2 research outputs found

    Perennial changes and distribution of resources the main species of hunting animals of Russian

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    The paper presents the assessment of the state in numbers, distribution on the territory and trends of the dynamics at the turn of XX-XXI centuries of the most economically important species of hunting resources in Russia. Materials were obtained on the basis of data questionnaire of «harvest» Services of VNIIOZ which has no analogues in the world on the scale of the covered by territory and the duration of observations (over 80 years) and the analysis of cause-effect relationships of population dynamics. The distribution is shown of the hunting resources by the Federal districts of the country. Predictions of further changes in the number are given by separate species. In the period 1996 to 2015 in Russia it was observed a significant increase in resources of moose, wild boar, roe deer, fox, beaver, a slight increase - in bear, sable, hazel grouse. Reduced in resources is observed in hare, lynx, and in the last five years - in martens. Relatively stable populations are remained in wolf, marmots, wood grouse. Among the ungulates state is alarming in resources of wild boar on some territories in connection with the African swine fever (ASF). The number of wild boar is decreased catastrophically in the Southern and North Caucasian federal districts in connection with the ASF. The current unfavorable situation caused by the ASF may lead to decrease in the number of specie in large parts of the country. Recently, it is observed decrease in interest to hunting on the fur species. The only species which enjoys demand on the international market is sable whose resources over the last two decades remain high with the trend of short stature as a result of ongoing relocation of species. The largest resources of most species of game animals possess the Siberian, Far East and North-West federal districts of the country