2 research outputs found

    Fabry-Perot interference and spin filtering in carbon nanotubes

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    We study the two-terminal transport properties of a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube with good contacts to electrodes, which have recently been shown [W. Liang et al, Nature 441, 665-669 (2001)] to conduct ballistically with weak backscattering occurring mainly at the two contacts. The measured conductance, as a function of bias and gate voltages, shows an oscillating pattern of quantum interference. We show how such patterns can be understood and calculated, taking into account Luttinger liquid effects resulting from strong Coulomb interactions in the nanotube. We treat back-scattering in the contacts perturbatively and use the Keldysh formalism to treat non-equilibrium effects due to the non-zero bias voltage. Going beyond current experiments, we include the effects of possible ferromagnetic polarization of the leads to describe spin transport in carbon nanotubes. We thereby describe both incoherent spin injection and coherent resonant spin transport between the two leads. Spin currents can be produced in both ways, but only the latter allow this spin current to be controlled using an external gate. In all cases, the spin currents, charge currents, and magnetization of the nanotube exhibit components varying quasiperiodically with bias voltage, approximately as a superposition of periodic interference oscillations of spin- and charge-carrying ``quasiparticles'' in the nanotube, each with its own period. The amplitude of the higher-period signal is largest in single-mode quantum wires, and is somewhat suppressed in metallic nanotubes due to their sub-band degeneracy.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Spin Exciton in quantum dot with spin orbit coupling in high magnetic field

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    Coulomb interactions of few (N N ) electrons confined in a disk shaped quantum dot, with a large magnetic field B=B∗B=B^* applied in the z-direction (orthogonal to the dot), produce a fully spin polarized ground state. We numerically study the splitting of the levels corresponding to the multiplet of total spin S=N/2S=N/2 (each labeled by a different total angular momentum Jz J_z ) in presence of an electric field parallel to B B , coupled to S S by a Rashba term. We find that the first excited state is a spin exciton with a reversed spin at the origin. This is reminiscent of the Quantum Hall Ferromagnet at filling one which has the skyrmion-like state as its first excited state. The spin exciton level can be tuned with the electric field and infrared radiation can provide energy and angular momentum to excite it.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. submitted to Phys.Rev.