of catalysts and platforms have been deployed, along with a varying range of photoreactors coupled with photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic technology. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of photocatalytic technology applied to overall H2O splitting. An insight into the electronic and geometric structure of catalysts is given based upon the one- and two-step photocatalyst systems. One-step photocatalysts are discussed based upon their d0 and d10 electron configuration and core metal ion including transition metal oxides, typical metal oxides and metal nitrides. The two-step approach, referred to as the Z-scheme, is discussed as an alternative approach to the traditional one-step mechanism, and the potential of the system to utilise visible and solar irradiation. In addition to this the mechanistic procedure of H2O splitting is reviewed to provide the reader with a detailed understanding of the process. Finally, the development of photoreactors and reactor properties are discussed with a view towards the photoelectrochemical splitting of H2O

    Base-pair-resolution genome-wide mapping of active RNA polymerases using precision nuclear run-on (PRO-seq)

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    We provide a protocol for precision nuclear run-on sequencing (PRO-seq) and its variant, PRO-cap, which map the location of active RNA polymerases (PRO-seq) or transcription start sites (TSSs) (PRO-cap) genome-wide at high resolution. The density of RNA polymerases at a particular genomic locus directly reflects the level of nascent transcription at that region. Nuclei are isolated from cells and, under nuclear run-on conditions, transcriptionally engaged RNA polymerases incorporate one or, at most, a few biotin-labeled nucleotide triphosphates (biotin-NTPs) into the 3' end of nascent RNA. The biotin-labeled nascent RNA is used to prepare sequencing libraries, which are sequenced from the 3' end to provide high-resolution positional information for the RNA polymerases. PRO-seq provides much higher sensitivity than ChIP-seq, and it generates a much larger fraction of usable sequence reads than ChIP-seq or NET-seq (native elongating transcript sequencing). Similarly to NET-seq, PRO-seq maps the RNA polymerase at up to base-pair resolution with strand specificity, but unlike NET-seq it does not require immunoprecipitation. With the protocol provided here, PRO-seq (or PRO-cap) libraries for high-throughput sequencing can be generated in 4-5 working days. The method has been applied to human, mouse, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans cells and, with slight modifications, to yeast