62 research outputs found

    Metal strippers : their science and technology

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    Metal strippers in the electroplating industry are often considered to be necessary evils: they add additional processing and cost to correct earlier processing deficiencies yet enable expensive component substrates to be re-coated for prime engineering usage. The stripper solution formulations are generally traditional or proprietary and either way are open to better understanding and effective enhancement. This article explains their usage and formulation and indicates how they may be logically developed for new applications

    Hull and his cell

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    Hull and his cel

    Watts of Watts nickel fame

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    Watts of Watts nickel fam

    Dr. Abner Brenner

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    Dr. Abner Brenne

    The centenary of Tafel's equation

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    The year 2005 has several historical scientific connotations notably the anniversaries for the equations of Einstein (1905) and Maxwell (1855). However, for electrochemical scientists Tafel has an anniversary of special note: the centenary of his famous equation

    Butler and electrocrystallisation

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    Butler and electrocrystallisatio

    Samuel Field - founding father of the IMF

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    Samuel Field - founding father of the IM

    Arthur W. Hothersall : pioneering researcher

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    All members of the IMF will know of the name Hothersall by virtue of the Institute’s Medal award and lecture, but many will not know of his great influence in the early days of the Institute and metal finishing research in the UK. It is not clear whether he was a founding member but he was certainly an early member recruited by Donald J. MacNaughton, who was a founder with Samuel Field and others, and for whom he worked and succeeded at the Woolwich ‘Arsenal’ Research Department

    Process agitation : from air bubbling to eductor jetting

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    Agitation has always been recognised as a necessary parameter for electrodeposition. However since its inception in 1840 the purpose has changed from avoiding stagnation to increasing production rates and quality properties of the deposit. Consequently the mode of agitation has changed substantially. The methods and purposes of agitation are discussed and related to the enhanced characteristics achieved and the disadvantages which may arise

    Optimisation of nickel electrodeposition solutions for power usage

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    If electroplating processes are to be truly ‘green’ a number of issues must be addressed, notably water and electrical power usage. Electricity is used both for the driving of the process itself and for some of the process conditions, eg. temperature, agitation etc. The study of solution conductivity for electroplating solutions shows how some electrical power saving can be achieved. In the case of nickel small gains can be made by optimising solution concentrations but greater gains are attainable by the use of air-free agitation
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