4 research outputs found

    Rod Crocus L. u flori planine Svilaje

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    An investigation of Mt Svilaja, Neorić, UTM XJ23, confirmed the finding of species Crocus weldenii Hoppe & Fürnrohr, which in this habitat appears in three forms: f. weldenii, f. bicolor Pavletić Zi. & Trinajstić and f. lutescens Pulević. The locality of f. lutescens Pulević is the westernmost and southernmost finding of this form in Croatia. In the same habitat a population of Crocus tommasinianus Herbert was also found (the westernmost finding of this species in Croatia).Istraživanjem planine Svilaja, područja Neorić UTM XJ23 pronašli smo nalazište vrste Crocus weldenii Hoppe & Fürnrohr koja se na staništu javlja u tri forme: f. weldenii, f. bicolor Pavletić Zi. & Trinajstić, te f. lutescens Pulević. Nalazište f. lutescens Pulević je najzapadnije i najsjevernije nalazište ove forme u Hrvatskoj. Na istom staništu nalazi se i populacija vrste Crocus tommasinianus Herbert (najzapadnije nalazište ove vrste u Hrvatskoj)

    Prilog flori otoka Malog Drvenika

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    Since there has been to date no account of the flora of the island of Mali Drvenik, we have begun floristic research that is still in progress. We have found 100 taxa of vascular plants (36 families), recorded for this island for the first time.Prigodom florističkih istraživanja na otoku Malom Drveniku pronašli smo 100 svojti vaskularnih biljaka (svrstanih u 36 porodice) koje dosad nisu bile zabilježene na ovom otoku. Floristička istraživanja se nastavljaju