11 research outputs found

    Slow movement of a random walk on the range of a random walk in the presence of an external field

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    In this article, a localisation result is proved for the biased random walk on the range of a simple random walk in high dimensions (d \geq 5). This demonstrates that, unlike in the supercritical percolation setting, a slowdown effect occurs as soon a non-trivial bias is introduced. The proof applies a decomposition of the underlying simple random walk path at its cut-times to relate the associated biased random walk to a one-dimensional random walk in a random environment in Sinai's regime

    Quenched localisation of in the Bouchaud trap model with regularly varying trap

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    This article describes the quenched localisation behaviour of the Bouchaud trap model on the integers with regularly varying traps. In particular, it establishes that for almost every trapping landscape there exist arbitrarily large times at which the system is highly localised on one site, and also arbitrarily large times at which the system is completely delocalised

    Quenched localisation of in the Bouchaud trap model with regularly varying trap

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    This article describes the quenched localisation behaviour of the Bouchaud trap model on the integers with regularly varying traps. In particular, it establishes that for almost every trapping landscape there exist arbitrarily large times at which the system is highly localised on one site, and also arbitrarily large times at which the system is completely delocalised

    Quenched localisation in the Bouchaud trap model with slowly varying traps

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    We consider the quenched localisation of the Bouchaud trap model on the positive integers in the case that the trap distribution has a slowly varying tail at infinity. Our main result is that for each N∈{2,3,…}N∈{2,3,…} there exists a slowly varying tail such that quenched localisation occurs on exactly N sites. As far as we are aware, this is the first example of a model in which the exact number of localisation sites are able to be ‘tuned’ according to the model parameters. Key intuition for this result is provided by an observation about the sum-max ratio for sequences of independent and identically distributed random variables with a slowly varying distributional tail, which is of independent interest

    Central limit theorems for the spectra of classes of random fractals

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    We discuss the spectral asymptotics of some open subsets of the real line with random fractal boundary and of a random fractal, the continuum random tree. In the case of open subsets with random fractal boundary we establish the existence of the second order term in the asymptotics almost surely and then determine when there will be a central limit theorem which captures the fluctuations around this limit. We will show examples from a class of random fractals generated from Dirichlet distributions as this is a relatively simple setting in which there are sets where there will and will not be a central limit theorem. The Brownian continuum random tree can also be viewed as a random fractal generated by a Dirichlet distribution. The first order term in the spectral asymptotics is known almost surely and here we show that there is a central limit theorem describing the fluctuations about this, though the positivity of the variance arising in the central limit theorem is left open. In both cases these fractals can be described through a general Crump-Mode-Jagers branching process and we exploit this connection to establish our central limit theorems for the higher order terms in the spectral asymptotics. Our main tool is a central limit theorem for such general branching processes which we prove under conditions which are weaker than those previously known

    Central limit theorems for the spectra of classes of random fractals

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    We discuss the spectral asymptotics of some open subsets of the real line with random fractal boundary and of a random fractal, the continuum random tree. In the case of open subsets with random fractal boundary we establish the existence of the second order term in the asymptotics almost surely and then determine when there will be a central limit theorem which captures the fluctuations around this limit. We will show examples from a class of random fractals generated from Dirichlet distributions as this is a relatively simple setting in which there are sets where there will and will not be a central limit theorem. The Brownian continuum random tree can also be viewed as a random fractal generated by a Dirichlet distribution. The first order term in the spectral asymptotics is known almost surely and here we show that there is a central limit theorem describing the fluctuations about this, though the positivity of the variance arising in the central limit theorem is left open. In both cases these fractals can be described through a general Crump-Mode-Jagers branching process and we exploit this connection to establish our central limit theorems for the higher order terms in the spectral asymptotics. Our main tool is a central limit theorem for such general branching processes which we prove under conditions which are weaker than those previously known

    Quenched localisation in the Bouchaud trap model with slowly varying traps

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    We consider the quenched localisation of the Bouchaud trap model on the positive integers in the case that the trap distribution has a slowly varying tail at infinity. Our main result is that for each N∈{2,3,…}N∈{2,3,…} there exists a slowly varying tail such that quenched localisation occurs on exactly N sites. As far as we are aware, this is the first example of a model in which the exact number of localisation sites are able to be ‘tuned’ according to the model parameters. Key intuition for this result is provided by an observation about the sum-max ratio for sequences of independent and identically distributed random variables with a slowly varying distributional tail, which is of independent interest

    Time-changes of stochastic processes associated with resistance forms

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    Given a sequence of resistance forms that converges with respect to the Gromov-Hausdorff-vague topology and satisfies a uniform volume doubling condition, we show the convergence of corresponding Brownian motions and local times. As a corollary of this, we obtain the convergence of time-changed processes. Examples of our main results include scaling limits of Liouville Brownian motion, the Bouchaud trap model and the random conductance model on trees and self-similar fractals. For the latter two models, we show that under some assumptions the limiting process is a FIN diffusion on the relevant space.</p