93 research outputs found

    Damage to Sweet Chestnut Orchards in Croatia due to Invasive Alien Bark Beetle Xylosandrus germanus

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    Black stem borer, Xylosandrus germanus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), was first recorded in Croatia in 2009. Until now, the insect has been reported only as a part of ambrosia beetles entomofauna in oak stands (Quercus robur and Quercus petraea). In 2021, severe attack of ambrosia beetles causing tree decline and mortality have been observed in three orchards of hybrid sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa x Castenea crenata). Orchards near Topusko, Marija Bistrica and Vugrovec were inspected for the symptoms. Twenty-seven adult ambrosia beetle specimens were collected from eight samples of damaged sweet chestnut trees, and were identified according to their morphology. All 27 ambrosia beetles were morphologically identified as X. germanus. This is the first record of black stem borer causing damage on cultivated sweet chestnut in Croatia. Considering similar reports from Italy and Slovenia, X. germanus could be regarded as a new, potentially damaging pest in chestnut plantations


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    Fuzarijska venuća tikvenjača uzrokuju specijalizirane forme gljive Fusarium oxysporum. Među njima, venuće dinje (F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis) i venuće lubenice (F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum) potencijalno su vrlo Å”tetne i mogu uzrokovati velike gubitke u proizvodnji. Osim spomenutih venuća, na krastavcu se javlja i ono koje uzrokuje F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. U članku su ukratko opisane simptomatologija i biologija fuzarijskog venuća krastavca, dinje i tikve, uz osvrt na mjere zaÅ”tite.Fusarium wilts of cucurbits are caused by specialized forms of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Among these diseases, Fusarium wilt of melon (F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis) and watermelon (F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum) are economically the most important, with the potential to cause high yield losses. Beside wilts of melon and on watermelon, similar disease is also described on cucumber (F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum). Symptomatology, biology and control of Fusarium wilts are briefly described in the article

    Esca of grapevine and new approaches of esca management

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    Eska je gljivična bolest drveta vinove loze koja se javlja sve čeŔće i nanosi sve veće Å”tete u hrvatskom vinogradarstvu. U članku je ukratko opisana trenutačna situacija s eskom u Hrvatskoj i svijetu te je dat pregled suvremenih pristupa i mjera zaÅ”tite od bolesti.Esca is a trunk disease of grapevine with increasing incidence and severity in Croatia. Current situation with esca in Croatia and worldwide is briefly described in the article. Control and management options are presented

    Anthracnose of strawberry (Colletotrichum spp.)

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    Antraknoza jagode gljivična je bolest koju uzrokuju Colletotrichum acutatum i C. gloeosporioides. Važnost antraknoze u Hrvatskoj je sve veća, a pojava bolesti zabilježena je u gotovo svim područjima gdje se jagoda uzgaja. U članku su ukratko opisani simptomi antraknoze i biologija bolesti te poseban osvrt na mjere zaÅ”tite.Anthracnose of strawberry is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. In recent years, anthracnose has become a significant problem in strawberry cultivation, recorded in almost all areaes where this fruit is grown. Biology, disease symptoms and control measures are briefly discused in the article

    Gljive povezane s bolestima gljivičnog raka na maslini u Istri (Hrvatska)

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    A survey in olive orchards in Istria (Croatia) was carried out from 2016 to 2018 to investigate pathogens potentially associated with olive decline and dieback. In nine orchards, canker-like symptoms were recorded on olive trunks and branches. Six fungal species were isolated from cankers: Geosmithia sp., Diaporthe sp., Diatrype stigma, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum parvum, and Pseudophaeomoniella oleae. Pathogenicity tests were conducted in a greenhouse, on branches of 4-year-old local cultivar ā€˜Buzaā€™. Eight months after branch inoculation, D. seriata showed to be the most aggressive, causing an average of 67 mm long lesion. N. parvum caused 31 mm long lesion, while Diaporthe sp. showed only weak aggressiveness, causing 3 mm long lesion. Diatrype stigma, P. oleae and Geosmithia sp. did not cause any symptoms on inoculated plants. This is the first report of Neofusicoccum parvum and Diaporthe sp. as pathogens on olive in Istria (Croatia).Terensko istraživanje maslinika u Istri (Hrvatska), provedeno je od 2016. do 2018. godine s ciljem utvrđivanja potencijalnih patogena povezanih s odumiranjem i suÅ”enjem maslina. Å est vrsta gljiva izolirano je s drvenastih dijelova masline sa simptomima gljivičnog raka: Geosmithia sp., Diaporthe sp., Diatrype stigma, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum parvum i Pseudophaeomoniella oleae. Test patogenosti proveden je u plasteniku, na granama 4-godiÅ”njih sadnica maslina autohtone sorte Buža. Osam mjeseci nakon inokulacije, D. seriata pokazala se kao najagresivnija vrsta uzrokujući lezije duljine 67 mm, N. parvum je uzrokovao lezije duljine 31 mm, a Diaporthe sp. pokazao se kao najslabiji patogen, uzrokujući lezije duljine 3 mm. Vrste D. stigma, P. oleae i Geosmithia sp. nisu uzrokovale simptome na inokuliranim maslinama. Prema naÅ”im spoznajama, ovo je prvi nalaz vrsta Neofusicoccum parvum i Diaporthe sp. kao patogena masline u Istri (Hrvatska)

    Bacterial and viral diseases of tomato and pepper in Croatia

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    U proteklih nekoliko godina u Hrvatskoj su zabilježene relativno visoke Ŕtete od pojedinih bakterijskih i virusnih bolesti u proizvodnji rajčice i paprike. Uzročnici tih bolesti bile su bakterije Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato i Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis te virusi Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) i Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). U članku su ukratko opisani spomenuti patogeni, njihovo Ŕirenje te mjere zaŔtite.During the last several years, certain bacterial and viral diseases caused high losses in tomato and pepper production in Croatia. Causal agents of these diseases were Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis, Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). These pathogens are briefly described, with an emphasis on their way of spreading and control measures

    Economically important viruses of pome fruit

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    Virusi jabuke, kruÅ”ke ili dunje relativno su slabo poznati stručnjacima i voćarima. Najvažnijim virusima koji se javljaju na jezgričavim voćnim vrstama smatraju se virus mozaika jabuke (Apple mosaic virus, ApMV), virus klorotične pjegavosti lista jabuke (Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, ACLSV), virus brazdavosti debla jabuke (Apple stem grooving virus, ASGV) i virus jamičavosti debla jabuke (Apple stem pitting virus,ASPV). U radu je ukratko opisana njihova važnost, biologija i regulativni status, kao i osnovne mjere zaÅ”tite.Virus diseases of apple, pear and quince are relatively less known to agricultural experts and fruit producers. Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) are usually considered economically most important viruses of pome fruit. Their significance, biology and regulatory status are briefly described, as well as basic control measures

    White mould of tomato (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)

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    Bijelu trulež rajčice uzrokuje Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, polifagna gljiva koja napada brojne povrćarske i ratarske kulture. U članku se opisuje raÅ”irenost i važnost bolesti, simptomi, biologija uzročnika i mjere zaÅ”tite od bijele truleži.White mould is a disease of tomato caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a polyphagous fungus with numerous hosts among vegetables and field crops. Distribution and significance of the disease, symptoms, biology of the pathogen and control measures against white mould are briefly described in the article
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