13 research outputs found

    Безопасность применения гипербарической оксигенации при лечении COVID-19

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    Relevance. Acute respiratory infection COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCov) coronavirus is severe and extremely severe in 15—20% of cases, which is accompanied by the need for respiratory support. Hyperbaric oxygenation is recognized as an effective therapy for replenishing any form of oxygen debt.Aim of study. To study the safety of HBO use in patients with COVID-19.Material and metods. We examined 32 patients with the diagnosis “Coronavirus infection caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2” (10 — moderately severe patients (CT 1–2), 22 — patients in serious condition (CT 3–4), who received course of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). The procedures were carried out in a Sechrist 2800 chamber (USA) at a mode of 1.4–1.6 AT for no more than 60 minutes. In total, the patients received 141 HBO sessions. Before and after each HBO session, the subjective indicators of the patient’s condition were assessed and the blood oxygen saturation was measured.Results. An algorithm for HBO course management was developed, which consists in using “soft” modes (up to 1.4 AT) during the first session, followed by pressure adjustment (not higher than 1.6 AT) during the course to achieve maximum therapeutic effect and comfort for the patient. Against the background of the HBO course, the patients showed an increase in blood oxygen saturation in patients in both surveyed groups, as well as positive dynamics in the form of a decrease in shortness of breath, an improvement in general well-being.Conclusion. The inclusion of daily sessions (at least 4) of hyperbaric oxygenation in “soft” modes (1.4–1.6 ATA) in the complex therapy for COVID-19 has shown its safety and preliminary positive effect on the subjective state of the examined patients and the dynamics of blood oxygen saturation.Актуальность. Острая респираторная инфекция COVID-19, вызываемая коронавирусом SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCov), в 15–20% случаев протекает в тяжелой и крайне тяжелой степени, что сопровождается необходимостью респираторной поддержки. Гипербарическая оксигенация признана эффективным средством терапии, восполняющим любые формы кислородной задолженности.Цель работы. Исследование безопасности применения гипербарической оксигенации (ГБО) у пациентов с COVID-19.Материал и методы. Были обследованы 32 пациента с диагнозом «Коронавирусная инфекция, вызванная вирусом SARS-CoV-2» (10 — больные средней тяжести (КТ 1–2), 22 — больные в тяжелом состоянии (КТ 3–4)), которым был назначен курс гипербарической оксигенации (ГБО). Процедуры осуществляли в реанимационной барокамере Sechrist 2800 (CША) при режиме 1,4–1,6 АТА в течение не более 60 минут. Всего пациенты получили 141 сеанс ГБО. До и после каждого сеанса ГБО оценивали субъективные показатели состояния пациентов и измеряли насыщение крови кислородом.Результаты исследования. Был разработан алгоритм ведения курса ГБО, заключающийся в использовании при первом сеансе «мягких» режимов (до 1,4 АТА) с последующей корректировкой давления (не выше 1,6 АТА) в течение курса для достижения максимального терапевтического эффекта и комфорта для пациента. На фоне проведения курса ГБО у пациентов было отмечено повышение насыщения кислородом крови у пациентов в обеих обследованных группах, а также положительная динамика в виде уменьшения одышки улучшения общего самочувствия.Заключение. Включение в комплексную терапию при COVID-19 ежедневных сеансов (не менее 4) гипербарической оксигенации в «мягких» режимах (1,4–1,6 АТА) показало свою безопасность и предварительный положительный эффект на субъективное состояние обследованных пациентов и динамику насыщения крови кислородом

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients with COVID-19

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and its effect on oxidative stress and apoptosis in patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19.Materials and methods. 90 patients diagnosed with new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus were examined. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions were conducted in 57 patients (38 in severe condition (CT 3-4), 19 in moderate condition (CT 1-2)). The procedures were performed in 1.4-1.6 ATA mode for 40 minutes, 247 sessions in total were performed. The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation was assessed by measuring the level of oxygen saturation, the severity of oxidative stress and apoptosis of blood lymphocytes.Results. In all examined patients with new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, positive changes such as dyspnea reduction and improvement of general well-being were registered after hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions. The level of oxygen saturation after the end of the hyperbaric oxygen therapy course was 95.0±1.6% (before the course — 91.3±5.9%), which allowed to return almost all patients to spontaneous respiration without the need for further oxygenation therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy did not reduce the total antioxidant activity, however, it was associated with a decrease in the blood malone dialdehyde from 4.34±0.52 pmol/l to 3.98±0.48 pmol/l and a decrease in open circuit potential of platinum electrode from -22.78±24.58 mV to -37.69±17.4 mV. Besides, the positive effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy was manifested in normalization of blood cell apoptosis.Conclusion. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is an effective treatment method with multiple effects resulting in improvement of subjective indicators of the patients' condition, increase of hemoglobin oxygen saturation, decrease of lipid peroxidation intensity, activation of antioxidant system, restoration of pro- and antioxidant balance and apoptosis normalization

    The Safety of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Covid-19

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    Relevance. Acute respiratory infection COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCov) coronavirus is severe and extremely severe in 15—20% of cases, which is accompanied by the need for respiratory support. Hyperbaric oxygenation is recognized as an effective therapy for replenishing any form of oxygen debt.Aim of study. To study the safety of HBO use in patients with COVID-19.Material and metods. We examined 32 patients with the diagnosis “Coronavirus infection caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2” (10 — moderately severe patients (CT 1–2), 22 — patients in serious condition (CT 3–4), who received course of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). The procedures were carried out in a Sechrist 2800 chamber (USA) at a mode of 1.4–1.6 AT for no more than 60 minutes. In total, the patients received 141 HBO sessions. Before and after each HBO session, the subjective indicators of the patient’s condition were assessed and the blood oxygen saturation was measured.Results. An algorithm for HBO course management was developed, which consists in using “soft” modes (up to 1.4 AT) during the first session, followed by pressure adjustment (not higher than 1.6 AT) during the course to achieve maximum therapeutic effect and comfort for the patient. Against the background of the HBO course, the patients showed an increase in blood oxygen saturation in patients in both surveyed groups, as well as positive dynamics in the form of a decrease in shortness of breath, an improvement in general well-being.Conclusion. The inclusion of daily sessions (at least 4) of hyperbaric oxygenation in “soft” modes (1.4–1.6 ATA) in the complex therapy for COVID-19 has shown its safety and preliminary positive effect on the subjective state of the examined patients and the dynamics of blood oxygen saturation

    Radiative control of dark excitons at room temperature by nano-optical antenna-tip Purcell effect

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    Excitons, Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs, are elementary photo-excitations in semiconductors that can couple to light through radiative relaxation. In contrast, dark excitons (X-D) show anti-parallel spin configuration with generally forbidden radiative emission. Because of their long lifetimes, these dark excitons are appealing candidates for quantum computing and optoelectronics. However, optical read-out and control of XD states has remained challenging due to their decoupling from light. Here, we present a tip-enhanced nano-optical approach to induce, switch and programmably modulate the XD emission at room temperature. Using a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) WSe2 on a gold substrate, we demonstrate similar to 6 x 10(5)-fold enhancement in dark exciton photoluminescence quantum yield achieved through coupling of the antenna-tip to the dark exciton out-of-plane optical dipole moment, with a large Purcell factor of >= 2 x 10(3) of the tip-sample nano-cavity. Our approach provides a facile way to harness excitonic properties in low-dimensional semiconductors offering new strategies for quantum optoelectronics