15 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative Aspect of Axial Vector Vertex in the Global Color Symmetry Model

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    It is shown how the axial vector current of current quarks is related to that of constituent quarks within the framework of the global color symmetry model. Gluon dressing of the axial vector vertex and the quark self-energy functions is described by the inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation in the ladder approximation and the Schwinger-Dyson equation in the rainbow approximation, respectively.Comment: 10 page

    A variational approach to the QCD wave functional:Dynamical mass generation and confinement

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    We perform a variational calculation in the SU(N) Yang Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions. Our trial variational states are explicitly gauge invariant, and reduce to simple Gaussian states in the zero coupling limit. Our main result is that the energy is minimized for the value of the variational parameter away form the perturbative value. The best variational state is therefore characterized by a dynamically generated mass scale MM. This scale is related to the perturbative scale ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} by the following relation: αQCD(M)=π41N\alpha_{QCD}(M)={\pi\over 4}{1\over N}. Taking the one loop QCD β\beta- function and ΛQCD=150Mev\Lambda_{QCD}=150 Mev we find (for N=3) the vacuum condensate απ=0.008Gev4{\alpha\over \pi}= 0.008 Gev^4.Comment: 37 pages, (1 Figure available upon request), preprint LA-UR-94-2727, PUPT-149

    Abelian-Projected Effective Gauge Theory of QCD with Asymptotic Freedom and Quark Confinement

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    We give an outline of a recent proof that the low-energy effective gauge theory exhibiting quark confinement due to magnetic monopole condensation can be derived from QCD without any specific assumption. We emphasize that the low-energy effective abelian gauge theories obtained here give the dual description of the same physics in the low-energy region. They show that the QCD vacuum is nothing but the dual (type II) superconductor.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, no figures, Talk given at YKIS'97, Non-perturbative QCD, Kyot

    Abelian-Projected Effective Gauge Theory of QCD with Asymptotic Freedom and Quark Confinement

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    Starting from SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions, we prove that the abelian-projected effective gauge theories are written in terms of the maximal abelian gauge field and the dual abelian gauge field interacting with monopole current. This is performed by integrating out all the remaining non-Abelian gauge field belonging to SU(2)/U(1). We show that the resulting abelian gauge theory recovers exactly the same one-loop beta function as the original Yang-Mills theory. Moreover, the dual abelian gauge field becomes massive if the monopole condensation occurs. This result supports the dual superconductor scenario for quark confinement in QCD. We give a criterion of dual superconductivity and point out that the monopole condensation can be estimated from the classical instanton configuration. Therefore there can exist the effective abelian gauge theory which shows both asymptotic freedom and quark confinement based on the dual Meissner mechanism. Inclusion of arbitrary number of fermion flavors is straightforward in this approach. Some implications to lower dimensional case will also be discussed.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, no figures, (2.2, 4.1, 4.3 are modified; 4.4, Appendices A,B,C and references are added. No change in conclusion

    Semileptonic decay constants of octet baryons in the chiral quark-soliton model

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    Based on the recent study of the magnetic moments and axial constants within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model, we investigate the baryon semileptonic decay constants (f1,f2)(f_1,f_2) and (g1,g2)(g_1, g_2). Employing the relations between the diagonal transition matrix elements and off-diagonal ones in the vector and axial-vector channels, we obtain the ratios of baryon semileptonic decay constants f2/f1f_2/f_1 and g1/f1g_1/f_1. The F/DF/D ratio is also discussed and found that the value predicted by the present model naturally lies between that of the Skyrme model and that of the nonrelativistic quark model. The singlet axial constant gA(0)g^{(0)}_A can be expressed in terms of the F/DF/D ratio and gA(3)g^{(3)}_A in the present model and turns out to be small. The results are compared with available experimental data and found to be in good agreement with them. In addition, the induced pseudotensor coupling constants g2/f1g_2/f_1 are calculated, the SU(3) symmetry breaking being considered. The results indicate that the effect of SU(3) symmetry breaking might play an important role for some decay modes in hyperon semileptonic decay.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX is used. No figure. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Can Theta/N Dependence for Gluodynamics be Compatible with 2 pi Periodicity in Theta ?

