46 research outputs found

    Percolation in the classical blockmodel

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    Classical blockmodel is known as the simplest among models of networks with community structure. The model can be also seen as an extremely simply example of interconnected networks. For this reason, it is surprising that the percolation transition in the classical blockmodel has not been examined so far, although the phenomenon has been studied in a variety of much more complicated models of interconnected and multiplex networks. In this paper we derive the self-consistent equation for the size the global percolation cluster in the classical blockmodel. We also find the condition for percolation threshold which characterizes the emergence of the giant component. We show that the discussed percolation phenomenon may cause unexpected problems in a simple optimization process of the multilevel network construction. Numerical simulations confirm the correctness of our theoretical derivations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Post-irradiation deformation in a Fe-9%Cr alloy

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    The deformed microstructures of both irradiated and unirradiated Fe-9%Cr (Fe-9Cr) uniaxial tensile specimens have been examined to identify controlling mechanisms. Deformation following irradiation is found to occur in poorly defined channels about 100 nm wide, causing formation of discrete steps at surfaces and, interestingly, designated by nonuniformly distributed highly elongated voids. Deformation is by motion of a(0)/2 dislocations, which interact with and decompose irradiation-induced a(0) loops. The structure formed after extensive deformation consists of highly complex cell walls and moderate densities of individual slip dislocations. It appears that the deformation mechanism is channeling. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved