51 research outputs found

    Critical dynamics and effective exponents of magnets with extended impurities

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    We investigate the asymptotic and effective static and dynamic critical behavior of (d=3)-dimensional magnets with quenched extended defects, correlated in Ï”d\epsilon_d dimensions (which can be considered as the dimensionality of the defects) and randomly distributed in the remaining d−ϔdd-\epsilon_d dimensions. The field-theoretical renormalization group perturbative expansions being evaluated naively do not allow for the reliable numerical data. We apply the Chisholm-Borel resummation technique to restore convergence of the two-loop expansions and report the numerical values of the asymptotic critical exponents for the model A dynamics. We discuss different scenarios for static and dynamic effective critical behavior and give values for corresponding non-universal exponents.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Theory of Anomalous Quantum Hall Effects in Graphene

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    Recent successes in manufacturing of atomically thin graphite samples (graphene) have stimulated intense experimental and theoretical activity. The key feature of graphene is the massless Dirac type of low-energy electron excitations. This gives rise to a number of unusual physical properties of this system distinguishing it from conventional two-dimensional metals. One of the most remarkable properties of graphene is the anomalous quantum Hall effect. It is extremely sensitive to the structure of the system; in particular, it clearly distinguishes single- and double-layer samples. In spite of the impressive experimental progress, the theory of quantum Hall effect in graphene has not been established. This theory is a subject of the present paper. We demonstrate that the Landau level structure by itself is not sufficient to determine the form of the quantum Hall effect. The Hall quantization is due to Anderson localization which, in graphene, is very peculiar and depends strongly on the character of disorder. It is only a special symmetry of disorder that may give rise to anomalous quantum Hall effects in graphene. We analyze the symmetries of disordered single- and double-layer graphene in magnetic field and identify the conditions for anomalous Hall quantization.Comment: 13 pages (article + supplementary material), 5 figure

    Effect of Tilted Magnetic Field on the Anomalous H=0 Conducting Phase in High-Mobility Si MOSFETs

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    The suppression by a magnetic field of the anomalous H=0 conducting phase in high-mobility silicon MOSFETs is independent of the angle between the field and the plane of the 2D electron system. In the presence of a parallel field large enough to fully quench the anomalous conducting phase, the behavior is similar to that of disordered GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures: the system is insulating in zero (perpendicular) field and exhibits reentrant insulator-quantum Hall effect-insulator transitions as a function of perpendicular field. The results demonstrate that the suppression of the low-T phase is related only to the electrons' spin.Comment: 4 pages, including 3 figures. We corrected several typos in the figures and caption

    Critical behavior of two-dimensional cubic and MN models in the five-loop renormalization-group approximation

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    The critical thermodynamics of the two-dimensional N-vector cubic and MN models is studied within the field-theoretical renormalization-group (RG) approach. The beta functions and critical exponents are calculated in the five-loop approximation and the RG series obtained are resummed using the Borel-Leroy transformation combined with the generalized Pad\'e approximant and conformal mapping techniques. For the cubic model, the RG flows for various N are investigated. For N=2 it is found that the continuous line of fixed points running from the XY fixed point to the Ising one is well reproduced by the resummed RG series and an account for the five-loop terms makes the lines of zeros of both beta functions closer to each another. For the cubic model with N\geq 3, the five-loop contributions are shown to shift the cubic fixed point, given by the four-loop approximation, towards the Ising fixed point. This confirms the idea that the existence of the cubic fixed point in two dimensions under N>2 is an artifact of the perturbative analysis. For the quenched dilute O(M) models (MNMN models with N=0) the results are compatible with a stable pure fixed point for M\geq1. For the MN model with M,N\geq2 all the non-perturbative results are reproduced. In addition a new stable fixed point is found for moderate values of M and N.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Anomalous state of a 2DEG in vicinal Si MOSFET in high magnetic fields

