104 research outputs found

    Developmental simulation of the adult cranial morphology of australopithecus sediba.

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    The type specimen of Australopithecus sediba (MH1) is a late juvenile, prompting some commentators to suggest that had it lived to adulthood its morphology would have changed sufficiently so as to render hypotheses regarding its phylogenetic relations suspect. Considering the potentially critical position of this species with regard to the origins of the genus Homo, a deeper understanding of this change is especially vital. As an empirical response to this critique, a developmental simulation of the MH1 cranium was carried out using geometric morphometric techniques to extrapolate adult morphology using extant male and female chimpanzees, gorillas and humans by modelling remaining development. Multivariate comparisons of the simulated adult A. sediba crania with other early hominin taxa indicate that subsequent cranial development primarily reflects development of secondary sexual characteristics and would not likely be substantial enough to alter suggested morphological affinities of A. sediba. This study also illustrates the importance of separating developmental vectors by sex when estimating ontogenetic change. Results of the ontogenetic projections concur with those from mandible morphology, and jointly affirm the taxonomic validity of A. sediba.Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and National Geographic Society.NCS201

    Coarse-Graining and Renormalization Group in the Einstein Universe

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    The Kadanoff-Wilson renormalization group approach for a scalar self-interacting field theor generally coupled with gravity is presented. An average potential that monitors the fluctuations of the blocked field in different scaling regimes is constructed in a nonflat background and explicitly computed within the loop-expansion approximation for an Einstein universe. The curvature turns out to be dominant in setting the crossover scale from a double-peak and a symmetric distribution of the block variables. The evolution of all the coupling constants generated by the blocking procedure is examined: the renormalized trajectories agree with the standard perturbative results for the relevant vertices near the ultraviolet fixed point, but new effective interactions between gravity and matter are present. The flow of the conformal coupling constant is therefore analyzed in the improved scheme and the infrared fixed point is reached for arbitrary values of the renormalized parameters.Comment: 18 pages, REVTex, two uuencoded figures. (to appear in Phys. Rev. D15, July) Transmission errors have been correcte

    Quantized bulk scalar fields in the Randall-Sundrum brane-model

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    We examine the lowest order quantum corrections to the effective action arising from a quantized real scalar field in the Randall-Sundrum background spacetime. The leading term is the familiar vacuum, or Casimir, energy density. The next term represents an induced gravity term that can renormalize the 4-dimensional Newtonian gravitational constant. The calculations are performed for an arbitrary spacetime dimension. Two inequivalent boundary conditions, corresponding to twisted and untwisted field configurations, are considered. A careful discussion of the regularization and renormalization of the effective action is given, with the relevant counterterms found. It is shown that the requirement of self-consistency of the Randall-Sundrum solution is not simply a matter of minimizing the Casimir energy density. The massless, conformally coupled scalar field results are obtained as a special limiting case of our results. We clarify a number of differences with previous work.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Measurement of the space-time interval between two events using the retarded and advanced times of each event with respect to a time-like world-line

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    Several recent studies have been devoted to investigating the limitations that ordinary quantum mechanics and/or quantum gravity might impose on the measurability of space-time observables. These analyses are often confined to the simplified context of two-dimensional flat space-time and rely on a simple procedure for the measurement of space-like distances based on the exchange of light signals. We present a generalization of this measurement procedure applicable to all three types of space-time intervals between two events in space-times of any number of dimensions. We also present some preliminary observations on an alternative measurement procedure that can be applied taking into account the gravitational field of the measuring apparatus, and briefly discuss quantum limitations of measurability in this context.Comment: 17 page

    Bose-Einstein condensation for interacting scalar fields in curved spacetime

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    We consider the model of self-interacting complex scalar fields with a rigid gauge invariance under an arbitrary gauge group GG. In order to analyze the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation finite temperature and the possibility of a finite background charge is included. Different approaches to derive the relevant high-temperature behaviour of the theory are presented.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Super-Hubble de Sitter Fluctuations and the Dynamical RG

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    Perturbative corrections to correlation functions for interacting theories in de Sitter spacetime often grow secularly with time, due to the properties of fluctuations on super-Hubble scales. This growth can lead to a breakdown of perturbation theory at late times. We argue that Dynamical Renormalization Group (DRG) techniques provide a convenient framework for interpreting and resumming these secularly growing terms. In the case of a massless scalar field in de Sitter with quartic self-interaction, the resummed result is also less singular in the infrared, in precisely the manner expected if a dynamical mass is generated. We compare this improved infrared behavior with large-N expansions when applicable.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Stochastic Theory of Accelerated Detectors in a Quantum Field

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    We analyze the statistical mechanical properties of n-detectors in arbitrary states of motion interacting with each other via a quantum field. We use the open system concept and the influence functional method to calculate the influence of quantum fields on detectors in motion, and the mutual influence of detectors via fields. We discuss the difference between self and mutual impedance and advanced and retarded noise. The mutual effects of detectors on each other can be studied from the Langevin equations derived from the influence functional, as it contains the backreaction of the field on the system self-consistently. We show the existence of general fluctuation- dissipation relations, and for trajectories without event horizons, correlation-propagation relations, which succinctly encapsulate these quantum statistical phenomena. These findings serve to clarify some existing confusions in the accelerated detector problem. The general methodology presented here could also serve as a platform to explore the quantum statistical properties of particles and fields, with practical applications in atomic and optical physics problems.Comment: 32 pages, Late

    Quantized bulk fermions in the Randall-Sundrum brane model

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    The lowest order quantum corrections to the effective action arising from quantized massive fermion fields in the Randall-Sundrum background spacetime are computed. The boundary conditions and their relation with gauge invariance are examined in detail. The possibility of Wilson loop symmetry breaking in brane models is also analysed. The self-consistency requirements, previously considered in the case of a quantized bulk scalar field, are extended to include the contribution from massive fermions. It is shown that in this case it is possible to stabilize the radius of the extra dimensions but it is not possible to simultaneously solve the hierarchy problem, unless the brane tensions are dramatically fine tuned, supporting previous claims.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, RevTe

    Improved Effective Potential in Curved Spacetime and Quantum Matter - Higher Derivative Gravity Theory

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    \noindent{\large\bf Abstract.} We develop a general formalism to study the renormalization group (RG) improved effective potential for renormalizable gauge theories ---including matter-R2R^2-gravity--- in curved spacetime. The result is given up to quadratic terms in curvature, and one-loop effective potentials may be easiliy obtained from it. As an example, we consider scalar QED, where dimensional transmutation in curved space and the phase structure of the potential (in particular, curvature-induced phase trnasitions), are discussed. For scalar QED with higher-derivative quantum gravity (QG), we examine the influence of QG on dimensional transmutation and calculate QG corrections to the scalar-to-vector mass ratio. The phase structure of the RG-improved effective potential is also studied in this case, and the values of the induced Newton and cosmological coupling constants at the critical point are estimated. Stability of the running scalar coupling in the Yukawa theory with conformally invariant higher-derivative QG, and in the Standard Model with the same addition, is numerically analyzed. We show that, in these models, QG tends to make the scalar sector less unstable.Comment: 23 pages, Oct 17 199
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