79 research outputs found

    Use of the sampled electrical engineering device at diagnosing elements in electric systems

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    Stages of diagnosing procedures of the electric system elements have been introduced. The specialized mathematical device - sampled electrical engineering is developed for work with massifs of instant values of currents and voltages obtained by digital registrars of electric signals. The key rules and procedures of the sampled electrical engineering device are given

    Energy flows in vibrated granular media

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    We study vibrated granular media, investigating each of the three components of the energy flow: particle-particle dissipation, energy input at the vibrating wall, and particle-wall dissipation. Energy dissipated by interparticle collisions is well estimated by existing theories when the granular material is dilute, and these theories are extended to include rotational kinetic energy. When the granular material is dense, the observed particle-particle dissipation rate decreases to as little as 2/5 of the theoretical prediction. We observe that the rate of energy input is the weight of the granular material times an average vibration velocity times a function of the ratio of particle to vibration velocity. `Particle-wall' dissipation has been neglected in all theories up to now, but can play an important role when the granular material is dilute. The ratio between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy can vary by as much as a factor of 3. Previous simulations and experiments have shown that E ~ V^delta, with delta=2 for dilute granular material, and delta ~ 1.5 for dense granular material. We relate this change in exponent to the departure of particle-particle dissipation from its theoretical value.Comment: 19 pages revtex, 10 embedded eps figures, accepted by PR

    Navier-Stokes transport coefficients of dd-dimensional granular binary mixtures at low density

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    The Navier-Stokes transport coefficients for binary mixtures of smooth inelastic hard disks or spheres under gravity are determined from the Boltzmann kinetic theory by application of the Chapman-Enskog method for states near the local homogeneous cooling state. It is shown that the Navier-Stokes transport coefficients are not affected by the presence of gravity. As in the elastic case, the transport coefficients of the mixture verify a set of coupled linear integral equations that are approximately solved by using the leading terms in a Sonine polynomial expansion. The results reported here extend previous calculations [V. Garz\'o and J. W. Dufty, Phys. Fluids {\bf 14}, 1476 (2002)] to an arbitrary number of dimensions. To check the accuracy of the Chapman-Enskog results, the inelastic Boltzmann equation is also numerically solved by means of the direct simulation Monte Carlo method to evaluate the diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients for hard disks. The comparison shows a good agreement over a wide range of values of the coefficients of restitution and the parameters of the mixture (masses and sizes).Comment: 6 figures, to be published in J. Stat. Phy

    A Langevin Approach to One-Dimensional Granular Media Fluidized by Vibrations

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    We present a Langevin approach to describe the steady-state dynamics of one-dimensional granular media fluidized by a vibrating bottom plate. We adopt a linear Langevin equation to describe the motion of the center of mass. Within this framework, we derive analytical expressions for several macroscopic quantities. We also predict the power spectrum for the height of the center of mass. We find good agreement between our theoretical predictions and extensive event-driven molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Transport Coefficients for Granular Media from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Under many conditions, macroscopic grains flow like a fluid; kinetic theory pred icts continuum equations of motion for this granular fluid. In order to test the theory, we perform event driven molecular simulations of a two-dimensional gas of inelastic hard disks, driven by contact with a heat bath. Even for strong dissipation, high densities, and small numbers of particles, we find that continuum theory describes the system well. With a bath that heats the gas homogeneously, strong velocity correlations produce a slightly smaller energy loss due to inelastic collisions than that predicted by kinetic theory. With an inhomogeneous heat bath, thermal or velocity gradients are induced. Determination of the resulting fluxes allows calculation of the thermal conductivity and shear viscosity, which are compared to the predictions of granular kinetic theory, and which can be used in continuum modeling of granular flows. The shear viscosity is close to the prediction of kinetic theory, while the thermal conductivity can be overestimated by a factor of 2; in each case, transport is lowered with increasing inelasticity.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 39 references, submitted to PRE feb 199

