1,054 research outputs found

    Effective Action and Holography in 5D Gauge Theories

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    We apply the holographic method to 5D gauge theories on the warped interval. Our treatment includes the scalars associated with the fifth gauge field component, which appear as 4D Goldstone bosons in the holographic effective action. Applications are considered to two classes of models in which these scalars play an important role. In the Composite-Higgs (and/or Gauge-Higgs Unification) scenario, the scalars are interpreted as the Higgs field and we use the holographic recipe to compute its one-loop potential. In AdS/QCD models, the scalars are identified with the mesons and we compute holographically the Chiral Perturbation Theory Lagrangian up to p^4 order. We also discuss, using the holographic perspective, the effect of including a Chern-Simons term in the 5D gauge Lagrangian. We show that it makes a Wess-Zumino-Witten term to appear in the holographic effective action. This is immediately applied to AdS/QCD, where a Chern-Simons term is needed in order to mimic the Adler-Bardeen chiral anomaly.Comment: 37 pages; v2, minor changes, one reference added; v3, minor corrections, version published in JHE

    Proxêmica das experiências infantis do brincar arriscado em equipamento específico de lazer

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    Proxemics studies the relationship between bodies and the space around them. We adopted it as a theoretical-methodological research model for participant observation in territories of risky play. To this end, we conducted a field study in children's playgrounds. Based on the mobilized reference, we found that children self-organize and build, in a relational way, patterns of bodily approximation that reflect their interests in intergenerational or peer relationships. Because of this, we found in children's proxemics a privileged way of listening to and unveiling children's participation, highlighting how they organize their relationship with others and with the territory of play.La proxémica investiga la relación entre el cuerpo y el espacio circundante. Lo adoptamos aquí como un modelo teórico y metodológico que implica observar participativamente territorios de juegos de riesgo. Para ello, llevamos a cabo una investigación de campo en parques infantiles. Identificamos que los niños se organizan y desarrollan relacionalmente tácticas de proximidad corporal que reflejan sus intereses en la relación intergeneracional o la relación entre pares. Ante eso, encontramos en la proxémica infantil una posibilidad privilegiada de escuchar y develar la participación de los niños, enfatizando cómo organizan la relación con el otro y el territorio del juego.Proxêmica estuda a relação entre corpos e o espaço circundante. Nós a adotamos como modelo teórico-metodológico de pesquisa para observação participante em territórios de brincar arriscado. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo de campo em parques infantis. A partir do referencial mobilizado, identificamos que as crianças se auto-organizam e, de forma relacional, constroem padrões de aproximação corporal que refletem seus interesses na relação intergeracional ou entre pares. Frente a isto, encontramos na proxemia infantil uma possibilidade privilegiada de escuta e de desvelamento da participação das crianças, enfatizando como elas organizam a relação com o outro e com o território do brincar

    Zeus’ pain: did he experience a thunderclap headache?

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    Zeus is known as the king of the gods and god of the sky. His attributes are lightning and thunder and he is often depicted about to hurl them. According to Greek mythology, Zeus molested the titan Metis and decided to swallow her when she was pregnant, which resulted in an excruciating headache, only relieved after a craniotomy performed using Hephaestus’ axe. The result of this procedure was the birth of Athena, Zeus’ daughter. We conducted a combined analysis of some writings such as the classical mythological poem Theogony by Hesiod, and some other books that examine and retell myths and legends of ancient Greece, with medical papers on this topic, trying to characterize Zeus’ headache. Would it be possible to fit Zeus’ headache into the group of thunderclap headaches

    State of the Art of Aviation Safety Reporting in Europe

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    Since the introduction of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council in 2014, [1], EU Member States and EASA have been required to publish the Annual Safety Review (ASR). The ASR contains an overview of the safety statistics in each Member State, reporting numerical indicators and graphical representations. Its goal is to describe national aviation safety scenarios on which appropriate preventive measures can be based. Among the diversity of reporting practices within the EU Member States, it is possible to find a common set of criteria for the analysis of ASRs, to design homogeneous and data-driven safety measures across the continent. Currently, the main obstacles to our approach arise from the wide variety of reporting styles and the lack of shared guidelines for ASRs. This paper proposes a template to assist EU Member States in the process of producing their ASRs and presents a comparative analysis of a selected subset of these documents

    Clinical and radiological features of main dementias

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    Dementia is a syndrome characterized by a decline of two or more cognitive functions, affecting social or professional life. Alzheimer’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that represents 53% of dementia cases; memory loss, inability to recognize faces, impaired judgement, disorientation and confusion are possible common symptoms. Vascular Dementia is responsible for 42% of dementia cases, due to cerebrovascular pathologies, and the clinical aspects are related to the extension and location of the brain injury. Lewy Bodies Dementia is a neurodegenerative disorder that represents 15% of dementia cases, and its symptoms include visual hallucinations, parkinsonism and fluctuating cognitive decline. Frontotemporal dementia is a group of clinical syndromes, divided in Behavioral-variant, characterized by disinhibition, compulsions, apathy, aberrant sexual behavior and executive dysfunction; and Primary Progressive Aphasia, which is subdivided in Nonfluentvariant and Semantic-variant. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a reversible cause of dementia, with a wide clinical feature, that includes psychiatric symptoms such as depression and irritability, hematological symptoms related to anemia (e.g. dyspnea and fatigue), and neurological symptoms including dementia and neuropathy. Normal pressure hydrocephalus is also reversible, presenting forgetfulness, changes in mood, decline of executive functions, reduced attention, and a lack of interest in daily activities as symptoms. The radiological findings vary depending on the etiology of dementia. For that reason, understanding neuroimaging and clinical aspects is important to diagnose effectivel

    Different etiologies of superficial siderosis

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    Superficial Siderosis (SS) is an uncommon condition caused by hemosiderin deposition into the subarachnoid space. SS is characterized by cerebellar ataxia, progressive sensorineural hearing loss and pyramidal signs, but is often an unrecognized disorder. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the diagnostic procedure of choice due its high sensitivity to hemosiderin deposits in addition to being a non-invasive exam. This paper aims to describe a case of SS and to perform a literature review about SS etiologies, neuroimaging features and clinical characteristics. A 65-year-old man came to a neurology outpatient clinic with seizures and cerebellar ataxia with a history of car accident and severe traumatic brain injury 45 years ago. MRI SWAN showed a hyposignal in the cisterns of the base and on the cerebellar surface and T1-weighted images left hippocampal sclerosis