2,303 research outputs found

    Exact Topological Quantum Order in D=3 and Beyond: Branyons and Brane-Net Condensates

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    We construct an exactly solvable Hamiltonian acting on a 3-dimensional lattice of spin-12\frac 1 2 systems that exhibits topological quantum order. The ground state is a string-net and a membrane-net condensate. Excitations appear in the form of quasiparticles and fluxes, as the boundaries of strings and membranes, respectively. The degeneracy of the ground state depends upon the homology of the 3-manifold. We generalize the system to D4D\geq 4, were different topological phases may occur. The whole construction is based on certain special complexes that we call colexes.Comment: Revtex4 file, color figures, minor correction

    Entanglement, fidelity and topological entropy in a quantum phase transition to topological order

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    We present a numerical study of a quantum phase transition from a spin-polarized to a topologically ordered phase in a system of spin-1/2 particles on a torus. We demonstrate that this non-symmetry-breaking topological quantum phase transition (TOQPT) is of second order. The transition is analyzed via the ground state energy and fidelity, block entanglement, Wilson loops, and the recently proposed topological entropy. Only the topological entropy distinguishes the TOQPT from a standard QPT, and remarkably, does so already for small system sizes. Thus the topological entropy serves as a proper order parameter. We demonstrate that our conclusions are robust under the addition of random perturbations, not only in the topological phase, but also in the spin polarized phase and even at the critical point.Comment: replaced with published versio

    Fermion localization on degenerate and critical branes

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    In this work we analyze the localization of fermions on degenerate and critical Bloch branes. This is done directly on physical coordinates, in constrast to some works that has been using conformal coordinates. We find the range of coupling constants of the interaction of fermions with the scalar fields that allow us to have normalizable fermion zero-mode localized on the brane on both, critical and degenerate Bloch branes. In the case of critical branes our results agree with those found in [Class. Quantum Grav. \textbf{27} (2010) 185001]. The results on fermion localization on degenerate Bloch branes are new. We also propose a coupling of fermions to the scalar fields which leads to localization of massless fermion on both sides of a double-brane.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Framework for classifying logical operators in stabilizer codes

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    Entanglement, as studied in quantum information science, and non-local quantum correlations, as studied in condensed matter physics, are fundamentally akin to each other. However, their relationship is often hard to quantify due to the lack of a general approach to study both on the same footing. In particular, while entanglement and non-local correlations are properties of states, both arise from symmetries of global operators that commute with the system Hamiltonian. Here, we introduce a framework for completely classifying the local and non-local properties of all such global operators, given the Hamiltonian and a bi-partitioning of the system. This framework is limited to descriptions based on stabilizer quantum codes, but may be generalized. We illustrate the use of this framework to study entanglement and non-local correlations by analyzing global symmetries in topological order, distribution of entanglement and entanglement entropy.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Hamiltonian lattice QCD at finite chemical potential

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    At sufficiently high temperature and density, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is expected to undergo a phase transition from the confined phase to the quark-gluon plasma phase. In the Lagrangian lattice formulation the Monte Carlo method works well for QCD at finite temperature, however, it breaks down at finite chemical potential. We develop a Hamiltonian approach to lattice QCD at finite chemical potential and solve it in the case of free quarks and in the strong coupling limit. At zero temperature, we calculate the vacuum energy, chiral condensate, quark number density and its susceptibility, as well as mass of the pseudoscalar, vector mesons and nucleon. We find that the chiral phase transition is of first order, and the critical chemical potential is μC=mdyn(0)\mu_C =m_{dyn}^{(0)} (dynamical quark mass at μ=0\mu=0). This is consistent with μCMN(0)/3\mu_C \approx M_N^{(0)}/3 (where MN(0)M_N^{(0)} is the nucleon mass at μ=0\mu=0).Comment: Final version appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Twisted and Nontwisted Bifurcations Induced by Diffusion

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    We discuss a diffusively perturbed predator-prey system. Freedman and Wolkowicz showed that the corresponding ODE can have a periodic solution that bifurcates from a homoclinic loop. When the diffusion coefficients are large, this solution represents a stable, spatially homogeneous time-periodic solution of the PDE. We show that when the diffusion coefficients become small, the spatially homogeneous periodic solution becomes unstable and bifurcates into spatially nonhomogeneous periodic solutions. The nature of the bifurcation is determined by the twistedness of an equilibrium/homoclinic bifurcation that occurs as the diffusion coefficients decrease. In the nontwisted case two spatially nonhomogeneous simple periodic solutions of equal period are generated, while in the twisted case a unique spatially nonhomogeneous double periodic solution is generated through period-doubling. Key Words: Reaction-diffusion equations; predator-prey systems; homoclinic bifurcations; periodic solutions.Comment: 42 pages in a tar.gz file. Use ``latex2e twisted.tex'' on the tex files. Hard copy of figures available on request from [email protected]

    Positivity Constraints on Anomalies in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The relation between the trace and R-current anomalies in supersymmetric theories implies that the U(1)RF2(1)_RF^2, U(1)R(1)_R and U(1)R3(1)_R^3 anomalies which are matched in studies of N=1 Seiberg duality satisfy positivity constraints. Some constraints are rigorous and others conjectured as four-dimensional generalizations of the Zamolodchikov cc-theorem. These constraints are tested in a large number of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories in the non-Abelian Coulomb phase, and they are satisfied in all renormalizable models with unique anomaly-free R-current, including those with accidental symmetry. Most striking is the fact that the flow of the Euler anomaly coefficient, aUVaIRa_{UV}-a_{IR}, is always positive, as conjectured by Cardy.Comment: latex, 36 page

    Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory With Boundary

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    The Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) theory with planar boundary is considered. The boundary is introduced according to Symanzik's basic principles of locality and separability. A method of investigation is proposed, which, avoiding the straight computation of correlators, is appealing for situations where the computation of propagators, modified by the boundary, becomes quite complex. For MCS theory, the outcome is that a unique solution exists, in the form of chiral conserved currents, satisfying a Kac-Moody algebra, whose central charge does not depend on the Maxwell term.Comment: 30 page