623 research outputs found

    Patterns of organic contaminants in marine mammals with reference to sperm whale strandings

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    Discriminant analysis has been applied to organochlorine contaminant data from a small number (ca 3-25) of 12 different marine mammal species to discriminate between the species on the basis of the chlorobiphenyls (CB) patterns in blubber and account for the effects of age, sex, condition and location of the mammals. The raw data are normalised to a single congener, CB 153, to reduce the effects of life history and sex, after which the discriminant factors are plotted to display the differences between species in relation to the intake and the metabolism of chlorobiphenyls. An understanding of these differences gives a better knowledge of the relative sensibility of these species. The sperm whales were found to have the least ability to metabolise CBs when compared with other cetaceans, although the concentration range observed for total CB was relatively low (265-6,313 µg/kg lipid weight)

    The Rise and Fall of Water Net (Hydrodictyon reticulatum) in New Zealand

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    During the late 1980s to early 1990s a range of aquatic habitats in the central North Island of New Zealand were invaded by the filamentous green alga, water net Hydrodictyon reticulatum (Linn. Lagerheim). The alga caused significant economic and recreational impacts at major sites of infestation, but it was also associated with enhanced invertebrate numbers and was the likely cause of an improvement in the trout fishery. The causes of prolific growth of water net and the range of control options pursued are reviewed. The possible causes of its sudden decline in 1995 are considered, including physical factors, increase in grazer pressure, disease, and loss of genetic vigour

    Abelian D-terms and the superpartner spectrum of anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    We address the tachyonic slepton problem of anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking using abelian D-terms. We demonstrate that the most general extra U(1) symmetry that does not disrupt gauge coupling unification has a large set of possible charges that solves the problem. It is shown that previous studies in this direction that added both an extra hypercharge D-term and another D-term induced by B-L symmetry (or similar) can be mapped into a single D-term of the general ancillary U(1)_a. The U(1)_a formalism enables identifying the sign of squark mass corrections which leads to an upper bound of the entire superpartner spectrum given knowledge of just one superpartner mass.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, [v2] reference added, [v3] Eq. (9) corrected, results unaffected, [v4] version to be published in Phys. Rev. D, expanded parameter space for figures to match tex

    The Superpartner Spectrum of Gaugino Mediation

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    We compute the superpartner masses in a class of models with gaugino mediation (or no-scale) boundary conditions at a scale between the GUT and Planck scales. These models are compelling because they are simple, solve the supersymmetric flavor and CP problems, satisfy all constraints from colliders and cosmology, and predict the superpartner masses in terms of very few parameters. Our analysis includes the renormalization group evolution of the soft-breaking terms above the GUT scale. We show that the running above the GUT scale is largely model independent and find that a phenomenologically viable spectrum is obtained.Comment: 15 page

    TomograPy: A Fast, Instrument-Independent, Solar Tomography Software

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    Solar tomography has progressed rapidly in recent years thanks to the development of robust algorithms and the availability of more powerful computers. It can today provide crucial insights in solving issues related to the line-of-sight integration present in the data of solar imagers and coronagraphs. However, there remain challenges such as the increase of the available volume of data, the handling of the temporal evolution of the observed structures, and the heterogeneity of the data in multi-spacecraft studies. We present a generic software package that can perform fast tomographic inversions that scales linearly with the number of measurements, linearly with the length of the reconstruction cube (and not the number of voxels) and linearly with the number of cores and can use data from different sources and with a variety of physical models: TomograPy (http://nbarbey.github.com/TomograPy/), an open-source software freely available on the Python Package Index. For performance, TomograPy uses a parallelized-projection algorithm. It relies on the World Coordinate System standard to manage various data sources. A variety of inversion algorithms are provided to perform the tomographic-map estimation. A test suite is provided along with the code to ensure software quality. Since it makes use of the Siddon algorithm it is restricted to rectangular parallelepiped voxels but the spherical geometry of the corona can be handled through proper use of priors. We describe the main features of the code and show three practical examples of multi-spacecraft tomographic inversions using STEREO/EUVI and STEREO/COR1 data. Static and smoothly varying temporal evolution models are presented.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Supersymmetric Unification Without Low Energy Supersymmetry And Signatures for Fine-Tuning at the LHC

