462 research outputs found

    Modified Two-core Phase-shifting Transformer Based on the Classical «Delta Connection» Scheme

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    Nowadays, in joined power systems increases the role and significance of phase-shifting devices, which are used in the quality of FACTS-controllers (Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System), allowing solving various problems of modes management in a complex-closed inhomogeneous network. A modified version of the two-transformer circuit phase-adjusting device, built based on the classical single-transformer scheme «Delta Connection» has been studied in the paper. The proposed device’s topology differs from the classical of single-transformer one so that the control coil is supplied by a lower voltage than phase level, which in turn makes it possible to use it in high rated voltage networks. A mathematical model of the device, which describes the change of parameters of operation mode of phase-shifting transformer under the adjusting of the phase-shifting angle, has been provided. The achieved results can be used for comparative analysis when determining the technical and economic efficiency in the deal of further development of phase rotating devices of transformer type

    Control of Regime of Unified Interphase Power Controller by the Use of Rotary Transformer

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    Interphase Power Controller (IPC) has some properties of the source of the current. The use of these technical devices in electrical networks, in addition to optimization of the flow distribution, contributes to limiting of short-circuit currents and limits the level of distribution of electromechanical transients between energy systems. The increase of IPC controllability allows assigning some control function upon them and ensuring a more favorable operation of the energy system generators. We have studied a variant of such a device, which is controlled by a rotary phase-shifting transformer using the asynchronous electric machines with locked phase-wound rotor


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    The article deals with the integration scenario of Moldavian power system to ENTSO-E. Various options of the development of power generation on the territory of the Republic of Moldova have been proposed and analyzed in order to correspond with Energy Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2030. Analysis of steady-state operation has been performed regarding active power losses for entire power system, and also for the each element with differentiation on voltage levels. The computation and estimation of static stability factor for active power and for voltage were performed. Import/export of energy was estimated, and other indices of regime of energy system were analyzed as well. Technically effective variants were selected as a result of comparative analysis

    Emotional Personality Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed with Meningioma with Severe Post-Traumatic Stress

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    The results of the study on post-traumatic stress rates and individual indicators arising in response to the diagnosis of a life-threatening disease are being analyzed. The participants of the study are the patients of Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (n = 25) diagnosed with meningioma. It has been shown that one of the psychological consequences of the diagnosis of “meningioma” is post-traumatic stress of different intensity rates. Increased depression, shyness and emotional lability are associated with high post-traumatic stress rates. The comparison of the triad of emotional-personal characteristics, social support indicators (according to the Psychological Safety Questionnaire) and basic assumptions (according to the World Assumptions Scale) made it possible to verify the research hypothesis. It has been revealed that high rates on depression and shyness scales (according to the Freiburg Personality Inventory) do not reflect the tendency to avoid social contact, but indirectly indicate the presence of auto-aggression or introverted orientation directed to oneself in people diagnosed with this disease


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    The role and importance of phase shifting transformers are increased as a result of the further development of integrated power systems. This gives the rise to new technical solutions which entails the necessity of comparison of new developments with existing. The article consider the technical characteristics of dual-core phase shifting transformer which later will be used as a basis for comparison with other competing options and assess of their technical efficiency

    The Use of Chokes to Improve the Quality of the Static Frequency Converter

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    The aim of the work is to develop technical measures to improve the quality of the power transmission process through electrical link, which contains a frequency converter based on a PST (phase-shifting transformer) with circular rotation of the output voltage phase in relation to the input, made according to the triangle scheme and controlled by means of power electronics. To achieve this goal, the use of longitudinal inductive elements (chokes) has been proposed as one of the measures that significantly improves the controlled mode parameters in the process of frequency conversion. The problem has been solved by performing computational experiments on simulation models of electrical links, combining two power systems with a frequency of 60 and 50 Hz, respectively. The structure of electrical links at various stages of the study has included several circuit variants of a frequency converter (single-channel circuit, dual-channel with reversing control winding sections, dual-channel circuit without reversing control winding sections) and has developed by authors earlier. In the process of research, the value of inductance of chokes has been changed, as well as their place of connection. The controlled transmission's characteristics have been analyzed as well. The novelty of the work lies in the use of longitudinally included inductive elements as a possible solution to the problem of improving the quality of power transmission when combining power systems with different operating frequencies using static frequency converters. The optimal values of the parameters of inductive elements, comprised between 0.03-0.035Hn for all circuit versions of the converter, have been identified

    Supercurrent flow through an effective double barrier structure

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    Supercurrent flow is studied in a structure that in the Ginzburg-Landau regime can be described in terms of an effective double barrier potential. In the limit of strongly reflecting barriers, the passage of Cooper pairs through such a structure may be viewed as a realization of resonant tunneling with a rigid wave function. For interbarrier distances smaller than d0=πξ(T)d_0=\pi\xi(T) no current-carrying solutions exist. For distances between d0d_0 and 2d02d_0, four solutions exist. The two symmetric solutions obey a current-phase relation of sin(Δφ/2)\sin(\Delta\varphi/2), while the two asymmetric solutions satisfy Δφ=π\Delta\varphi=\pi for all allowed values of the current. As the distance exceeds nd0nd_0, a new group of four solutions appears, each contaning (n1)(n-1) soliton-type oscillations between the barriers. We prove the inexistence of a continuous crossover between the physical solutions of the nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation and those of the corresponding linearized Schr\"odinger equation. We also show that under certain conditions a repulsive delta function barrier may quantitatively describe a SNS structure. We are thus able to predict that the critical current of a SNSNS structure vanishes as TcT\sqrt{T'_c-T}, where TcT'_c is lower than the bulk critical temperature.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, 6 figures on request at [email protected]

    Three-Phase Phase-Shifting Transformer with Regulation in Neutral Point

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    The paper aimed to research mode characteristics of phase shift installation based on one three-phase transformer having three windings. Usually, such installations are two cores: exciting transformer and regulation transformer. In paper the installation functional scheme description, as well main relations which determine currents and voltages character in scheme elements during regulation process are given. It is shown, that installation is able to provide phase shift angle regulation up to . The installation scheme is designed to place the control module in the neutral connection point of regulation windings. Such solution allowing essential reduction of installation rated capacity compare to traditional one and excluding necessity of special isolation of shell. Proposed solution ensure in such mode compact construction and commodity for transportation, mounting and service

    Service Discovery Using Communication Fingerprints

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    A request to a service registry must be answered with a service that fits in several regards, including semantic compatibility, non-functional compatibility, and interface compatibility. In the case of stateful services, there is the additional need to check behavioral (i.e. protocol) compatibility. This paper is concerned with the latter aspect. An apparent approach to establishing behavioral compatibility would be to apply the well-known technology of model checking to a composition of the provided service and the requesting service. However, this procedure must potentially be repeated for all provided services in the registry which may unprohibitively slow down the response time of the broker. Hence, we propose to insert a preprocessing step. It consists of computing an abstraction of the behavior for each published service that we call communication fingerprint. Upon request, we use the fingerprint to rule out as many as possible incompatible services thus reducing the number of candidates that need to be model checked for behavioral compatibility. The technique is based on linear programming and is thus extremely efficient. We validate our approach on a large set of services that we cut out of real world business processes