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    In a number of field theoretical models the vacuum angle \theta enters physics in the combination \theta/N, where N stands generically for the number of colors or flavors, in an apparent contradiction with the expected 2 \pi periodicity in \theta. We argue that a resolution of this puzzle is related to the existence of a number of different \theta dependent sectors in a finite volume formulation, which can not be seen in the naive thermodynamic limit V -> \infty. It is shown that, when the limit V -> \infty is properly defined, physics is always 2 \pi periodic in \theta for any integer, and even rational, values of N, with vacuum doubling at certain values of \theta. We demonstrate this phenomenon in both the multi-flavor Schwinger model with the bosonization technique, and four-dimensional gluodynamics with the effective Lagrangian method. The proposed mechanism works for an arbitrary gauge group.Comment: minor changes in the discussion, a few references are adde

    Four-fermion heavy quark operators and light current amplitudes in heavy flavor hadrons

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    We introduce and study the properties of the "color-straight" four-quark operators containing heavy and light quark fields. They are of the form (\bar b\Gamma_b b)(\bar q\Gamma_q q) where both brackets are color singlets. Their expectation values include the bulk of the nonfactorizable contributions to the nonleptonic decay widths of heavy hadrons. The expectation values of the color-straight operators in the heavy hadrons are related to the momentum integrals of the elastic light-quark formfactors of the respective heavy hadron. We calculate the asymptotic behavior of the light-current formfactors of heavy hadrons and show that the actual decrease is 1/(q^2)^3/2 rather than 1/q^4. The two-loop hybrid anomalous dimensions of the four-quark operators and their mixing (absent in the first loop) are obtained. Using plausible models for the elastic formfactors, we estimate the expectation values of the color-straight operators in the heavy mesons and baryons. Improved estimates will be possible in the future with new data on the radiative decays of heavy hadrons. We give the Wilson coefficients of the four-fermion operators in the 1/m_b expansion of the inclusive widths and discuss the numerical predictions. Estimates of the nonfactorizable expectation values are given.Comment: 51 pages. The case of flavor-singlet operators is added for the two-loop anomalous dimension

    Comprehensive study of the early Yakut Sergelyakh burial of the XV — beginning of the XVI centuries

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    The paper presents a comprehensive study of graves which relate to rare burial sites of the early stage of ethnic history of the Yakuts. The burial belongs to an equestrian warrior. It is confirmed by the findings of the horse harness and fragments of weapons, including a part of a Central Asian composite bow which is unique to the Yakuts, arrowheads and a blade of palma (Siberian pole weapon). The vertebral pathologies and morphological features of femurs also point at riding as a usual way of transportation. Multiple injuries of bones indicate to an aggressive lifestyle. The death of the man was caused by a penetrating injury of the head with a bladed weapon. Craniological characteristics of the man correspond to the South Siberian populations characterized by a combination of Caucasoid and Mongoloid features. In this case, the latter prevails. The ritual funerary complexes correspond to the Ust-Talkin culture, which alongside with cranial features of the man enable us to associate Sergelyakh burial with Turkic part of the Sakha people, which is epically correlated with the legendary Elley Bootur

    The woman’s burial of Atlasovskoe-2 of the xvii century in Central Yakutia: results of a complex research

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    This article presents a complex study of the female burial of the XVII century in Central Yakutia. The burial rite (traces of ritual roasting of the coffin, orientation to the North) and composition of the accompanying inventory (a knife of the non-Yakut origin, a sphero-conical top part of a headdress with a support for a plume, twin overlaid decorative details of the headdress’s crown, a composite pectoral panel picture of sewn-on patches, an earring in the form of a question mark with a biconical bead) determine the peculiarity of the burial, and their nearest parallels can be traced to the Medieval cultures of the Eurasian steppe and forest-steppe nomads, as well as to the population of the Siberian forest and tundra zones of the XVI–XIX centuries. Craniological characteristics of the buried woman draw her closer to the populations of Central Asian and Baikal anthropological types of the North Asian formation