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    The cosmological constant problem is a failure of naturalness and suggests that a fine-tuning mechanism is at work, which may also address the hierarchy problem. An example -- supported by Weinberg's successful prediction of the cosmological constant -- is the potentially vast landscape of vacua in string theory, where the existence of galaxies and atoms is promoted to a vacuum selection criterion. Then, low energy SUSY becomes unnecessary, and supersymmetry -- if present in the fundamental theory -- can be broken near the unification scale. All the scalars of the supersymmetric standard model become ultraheavy, except for a single finely tuned Higgs. Yet, the fermions of the supersymmetric standard model can remain light, protected by chiral symmetry, and account for the successful unification of gauge couplings. This framework removes all the difficulties of the SSM: the absence of a light Higgs and sparticles, dimension five proton decay, SUSY flavor and CP problems, and the cosmological gravitino and moduli problems. High-scale SUSY breaking raises the mass of the light Higgs to about 120-150 GeV. The gluino is strikingly long lived, and a measurement of its lifetime can determine the ultraheavy scalar mass scale. Measuring the four Yukawa couplings of the Higgs to the gauginos and higgsinos precisely tests for high-scale SUSY. These ideas, if confirmed, will demonstrate that supersymmetry is present but irrelevant for the hierarchy problem -- just as it has been irrelevant for the cosmological constant problem -- strongly suggesting the existence of a fine-tuning mechanism in nature.Comment: Typos and equations fixed, references adde

    Higgs boson mass limits in perturbative unification theories

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    Motivated in part by recent demonstrations that electroweak unification into a simple group may occur at a low scale, we detail the requirements on the Higgs mass if the unification is to be perturbative. We do this for the Standard Model effective theory, minimal supersymmetry, and next-to-minimal supersymmetry with an additional singlet field. Within the Standard Model framework, we find that perturbative unification with sin2(thetaW)=1/4 occurs at Lambda=3.8 TeV and requires mh<460 GeV, whereas perturbative unification with sin2(thetaW)=3/8 requires mh<200 GeV. In supersymmetry, the presentation of the Higgs mass predictions can be significantly simplified, yet remain meaningful, by using a single supersymmetry breaking parameter Delta_S. We present Higgs mass limits in terms of Delta_S for the minimal supersymmetric model and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model. We show that in next-to-minimal supersymmetry, the Higgs mass upper limit can be as large as 500 GeV even for moderate supersymmetry masses if the perturbative unification scale is low (e.g., Lambda=10 TeV).Comment: 20 pages, latex, 6 figures, references adde

    British airways’ move to Terminal 5 at London Heathrow airport: A statistical analysis of transfer baggage performance

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    This article was published in the serial, Journal of Air Transport Management [© Elsevier]. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969699710000876This paper investigates transfer baggage performance when British Airways’ occupancy of Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport took place. Operational data on transfer baggage performance are collated from BA performance scorecards and the Gini coefficient is used as a measure of consolidation of flight operations within a single terminal and in the investigation of correlation of consolidated flights in Terminal 5 with transfer baggage performance variation. The relationship between consolidation of operations in the terminal and improving transfer baggage performance is found to be significant. In addition, there is evidence of significant changes in transfer baggage performance on switch phases of flights as they were moved to Terminal 5 in steps. The exclusive use of a terminal gives improved performance

    The position of graptolites within Lower Palaeozoic planktic ecosystems.

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    An integrated approach has been used to assess the palaeoecology of graptolites both as a discrete group and also as a part of the biota present within Ordovician and Silurian planktic realms. Study of the functional morphology of graptolites and comparisons with recent ecological analogues demonstrates that graptolites most probably filled a variety of niches as primary consumers, with modes of life related to the colony morphotype. Graptolite coloniality was extremely ordered, lacking any close morphological analogues in Recent faunas. To obtain maximum functional efficiency, graptolites would have needed varying degrees of coordinated automobility. A change in lifestyle related to ontogenetic changes was prevalent within many graptolite groups. Differing lifestyle was reflected by differing reproductive strategies, with synrhabdosomes most likely being a method for rapid asexual reproduction. Direct evidence in the form of graptolithophage 'coprolitic' bodies, as well as indirect evidence in the form of probable defensive adaptations, indicate that graptolites comprised a food item for a variety of predators. Graptolites were also hosts to a variety of parasitic organisms and provided an important nutrient source for scavenging organisms

    Spectral and transport properties of doped Mott-Hubbard systems with incommensurate magnetic order

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    We present spectral and optical properties of the Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice using a generalization of dynamical mean-field theory to magnetic states in finite dimension. The self-energy includes the effect of spin fluctuations and screening of the Coulomb interaction due to particle-particle scattering. At half-filling the quasiparticles reduce the width of the Mott-Hubbard `gap' and have dispersions and spectral weights that agree remarkably well with quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization calculations. Away from half-filling we consider incommensurate magnetic order with a varying local spin direction, and derive the photoemission and optical spectra. The incommensurate magnetic order leads to a pseudogap which opens at the Fermi energy and coexists with a large Mott-Hubbard gap. The quasiparticle states survive in the doped systems, but their dispersion is modified with the doping and a rigid band picture does not apply. Spectral weight in the optical conductivity is transferred to lower energies and the Drude weight increases linearly with increasing doping. We show that incommensurate magnetic order leads also to mid-gap states in the optical spectra and to decreased scattering rates in the transport processes, in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in doped systems. The gradual disappearence of the spiral magnetic order and the vanishing pseudogap with increasing temperature is found to be responsible for the linear resistivity. We discuss the possible reasons why these results may only partially explain the features observed in the optical spectra of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure