22 research outputs found


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    “The Belt and Road” is a long-term comprehensive strategic program for the development of Eurasia and the world, which has been promoted by China beginning in 2013. Its multi-dimensional features (in-country, regional, and global) are inclusive (multi-vector, the participation of all sectors of the economy) and have a strong non-economic component (“soft power”). The strategy is aimed at solving the problems of the Chinese economy with the help of foreign-policy methods and consolidation of China as an engine for the global economy. By virtue of its scale, the consistent implementation of the strategic provisions put forward in China would result in significant industrial and geographical transformations of the existing international division of labor. Active and proactive participation of Russia in the new course of China allows realization of the export and transit potential of Russia’s economy and helps mitigate imbalances in development between its parts. The authors discuss the concerns and risks associated with the implementation of initiatives

    Distribution of Heavy Metals in Water and Bottom Sediments in the Basin of Lake Gusinoe (Russia): Ecological Risk Assessment

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    Fresh water scarcity is considered a significant component, and potentially one of the most critical, of global climate change. With the rapid development of industry, there is an increasing risk of freshwater contamination by heavy metals (HMs). The danger of HM pollution is also attributed to their accumulation, which can subsequently become a source of secondary pollution in aquatic environments. In the Lake Gusinoe basin, located in Russia, concentrations of HMs were measured in both water and bottom sediments within the lake area, as well as in inflowing and outflowing watercourses. Ecological risk indices were also calculated for the Gusinoe basin. Our results showed that the average concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cd, and Pb in the water did not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) set by Russian national standards and WHO standards, while the concentrations of Mn and Cu exceeded the corresponding MACs during winter, spring, and autumn possibly due to decomposition of aquatic vegetation and influx from groundwater sources. The average concentrations of the investigated HMs in the BSs did not exceed the background values. The water hazard index indicated a low risk for all samples in the lake water area. For all BS samples, the geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and the Pollution Load Index (PLI) indicated low pollution levels, while the values of the Enrichment Factor (EF) and the Contamination Factor (CF) indicated moderate pollution in the central part of the lake. The Ecological Risk Factor (Er) for Cu in BSs at points near major settlements and in the Tel River indicated moderate pollution. The Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) in all investigated BS samples indicated a low risk of contamination

    Trend Analysis of Precipitation, Runoff and Major Ions for the Russian Part of the Selenga River Basin

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    At present, the problem of climate change is becoming increasingly acute. This is especially pressing for Lake Baikal, a World Natural Heritage site. The Russian part of the Selenga watershed is a suitable site for climate change research. The study of changes in precipitation, runoff, and chemical runoff is important for sustainable water resources management. This study presents a trend analysis of precipitation and runoff at hydrological stations and weather stations in the Russian part of the Selenga River basin. A comparative analysis of the concentrations of major ions in the surface water of the Selenga River depending on water levels was also carried out. Analysis of the data series on precipitation revealed a slight negative trend at the Novoselenginsk, Ulan-Ude, and Kabansk stations, and a weak positive trend—at the Kyakhta station. Runoff analysis revealed negative trends at the two used stations (Novoselenginsk and Mostovoi). The hydrochemical regime of the Selenga River is characterized by an increase in major ions and salinity during winter low-water periods, and a decrease during high-water periods. Mineralization and major ion content are lower in the high-water period (2019–2021) than in the low-water period (2015–2017)

    Ecological State of Lake Gusinoe—A Cooling Pond of the Gusinoozersk GRES

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    The study of the transformation of substances in the basin of the Selenga River—the main tributary of Lake Baikal—under anthropogenic pressure and in the context of global climate change, is especially important for the lake, a globally important source of drinking water. The ecosystem of Lake Gusinoe is one of the key objects in the Selenga River basin that is exposed to significant anthropogenic pressure. This study presents the results of an analysis of water level changes and physicochemical parameters of the water mass of Lake Gusinoe; literature data from 1951 to 2017 and own data from 2017 to 2021. The water level in the lake had depended on natural factors before the Gusinoozersk GRES was launched; however, since the plant has begun using the lake as a cooling pond, its level has actually been regulated by the economic entity. Over the years, there has been a significant increase in mineralization, sulfate, sodium, fluoride and organic matter fractions resistant to oxidation. Seasonal increases in iron and manganese concentrations in water were detected. Increased concentrations of nutrients and organic matter fractions resistant to oxidation were registered at the wastewater discharge sites. Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of Lake Gusinoe accumulate mainly in the silt of the deep zone of the lake. Plants growing in the zones of influence of the Gusinoozersk GRES and Gusinoozersk wastewater discharge accumulate the largest amount of metals

    Efficiency of Transport Infrastructure in Asian Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan in the Context of Creating New Trans-Eurasian Transport Corridors

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    This article discusses the efficiency of transport infrastructure and cooperation of neighboring regions located in Asian Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan in the context of creating new international economic corridors from the Silk Road and trans-Eurasian transport corridors. This study aims to highlight the possible ways of strengthening cross-border cooperation in the field of transport infrastructure. We evaluated the current state of the transport infrastructure, the dynamics of its development, and its influence on the territorial–production complex. Using quantitative data and the unified indicator for the efficiency of transport infrastructure, we also characterized the territorial differentiation, its causes, and prerequisites for further economic and trade cooperation between these countries. The main results are as follows: (1) The lowest levels of the efficiency of transport infrastructure are typical for the northeast of Asian Russia, as well as for the border regions of China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. (2) For Asian Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia, the highest levels of the unified indicator are typical for regions located along the main transport routes and for regions with a developed mining industry. This is due to the strong unevenness of the socio-economic development of the territories. (3) The largest industrial and economic centers have been developing along the main transport corridors primarily due to the accumulated potential of equivalent freight turnover and export potential. This study can be useful for authorities and business, as well as for other users of transport infrastructure to improve its regulation and efficiency