7 research outputs found

    Two dimensional Dirac fermions and quantum magnetoresistance in CaMnBi2_2

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    We report two dimensional Dirac fermions and quantum magnetoresistance in single crystals of CaMnBi2_2. The non-zero Berry's phase, small cyclotron resonant mass and first-principle band structure suggest the existence of the Dirac fermions in the Bi square nets. The in-plane transverse magnetoresistance exhibits a crossover at a critical field B∗B^* from semiclassical weak-field B2B^2 dependence to the high-field unsaturated linear magnetoresistance (∼120\sim 120% in 9 T at 2 K) due to the quantum limit of the Dirac fermions. The temperature dependence of B∗B^* satisfies quadratic behavior, which is attributed to the splitting of linear energy dispersion in high field. Our results demonstrate the existence of two dimensional Dirac fermions in CaMnBi2_2 with Bi square nets.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure