14 research outputs found

    Automatic Extraction of Destinations, Origins and Route Parts from Human Generated Route Directions

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    Researchers from the cognitive and spatial sciences are studying text descriptions of movement patterns in order to examine how humans communicate and understand spatial information. In particular, route directions offer a rich source of information on how cognitive systems conceptualize movement patterns by segmenting them into meaningful parts. Route directions are composed using a plethora of cognitive spatial organization principles: changing levels of granularity, hierarchical organization, incorporation of cognitively and perceptually salient elements, and so forth. Identifying such information in text documents automatically is crucial for enabling machine-understanding of human spatial language. The benefits are: a) creating opportunities for large-scale studies of human linguistic behavior; b) extracting and georeferencing salient entities (landmarks) that are used by human route direction providers; c) developing methods to translate route directions to sketches and maps; and d) enabling queries on large corpora of crawled/analyzed movement data. In this paper, we introduce our approach and implementations that bring us closer to the goal of automatically processing linguistic route directions. We report on research directed at one part of the larger problem, that is, extracting the three most critical parts of route directions and movement patterns in general: origin, destination, and route parts. We use machine-learning based algorithms to extract these parts of routes, including, for example, destination names and types. We prove the effectiveness of our approach in several experiments using hand-tagged corpora

    Statistical Language Modelling

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    Grammar-based natural language processing has reached a level where it can `understand' language to a limited degree in restricted domains. For example, it is possible to parse textual material very accurately and assign semantic relations to parts of sentences. An alternative approach originates from the work of Shannon over half a century ago [41], [42]. This approach assigns probabilities to linguistic events, where mathematical models are used to represent statistical knowledge. Once models are built, we decide which event is more likely than the others according to their probabilities. Although statistical methods currently use a very impoverished representation of speech and language (typically finite state), it is possible to train the underlying models from large amounts of data. Importantly, such statistical approaches often produce useful results. Statistical approaches seem especially well-suited to spoken language which is often spontaneous or conversational and not readily amenable to standard grammar-based approaches

    Entity Network Prediction Using Multitype Topic Models

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    CRF Models for Tamil Part of Speech Tagging and Chunking

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    Automatic Time Expression Labeling for English and Chinese Text

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    Abstract. In this paper, we describe systems for automatic labeling of time expressions occurring in English and Chinese text as specified in the ACE Temporal Expression Recognition and Normalization (TERN) task. We cast the chunking of text into time expressions as a tagging problem using a bracketed representation at token level, which takes into account embedded constructs. We adopted a left-to-right, token-by-token, discriminative, deterministic classification scheme to determine the tags for each token. A number of features are created from a predefined context centered at each token and augmented with decisions from a rule-based time expression tagger and/or a statistical time expression tagger trained on different type of text data, assuming they provide complementary information. We trained one-versus-all multi-class classifiers using support vector machines. We participated in the TERN 2004 recognition task and achieved competitive results.

    Tagging Complex NEs with MaxEnt Models: Layered Structures Versus Extended Tagset

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    The paper discusses two policies for recognizing NEs with complex structures by maximum entropy models. One policy is to develop cascaded MaxEnt models at different levels. The other is to design more detailed tags with human knowledge in order to represent complex structures. The experiments on Chinese organization names recognition indicate that layered structures result in more accurate models while extended tags can not lead to positive results as expected. We empirically prove that the {start, continue, end, unique, other} tag set is the best tag set for NE recognition with MaxEnt models.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000228359800057&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Computer Science, Artificial IntelligenceSCI(E)CPCI-S(ISTP)

    A Greek named-entity recognizer that uses Support Vector Machines and active learning

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    Abstract. We present a named-entity recognizer for Greek person names and temporal expressions. For temporal expressions, it relies on semiautomatically produced patterns. For person names, it employs two Support Vector Machines, that scan the input text in two passes, and active learning, which reduces the human annotation effort during training.

    A Novel Hybrid Approach to Arabic Named Entity Recognition

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    Token identification using HMM and PPM models

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    Hidden markov models (HMMs) and prediction by partial matching models (PPM) have been successfully used in language processing tasks including learning-based token identification. Most of the existing systems are domain- and language-dependent. The power of retargetability and applicability of these systems is limited. This paper investigates the effect of the combination of HMMs and PPM on token identification. We implement a system that bridges the two well known methods through words new to the identification model. The system is fully domain- and language-independent. No changes of code are necessary when applying to other domains or languages. The only required input of the system is an annotated corpus. The system has been tested on two corpora and achieved an overall F-measure of 69.02% for TCC, and 76.59% for BIB. Although the performance is not as good as that obtained from a system with language-dependent components, our proposed system has power to deal with large scope of domain- and language-independent problem. Identification of date has the best result, 73% and 92% of correct tokens are identified for two corpora respectively. The system also performs reasonably well on people s name with correct tokens of 68% for TCC, and 76% for BIB