6 research outputs found
Betrachtungen zur Verwendung des Scanningprinzips für quantitative Auswertungen in der Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalyse
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1967
- Field of study
Microanalysis with the X-ray scanning microscope
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1960
- Field of study
The importance of secondary flow in the rotary electromagnetic stirring of steel during continuous casting
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study
Preferential epithelial expression of type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) in the developing canine embryo
- Author
- AJ Straiker
- BC Paria
- D Czesnik
- D Psychoyos
- DA Pettit
- F Abramo
- F Scarampella
- G Re
- G Tortoriello
- H Wang
- H Xie
- HE Evans
- I Katona
- J Begbie
- K Tsou
- L Campora
- LA Matsuda
- M Egertova
- M Egertova
- M Herkenham
- M Herkenham
- M Kano
- M Maccarrone
- M Maccarrone
- MR El-Talatini
- MR Elphick
- NE Buckley
- P Berghuis
- P Grimaldi
- R Rozenfeld
- RG Pertwee
- RK Razdan
- S Munro
- S Watson
- S Yazulla
- SD Skaper
- SE Melford
- TH Smith
- TL Stincic
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A Engström
- A Engström
- A Guinier
- A Sandstböm
- AE Sandstböm
- B Grubis
- BL Henke
- BL Henke
- C Freiburg
- CG Dodd
- CHF Müller
- D Costeb
- D Costeb
- D Costeb
- D Mebz
- DA Melford
- DA Melford
- DH Tomboulian
- E Carlson
- EL Möller
- ELK Hughes
- EP Bertin
- F Feigl
- G Brunner
- G Böhm
- G Lennartz
- G Maasen
- G Möllenstedt
- GR Lang
- GR Lang
- GV Hevesy
- Gv Hevesy
- Gv Hevesy
- H Broili
- H Christian
- H de Laffolie
- H Friedman
- H Laffolie de
- H Laffolie de
- H Laffolie de
- H Malissa
- H Malissa
- H Neff
- H Neff
- H Olphen van
- H Pfister
- H Schreiber
- H Seemann
- H Seemann
- H Seemann
- H Siegel
- H Sinsberg
- HA Elion
- HA Elion
- HA Liebhafsky
- HA Liebhafsky
- HA Liebhafsky
- HA Liebhafsky
- HH Johann
- HH Pattee
- HI Mabshall
- HJ Eichhoff
- HJ Kopineck
- IA Murray
- J Bruch
- J Buwalda
- J Eggs
- J Philibert
- J Philibert
- J Philibert
- J Thibaud
- JA Bearden
- JA Belk
- JA Dumme
- JF Croke
- JF Croke
- K Jecht
- K Sagel
- K Siegbahn
- K Tögel
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- LS Birks
- M Renninger
- M Siegbahn
- M Siegbahn
- MA Blochin
- NA Schoorl
- NE Cosslett
- NH Moxnes
- NH Moxnes
- O Schaaber
- P Duncumb
- P Duncumb
- P Duncumb
- P Duncumb
- R Castaing
- R Castaing
- R Castaing
- R Glocker
- R Glocker
- R Glocker
- R Jenkins
- R Louis
- R Louis
- R Stickler
- R Theisen
- R Theisen
- R Weyl
- RC Hert
- RD Dewey
- RE Ogilvie
- RL Babinski
- RU Müller
- S Kimoto
- S Kimoto
- SA Berge
- ST Stephenson
- T Johansson
- U Gerloff
- VM Goldschmidt
- W Pabbish
- W Parrish
- WC Stoecker
- Y Cauchois
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1971
- Field of study
Inclusion Measurement
- Author
- A Koyanagi
- A More
- A Pelazzi
- A Podgornik
- A Salak
- AC Steel
- AD Baynes
- AE Gerds
- AG Franklin
- AG Franklin
- AJ Birkle
- AM Hall
- B Rinman
- B Rinman
- B Wilandh
- BI Klevebring
- BISRA Non-metallic Inclusion Group
- BL Dobrotsvetov
- BL Dobrotsvetov
- C Benedicts
- C Fisher
- C Fisher
- CH Engstrom
- D Jeulin
- D Radtke
- D Ruhl
- D Schreiber
- DA Flinchbauch
- DA Flinchbauch
- DA Melford
- DA Melford
- DC Hill
- DE Nulk
- DE Passoja
- DJ Carney
- DJ Widgery
- DM Cottingham
- E Beraha
- E Beraha
- E Ekelund
- E Grethen
- E Maurer
- E Scheil
- F Hartman
- FA Silber
- FF Franklin
- G Schmolke
- GA Moore
- GK Bandyopadhyay
- GL Kehl
- GM Chalfant
- GW Walker
- H Brandeis
- H Diergarten
- H Kjerrman
- H Kroll
- H Martensson
- H Morrogh
- H Qiergarten
- H Walz
- HE Buhler
- HJ Eckstein
- HJ Schrader
- HJ Spies
- HJ Spies
- I Uchiyama
- ID Simpson
- ID Simpson
- J Czochralski
- J Dumont-Filion
- J Gibbons
- J Welchner
- JA Belk
- JB Morgan
- JC Brunet
- JH Whiteley
- JH Whitely
- JJ Gautier
- JJC Hoo
- JL Bayer
- JR Blank
- JR Blank
- JR Blank
- JV Hardy
- K Barteld
- K Narita
- K Narita
- K Segawa
- KA Ridal
- KA Ridal
- KE Burke
- KE Volk
- KH Mertins
- LE Grant
- LH Vlack Van
- LL Chin
- M Frohlke
- M Ihida
- M Morait
- M Sarracino
- M Sasaki
- MA Scheil
- MS Aronovich
- MS Mikhalev
- NE Hannerz
- NI Iwamoto
- O Kammori
- O Kammori
- P Dickens
- PH Lindon
- R Graham
- R Hunter
- R Kusaka
- R Perrin
- R Roche
- R Roche
- RA Bloom
- RA Rege
- RB Snow
- RG Smerko
- RG Wells
- RN Cressman
- RT DeHoff
- RT DeHoff
- RT DeHoff
- RT DeHoff
- S Alisanova
- S Bergh
- S Bergh
- S Bergh
- S Bergh
- S Ekerot
- S Ekerot
- S Epstein
- S Johansson
- S Johansson
- S Johansson
- S Johansson
- S Johansson
- S Johansson
- S Maekawa
- S Morykwas
- SD Wicksel
- SD Wicksel
- SL Hoyt
- SS Daniel
- T Ernst
- T Fastner
- T Kelly
- T Malkiewicz
- T Reti
- T Swinden
- T Werlefors
- TE Rooney
- TJ Baker
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- TR Allmand
- W Bartholome
- W Betteridge
- W Campbell
- W Dahl
- W Pepperhoff
- W Pepperhoff
- W Zieler
- WD Forgeng
- WG Wilson
- WH Burr
- WH Hatfield
- WJ McGonnagle
- WM Wojcik
- WM Wojcik
- WW Bayre
- YN Malinochka
- Z Buzek
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1980
- Field of study