311 research outputs found

    Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering under Spin-Isospin Reversal in Large-N_c QCD

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    The spin-flavor structure of certain nucleon-nucleon scattering observables derived from the large N_c limit of QCD in the kinematical regime where time-dependent mean-field theory is valid is discussed. In previous work, this regime was taken to be where the external momentum was of order N_c which precluded the study of differential cross sections in elastic scattering. Here it is shown that the regime extends down to order N_c^{1/2} which includes the higher end of the elastic regime. The prediction is that in the large N_c limit, observables describable via mean-field theory are unchanged when the spin and isospin of either nucleon are both flipped. This prediction is tested for proton-proton and neutron-proton elastic scattering data and found to fail badly. We argue that this failure can be traced to a lack of a clear separation of scales between momentum of order N_c^{1/2} and N_c^1 when N_c is as small as three. The situation is compounded by an anomalously low particle production threshold due to approximate chiral symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Saxion Emission from SN1987A

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    We study the possibility of emission of the saxion, a superpartner of the axion, from SN1987A. The fact that the observed neutrino pulse from SN1987A is in excellent agreement with the current theory of supernovae places a strong bound on the energy loss into any non-standard model channel, therefore enabling bounds to be placed on the decay constant, f_a, of a light saxion. The low-energy coupling of the saxion, which couples at high energies to the QCD gauge field strength, is expected to be enhanced from QCD scaling, making it interesting to investigate if the saxion could place stronger bounds on f_a than the axion itself. Moreover, since the properties of the saxion are determined by f_a, a constraint on this parameter can be translated into a constraint on the supersymmetry breaking scale. We find that the bound on f_a from saxion emission is comparable with the one derived from axion emission due to a cancellation of leading-order terms in the soft-radiation expansion.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE

    The staggered domain wall fermion method

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    A different lattice fermion method is introduced. Staggered domain wall fermions are defined in 2n+1 dimensions and describe 2^n flavors of light lattice fermions with exact U(1) x U(1) chiral symmetry in 2n dimensions. As the size of the extra dimension becomes large, 2^n chiral flavors with the same chiral charge are expected to be localized on each boundary and the full SU(2^n) x SU(2^n) flavor chiral symmetry is expected to be recovered. SDWF give a different perspective into the inherent flavor mixing of lattice fermions and by design present an advantage for numerical simulations of lattice QCD thermodynamics. The chiral and topological index properties of the SDWF Dirac operator are investigated. And, there is a surprise ending...Comment: revtex4, 7 figures, minor revisions, 2 references adde

    On the orbital and physical parameters of the HDE 226868/Cygnus X-1 binary system

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    In this paper we explore the consequences of the recent determination of the mass m=(8.7 +/- 0.8)M_Sun of Cygnus X-1, obtained from the Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO)-photon index correlation scaling, on the orbital and physical properties of the binary system HDE 226868/Cygnus X-1. By using such a result and the latest spectroscopic optical data of the HDE 226868 supergiant star we get M=(24 +/- 5)M_Sun for its mass. It turns out that deviations from the third Kepler law significant at more than 1-sigma level would occur if the inclination i of the system's orbital plane to the plane of the sky falls outside the range 41-56 deg: such deviations cannot be due to the first post-Newtonian (1PN) correction to the orbital period because of its smallness; interpreted in the framework of the Newtonian theory of gravitation as due to the stellar quadrupole mass moment Q, they are unphysical because Q would take unreasonably large values. By conservatively assuming that the third Kepler law is an adequate model for the orbital period we obtain i=(48 +/- 7) deg which yields for the relative semimajor axis a=(42 +/- 9)R_Sun. Our estimate for the Roche's lobe of HDE 226868 is r_M = (21 +/- 6)R_Sun.Comment: Latex2e, 7 pages, 1 table, 4 figures. To appear in ApSS (Astrophysics and Space Science

    Quasi-particle Lifetimes in a d_{x^2-y^2} Superconductor

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    We consider the lifetime of quasi-particles in a d-wave superconductor due to scattering from antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations, and explicitly separate the contribution from Umklapp processes which determines the electrical conductivity. Results for the temperature dependence of the total scattering rate and the Umklapp scattering rate are compared with relaxation rates obtained from thermal and microwave conductivity measurements, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Numerical Study of Gluon Propagator and Confinement Scenario in Minimal Coulomb Gauge

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    We present numerical results in SU(2) lattice gauge theory for the space-space and time-time components of the gluon propagator at equal time in the minimal Coulomb gauge. It is found that the equal-time would-be physical 3-dimensionally transverse gluon propagator Dtr(k⃗)D^{tr}(\vec{k}) vanishes at k⃗=0\vec{k} = 0 when extrapolated to infinite lattice volume, whereas the instantaneous color-Coulomb potential D44(k⃗)D_{44}(\vec{k}) is strongly enhanced at k⃗=0\vec{k} = 0. This has a natural interpretation in a confinement scenario in which the would-be physical gluons leave the physical spectrum while the long-range Coulomb force confines color. Gribov's formula Dtr(k⃗)=(∣k⃗∣/2)[(k⃗2)2+M4]1/2D^{tr}(\vec{k}) = (|\vec{k}|/2)[(\vec{k}^2)^2 + M^4]^{1/2} provides an excellent fit to our data for the 3-dimensionally transverse equal-time gluon propagator Dtr(k⃗)D^{tr}(\vec{k}) for relevant values of k⃗\vec{k}.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, TeX file. Minor modifications, incorporating referee's suggestion

    Nucleon Axial Form Factor from Lattice QCD

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    Results for the isovector axial form factors of the proton from a lattice QCD calculation are presented for both point-split and local currents. They are obtained on a quenched 163×2416^{3} \times 24 lattice at ÎČ=6.0\beta= 6.0 with Wilson fermions for a range of quark masses from strange to charm. We determine the finite lattice renormalization for both the local and point-split currents of heavy quarks. Results extrapolated to the chiral limit show that the q2q^2 dependence of the axial form factor agrees reasonably well with experiment. The axial coupling constant gAg_A calculated for the local and the point-split currents is about 6\% and 12\% smaller than the experimental value respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (included in part 2), UK/93-0
