21,732 research outputs found

    Random copolymer: Gaussian variational approach

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    We study the phase transitions of a random copolymer chain with quenched disorder. We apply a replica variational approach based on a Gaussian trial Hamiltonian in terms of the correlation functions of monomer Fourier coordinates. This allows us to study collapse, phase separation and freezing transitions within the same mean field theory. The effective free energy of the system is derived analytically and analysed numerically. Such quantities as the radius of gyration or the average value of the overlap between different replicas are treated as observables and evaluated by introducing appropriate external fields to the Hamiltonian. We obtain the phase diagram and show that this system exhibits a scale dependent freezing transition. The correlations between replicas appear at different length scales as the temperature decreases. This indicates the existence of the topological frustration.Comment: 15 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Exact Solution of a Jamming Transition: Closed Equations for a Bootstrap Percolation Problem

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    Jamming, or dynamical arrest, is a transition at which many particles stop moving in a collective manner. In nature it is brought about by, for example, increasing the packing density, changing the interactions between particles, or otherwise restricting the local motion of the elements of the system. The onset of collectivity occurs because, when one particle is blocked, it may lead to the blocking of a neighbor. That particle may then block one of its neighbors, these effects propagating across some typical domain of size named the dynamical correlation length. When this length diverges, the system becomes immobile. Even where it is finite but large the dynamics is dramatically slowed. Such phenomena lead to glasses, gels, and other very long-lived nonequilibrium solids. The bootstrap percolation models are the simplest examples describing these spatio-temporal correlations. We have been able to solve one such model in two dimensions exactly, exhibiting the precise evolution of the jamming correlations on approach to arrest. We believe that the nature of these correlations and the method we devise to solve the problem are quite general. Both should be of considerable help in further developing this field.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Mode-Coupling Theory of Colloids with Short-range Attractions

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    Within the framework of the mode-coupling theory of super-cooled liquids, we investigate new phenomena in colloidal systems on approach to their glass transitions. When the inter-particle potential contains an attractive part, besides the usual repulsive hard core, two intersecting liquid-glass transition lines appear, one of which extends to low densities, while the other one, at high densities, shows a re-entrant behaviour. In the glassy region a new type of transition appears between two different types of glasses. The complex phenomenology can be described in terms of higher order glass transition singularities. The various glass phases are characterised by means of their viscoelastic properties. The glass driven by attractions has been associated to particle gels, and the other glass is the well known repulsive colloidal glass. These correspondences, in associations with the new predictions of glassy behaviour mean that such phenomena may be expected in colloidal systems with, for example, strong depletion or other short-ranged attractive potentials.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Dead Time Compensation for High-Flux Ranging

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    Dead time effects have been considered a major limitation for fast data acquisition in various time-correlated single photon counting applications, since a commonly adopted approach for dead time mitigation is to operate in the low-flux regime where dead time effects can be ignored. Through the application of lidar ranging, this work explores the empirical distribution of detection times in the presence of dead time and demonstrates that an accurate statistical model can result in reduced ranging error with shorter data acquisition time when operating in the high-flux regime. Specifically, we show that the empirical distribution of detection times converges to the stationary distribution of a Markov chain. Depth estimation can then be performed by passing the empirical distribution through a filter matched to the stationary distribution. Moreover, based on the Markov chain model, we formulate the recovery of arrival distribution from detection distribution as a nonlinear inverse problem and solve it via provably convergent mathematical optimization. By comparing per-detection Fisher information for depth estimation from high- and low-flux detection time distributions, we provide an analytical basis for possible improvement of ranging performance resulting from the presence of dead time. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our formulation and algorithm via simulations of lidar ranging.Comment: Revision with added estimation results, references, and figures, and modified appendice

    Simulating Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Urban Transport Infrastructure in the UK

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    Urban areas face many risks from future climate change and their infrastructure will be placed under more pressure due to changes in climate extremes. Using the Tyndall Centre Urban Integrated Assessment Framework, this paper describes a methodology used to assess the impacts of future climate extremes on transport infrastructure in London. Utilising high-resolution projections for future climate in the UK, alongside stochastic weather generators for downscaling, urban temperature and flooding models are used to provide information on the likelihood of future extremes. These are then coupled with spatial network models of urban transport infrastructure and, using thresholds to define the point at which systems cease to function normally, disruption to the networks can be simulated. Results are shown for both extreme heat and urban surface water flooding events and the impacts on the travelling population, in terms of both disruption time and monetary cost

    Geometry of Empty Space is the Key to Near-Arrest Dynamics

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    We study several examples of kinetically constrained lattice models using dynamically accessible volume as an order parameter. Thereby we identify two distinct regimes exhibiting dynamical slowing, with a sharp threshold between them. These regimes are identified both by a new response function in dynamically available volume, as well as directly in the dynamics. Results for the selfdiffusion constant in terms of the connected hole density are presented, and some evidence is given for scaling in the limit of dynamical arrest.Comment: 11 page

    Insights into the effective management of support groups for Aboriginal Australian women with substance use disorders

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    Aboriginal women with substance use disorders are a vulnerable population. This study examines approaches used to deliver support to Aboriginal women in an outpatient alcohol and other drug treatment service in Australia. A descriptive qualitative study was undertaken using structured interviews to explore staff and client perceptions of current and optimal processes for the management of an Aboriginal women’s group. The findings show that approaches to the management of the support group involved personal skills development and therapeutic strategies that were all grounded in the women’s social and cultural context. A framework is proposed for the management of support groups that may be transferrable to other culturally distinct and marginalised populations

    Resummation Effects in Vector-Boson and Higgs Associated Production

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    Fixed-order QCD radiative corrections to the vector-boson and Higgs associated production channels, pp -> VH (V=W, Z), at hadron colliders are well understood. We combine higher order perturbative QCD calculations with soft-gluon resummation of both threshold logarithms and logarithms which are important at low transverse momentum of the VH pair. We study the effects of both types of logarithms on the scale dependence of the total cross section and on various kinematic distributions. The next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNNLL) resummed total cross sections at the LHC are almost identical to the fixed-order perturbative next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) rates, indicating the excellent convergence of the perturbative QCD series. Resummation of the VH transverse momentum (p_T) spectrum provides reliable results for small values of p_T and suggests that implementing a jet-veto will significantly decrease the cross sections.Comment: 25 pages, references update

    Sphaleron-Bisphaleron bifurcations in a custodial-symmetric two-doublets model

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    The standard electroweak model is extended by means of a second Brout-Englert-Higgs-doublet. The symmetry breaking potential is chosen is such a way that (i) the Lagrangian possesses a custodial symmetry, (ii) a static, spherically symmetric ansatz of the bosonic fields consistently reduces the Euler-Lagrange equations to a set of differential equations. The potential involves, in particular, products of fields of the two doublets, with a coupling constant λ3\lambda_3.Static, finite energy solutions of the classical equations are constructed. The regular, non-trivial solutions having the lowest classical energy can be of two types: sphaleron or bisphaleron, according to the coupling constants. A special emphasis is put to the bifurcation between these two types of solutions which is analyzed in function of the different constants of the model,namely of λ3\lambda_3.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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