56 research outputs found

    Gauge symmetries and Noether currents in optimal control

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    We extend the second Noether theorem to optimal control problems which are invariant under symmetries depending upon k arbitrary functions of the independent variable and their derivatives up to some order m. As far as we consider a semi-invariance notion, and the transformation group may also depend on the control variables, the result is new even in the classical context of the calculus of variations

    Existence of positive solutions for non local p-Laplacian thermistor problems on time scales

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    We make use of the Guo-Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem on cones to prove existence of positive solutions to a non local p-Laplacian boundary value problem on time scales arising in many applications. © 2007 Victoria University. All rights reserved.CEOCFCTFEDER/POCTISFRH/BPD/20934/200

    Quadratures of Pontryagin extremals for optimal control problems

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    We obtain a method to compute effective first integrals by combining Noether's principle with the Kozlov-Kolesnikov integrability theorem. A sufficient condition for the integrability by quadratures of optimal control problems with controls taking values on open sets is obtained. We illustrate our approach on some problems taken from the literature. An alternative proof of the integrability of the sub-Riemannian nilpotent Lie group of type (2,3,5) is also given.control theory group (cotg)CEOCFCTPOCI/MAT/55524/200

    Evolution strategies in optimization problems

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    Evolution strategies are inspired in biology and form part of a larger research field known as evolutionary algorithms. Those strategies perform a random search in the space of admissible functions, aiming to optimize some given objective function. We show that simple evolution strategies are a useful tool in optimal control, permitting one to obtain, in an efficient way, good approximations to the solutions of some recent and challenging optimal control problems.CEOCFCTFEDER/POCI 201

    Generalized splines in ℝn and optimal control

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    We give a new time-dependent definition of spline curves in ℝn, which extends a recent definition of vector-valued splines introduced by Rodrigues and Silva Leite for the time-independent case. Previous results are based on a variational approach, with lengthy arguments, which do not cover the non-autonomous situation. We show that the previous results are a consequence of the Pontryagin maximum principle, and are easily generalized using the methods of optimal control. Main result asserts that vector-valued splines are related to the Pontryagin extremals of a non-autonomous linear-quadratic optimal control problem

    Nonessential functionals in multiobjective optimal control problems

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    We address the problem of obtaining well-defined criteria for multiple criteria optimal control problems. Necessary and sufficient conditions for an objective functional to be nonessential are proved. The results provide effective tools for determining nonessential objectives in multiobjective optimal control problems

    Optimal control of Newton-type problems of minimal resistance

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    We address Newton-type problems of minimal resistance from an optimal control perspective. It is proven that for Newton-type problems the Pontryagin maximum principle is a necessary and sufficient condition. Solutions are then computed for concrete situations, including the new case when the flux of particles is non-parallel

    Two-dimensional Newton's problem of minimal resistance

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    Newton's problem of minimal resistance is one of the first problems of optimal control: it was proposed, and its solution given, by Isaac Newton in his masterful Principia Mathematica, in 1686. The problem consists of determining, in dimension three, the shape of an axis-symmetric body, with assigned radius and height, which offers minimum resistance when it is moving in a resistant medium. The problem has a very rich history and is well documented in the literature. Of course, at a first glance, one suspects that the two dimensional case should be well known. Nevertheless, we have looked into numerous references and asked at least as many experts on the problem, and we have not been able to identify a single source. Solution was always plausible to everyone who thought about the problem, and writing it down was always thought not to be worthwhile. Here we show that this is not the case: the two-dimensional problem is richer than the classical one, being, in some sense, more interesting. Novelties include: (i) while in the classical three-dimensional problem only the restricted case makes sense (without restriction on the monotonicity of admissible functions the problem does not admit a local minimum), we prove that in dimension two the unrestricted problem is also well-posed when the ratio of height versus radius of base is greater than a given quantity; (ii) while in three dimensions the (restricted) problem has a unique solution, we show that in the restricted two-dimensional problem the minimizer is not always unique - when the height of the body is less or equal than its base radius, there exists infinitely many minimizing functions

    Necessary optimality conditions for fractional action-like problems with intrinsic and observer times

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    We prove higher-order Euler-Lagrange and DuBois-Reymond stationary conditions to fractional action-like variational problems. More general fractional action-like optimal control problems are also considered

    First integrals for problems of calculus of variations on locally convex spaces

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    The fundamental problem of calculus of variations is considered when solutions are differentiable curves on locally convex spaces. Such problems admit an extension of the Eulcr-Lagrange equations (Orlov. 2002) for continuously normally differentiable Lagrangians. Here, we formulate a Legcndre condition and an extension of the classical theorem of Emmy Noethcr, thus obtaining first integrals for problems of the calculus of variations on locally convex spaces. © Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2008