136 research outputs found

    Derived Smooth Manifolds

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    We define a simplicial category called the category of derived manifolds. It contains the category of smooth manifolds as a full discrete subcategory, and it is closed under taking arbitrary intersections in a manifold. A derived manifold is a space together with a sheaf of local C∞C^\infty-rings that is obtained by patching together homotopy zero-sets of smooth functions on Euclidean spaces. We show that derived manifolds come equipped with a stable normal bundle and can be imbedded into Euclidean space. We define a cohomology theory called derived cobordism, and use a Pontrjagin-Thom argument to show that the derived cobordism theory is isomorphic to the classical cobordism theory. This allows us to define fundamental classes in cobordism for all derived manifolds. In particular, the intersection A∩BA\cap B of submanifolds A,BβŠ‚XA,B\subset X exists on the categorical level in our theory, and a cup product formula [A]⌣[B]=[A∩B][A]\smile[B]=[A\cap B] holds, even if the submanifolds are not transverse. One can thus consider the theory of derived manifolds as a {\em categorification} of intersection theory.Comment: 57 pages. Reformulation of author's PhD thesis. To appear in Duke Math J

    Functorial Data Migration

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    In this paper we present a simple database definition language: that of categories and functors. A database schema is a small category and an instance is a set-valued functor on it. We show that morphisms of schemas induce three "data migration functors", which translate instances from one schema to the other in canonical ways. These functors parameterize projections, unions, and joins over all tables simultaneously and can be used in place of conjunctive and disjunctive queries. We also show how to connect a database and a functional programming language by introducing a functorial connection between the schema and the category of types for that language. We begin the paper with a multitude of examples to motivate the definitions, and near the end we provide a dictionary whereby one can translate database concepts into category-theoretic concepts and vice-versa.Comment: 30 page

    Higher-dimensional models of networks

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    Networks are often studied as graphs, where the vertices stand for entities in the world and the edges stand for connections between them. While relatively easy to study, graphs are often inadequate for modeling real-world situations, especially those that include contexts of more than two entities. For these situations, one typically uses hypergraphs or simplicial complexes. In this paper, we provide a precise framework in which graphs, hypergraphs, simplicial complexes, and many other categories, all of which model higher graphs, can be studied side-by-side. We show how to transform a hypergraph into its nearest simplicial analogue, for example. Our framework includes many new categories as well, such as one that models broadcasting networks. We give several examples and applications of these ideas
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