    Scaling, Multiscaling, and Nontrivial Exponents in Inelastic Collision Processes

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    We investigate velocity statistics of homogeneous inelastic gases using the Boltzmann equation. Employing an approximate uniform collision rate, we obtain analytic results valid in arbitrary dimension. In the freely evolving case, the velocity distribution is characterized by an algebraic large velocity tail, P(v,t) ~ v^{-sigma}. The exponent sigma(d,epsilon), a nontrivial root of an integral equation, varies continuously with the spatial dimension, d, and the dissipation coefficient, epsilon. Although the velocity distribution follows a scaling form, its moments exhibit multiscaling asymptotic behavior. Furthermore, the velocity autocorrelation function decays algebraically with time, A(t)= ~ t^{-alpha}, with a non-universal dissipation-dependent exponent alpha=1/epsilon. In the forced case, the steady state Fourier transform is obtained via a cumulant expansion. Even in this case, velocity correlations develop and the velocity distribution is non-Maxwellian.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Описание клинической картины и оценка функциональной активности канала CFTR у пациента с комплексным аллелем [S466X; R1070Q]

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    The presence of pathogenic variants in the CFTR gene causes cystic fibrosis (CF) through various molecular mechanisms that affect the formation and functional activity of the CFTR chloride channel. An important factor affecting the phenotypic manifestations of CF and the effectiveness of targeted therapy is the presence of complex alleles with > 2 consecutive mutations per 1 allele, or in the cis position. The influence of complex alleles on the manifestations of CF has not been sufficiently studied globally due to the small number of studies.The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the complex allele [S466X; R1070Q] on the phenotypic manifestations of CF and the effectiveness of targeted therapy in a model of intestinal organoids from a patient with [S466X; R1070Q]/CFTRdele2,3 genotype.Methods. We used medical history data, intestinal current measurement, intestinal organoid method, and forskolin test.Results. The progressive nature of the disease with a clear degradation of lung function was established. The ICM method showed absent chloride channel function. The tests on the culture of organoids obtained from the intestinal tissue indicated a complete loss of the chloride channel function. In addition, the complex allele [S466X; R1070Q] was insensitive to all targeted drugs tested.Conclusion. The complex allele [S466X; R1070Q] causes a complete loss of the functional CFTR protein and is not sensitive to any of the approved targeted drugs.Наличие патогенных вариантов в гене CFTR вызывает муковисцидоз (МВ) посредством различных молекулярных механизмов, оказывающих влияние на образование и функциональную активность хлорного канала CFTR. Важным фактором, влияющим на фенотипические проявления МВ и эффективность таргетной терапии, является наличие комплексных аллелей — > 2 последовательных мутаций на 1-м аллеле, или в цис-положении. Влияние комплексных аллелей на проявления МВ в мире изучено недостаточно из-за небольшого количества проведенных исследований.Целью исследования явилось изучение влияния комплексного аллеля [S466X; R1070Q] на фенотипические проявления МВ и эффективность таргетной терапии на модели кишечных органоидов у пациента с генотипом [S466X; R1070Q]/CFTRdele2,3.Материалы и методы. Использовались данные истории болезни пациента, метод определения разницы кишечных потенциалов (ОРКП), метод кишечных органоидов, форсколиновый тест.Результаты. Установлен прогрессирующий характер заболевания с явной деградацией легочной функции. При использовании метода ОРКП показано отсутствие функции хлорного канала. Проведенные на полученной из ткани кишечника культуре органоидов тесты свидетельствуют о полной утрате функции хлорного канала. Кроме того, комплексный аллель [S466X; R1070Q] оказался нечувствительным ко всем протестированным таргетным препаратам.Заключение. Установлено, что комплексный аллель [S466X; R1070Q] вызывает полную утрату функционального белка CFTR и нечувствителен к действию ни одного из зарегистрированных таргетных препаратов