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    We report the observation of an anomalous state of a 2D electron gas near a vicinal surface of a silicon MOSFET in high magnetic fields. It is characterised by unusual behaviour of the conductivities σxx\sigma_{xx} and σxy\sigma_{xy}, which can be described as a collapse of the Zeeman spin splitting accompanied by a large peak in σxx\sigma_{xx} and an anomalous peak in σxy \sigma_{xy}. It occurs at densities corresponding to the position of the Fermi level above the onset of the superlattice mini-gap inherent to the vicinal system. The range of fields and densities where this effect exists has been determined, and it has been shown that it is suppressed by parallel magnetic fields

    Two-terminal conductance fluctuations in the integer quantum Hall regime

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    Motivated by recent experiments on the conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic integr quantum Hall systems, we consider a model in which the Coulomb interactions are incorporated into the picture of edge-state transport through a single saddle-point. The occupancies of `classical' localised states in the two-dimensional electron system change due to the interactions between electrons when the gate voltage on top of the device is varied. The electrostatic potential between the localised states and the saddle-point causes fluctuations of the saddle-point potential and thus fluctuations of the transmission probability of edge states. This simple model is studied numerically and compared with the observation.Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures. To be published in Physical Review

    Weak quenched disorder and criticality: resummation of asymptotic(?) series

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    In these lectures, we discuss the influence of weak quenched disorder on the critical behavior in condensed matter and give a brief review of available experimental and theoretical results as well as results of MC simulations of these phenomena. We concentrate on three cases: (i) uncorrelated random-site disorder, (ii) long-range-correlated random-site disorder, and (iii) random anisotropy. Today, the standard analytical description of critical behavior is given by renormalization group results refined by resummation of the perturbation theory series. The convergence properties of the series are unknown for most disordered models. The main object of these lectures is to discuss the peculiarities of the application of resummation techniques to perturbation theory series of disordered models.Comment: Lectures given at the Second International Pamporovo Workshop on Cooperative Phenomena in Condensed Matter (28th July - 7th August 2001, Pamporovo, Bulgaria). 51 pages, 12 figures, 1 style files include

    Quantum and classical localisation, the spin quantum Hall effect and generalisations

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    We consider network models for localisation problems belonging to symmetry class C. This symmetry class arises in a description of the dynamics of quasiparticles for disordered spin-singlet superconductors which have a Bogoliubov - de Gennes Hamiltonian that is invariant under spin rotations but not under time-reversal. Our models include but also generalise the one studied previously in the context of the spin quantum Hall effect. For these systems we express the disorder-averaged conductance and density of states in terms of sums over certain classical random walks, which are self-avoiding and have attractive interactions. A transition between localised and extended phases of the quantum system maps in this way to a similar transition for the classical walks. In the case of the spin quantum Hall effect, the classical walks are the hulls of percolation clusters, and our approach provides an alternative derivation of a mapping first established by Gruzberg, Read and Ludwig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4254 (1999).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The metal-insulator transition in Si:X: Anomalous response to a magnetic field

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    The zero-temperature magnetoconductivity of just-metallic Si:P scales with magnetic field, H, and dopant concentration, n, lying on a single universal curve. We note that Si:P, Si:B, and Si:As all have unusually large magnetic field crossover exponents near 2, and suggest that this anomalously weak response to a magnetic field is a common feature of uncompensated doped semiconductors.Comment: 4 pages (including figures

    Phase diagram of localization in a magnetic field

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    The phase diagram of localization is numerically calculated for a three-dimensional disordered system in the presence of a magnetic field using the Peierls substitution. The mobility edge trajectory shifts in the energy-disorder space when increasing the field. In the band center, localized states near the phase boundary become delocalized. The obtained field dependence of the critical disorder is in agreement with a power law behavior expected from scaling theory. Close to the tail of the band the magnetic field causes localization of extended states.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 PS-figures (4 extra references are included, minor additions), to appear in Phys. Rev. B as a Brief Repor