    Использование функциональных тестов для оценки остаточной активности канала CFTR и индивидуального подбора эффективных CFTR-модуляторов для лечения пациентов с муковисцидозом с «мягким» и «тяжелым» генетическими вариантами

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    Intestinal current measurement (ICM) and forskolin-induced swelling (FIS) assay in human intestinal organoids from rectal biopsies of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are the new functional tests for assessment of CFTR channel activity that are widely used in the leading laboratories worldwide for scientific and clinical studies.The aim of the study was to assess the use of the new functional tests in adult CF patients with identified N1303K and R334W CFTR gene variants.Methods. Rectal suction biopsies were obtained from the two CF patients aged 36 and 27 years with N1303K/3821delT and R334W/F508del CFTR mutations, respectively. Results of the ICM and FIS assay in intestinal organoids were compared to the clinical data.Results. ICM has demonstrated that R334W is a ‘mild’ genetic variant with high residual CFTR channel activity. At the same time, N1303K is a ‘severe’ genetic variant and leads to a severe loss of CFTR channel function. These findings correlate with the clinical data. CFTR modulators compensate for the reduced activity of the R334W CFTR variant, as shown by the FIS assay. But there was a limited response of the forskolin-stimulated organoids to VX-770 potentiator and VX-809 corrector in the cells with N1303K genetic variant.Conclusion. ICM and FIS assay in human intestinal organoids are reliable methods for quantification of CFTR channel activity. They can also predict the efficacy of the targeted therapy in CF patients in vivo.Новые функциональные методы исследования активности канала CFTR – определение разности кишечных потенциалов (ОРКП) и форсколиновый тест на кишечных органоидах, получаемых из ректальных биоптатов больных муковисцидозом (МВ), приняты в ведущих лабораториях мира для научной и клинической работы.Целью исследования явилась оценка возможности применения новейших функциональных методик у взрослых больных МВ – носителей генетических вариантов гена CFTR – N1303K и R334W.Материалы и методы. Получены ректальные биоптаты у пациенток с МВ (n = 2) в возрасте 36 и 27 лет с генотипом CFTR R334W/F508del и N1303K/3821delT соответственно. Проведены ОРКП и форсколиновый тест на кишечных органоидах; полученные результаты сопоставлены с клиническими данными.Результаты. По результатам ОРКП подтверждено, что генетический вариант R334W является «мягким», с сохранением высокой остаточной функциональной активности канала CFTR, тогда как генетический вариант N1303K является «тяжелым» и приводит к утрате рабочего белка CFTR, что соответствует представленной клинической картине. Результаты форсколинового теста свидетельствуют о том, что вариант R334W хорошо поддается коррекции CFTR-модуляторами. Потенциатор VX-770 и корректор VX-809 оказывают слабое действие на стимуляцию форсколином органоидов при генетическом варианте N1303K.Заключение. Использование метода ОРКП и форсколинового теста на кишечных органоидах позволяет количественно оценить работу белка CFTR и in vitro определить эффективность таргетной терапии у пациентов с МВ

    A meta-analysis of previous falls and subsequent fracture risk in cohort studies

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    NC Harvey acknowledges funding from the UK Medical Research Council (MC_PC_21003; MC_PC_21001). The WHI program is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through 75N92021D00001, 75N92021D00002, 75N92021D00003, 75N92021D00004, and 75N92021D00005. Funding for the MrOS USA study comes from the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research under the following grant numbers: U01 AG027810, U01 AG042124, U01 AG042139, U01 AG042140, U01 AG042143, U01 AG042145, U01 AG042168, U01 AR066160, and UL1 TR000128. Funding for the SOF study comes from the National Institute on Aging (NIA), and the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), supported by grants (AG05407, AR35582, AG05394, AR35584, and AR35583). Funding for the Health ABC study was from the Intramural research program at the National Institute on Aging under the following contract numbers: NO1-AG-6–2101, NO1-AG-6–2103, and NO1-AG-6–2106.Peer reviewedPostprin