1,063 research outputs found

    Study on Micro-structure, Hardness and Optimization of Wear Characteristics of Al6061/TiB2/CeO2 Hotrolled MMCs using Taguchi Method

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    Aluminium composites are extensively used in several industrial applications. The production of Metal Matrix Composite (MMCs) with varying wt. % of reinforcement/s leads to enhancement of wear and mechanical behavior. In the present work, the varying wt. % of TiB2 and constant wt. % of CeO2 particulates were reinforced in Al6061 alloy to manufacture hybrid Al MMCs by Vortex (Stircasting) technique. Developed hybrid MMCs were hotrolled at 515°C of temperature. Hardness of hybrid MMCs was evaluated by using hardness test rig (Vickers). Result revealed that the hardness strength of developed hybrid MMCs increased with increase of the reinforcement content. The rate of wear of developed hybrid MMCs was evaluated by using Pin on Disc wear test. Test trials were conducted according to Taguchi technique. L27 array was implemented for evaluation of data. Effect of varying factors on the rate of wear and COF was analyzed by applying ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) method. ANOVA outcomes showed that the reinforcement content had a more significant impact on wear behavior and COF of the MMCs. Finally, L27 array outcomes were verified through confirmation experiments. A wear fractography outcome shows the internal fractured structure of a wear specimen which was studied using a SEM

    Mechanical, Wear, and Fracture Behavior of Titanium Diboride (TiB2) - Cerium Oxide (CeO2) Reinforced Al-6061 Hot-rolled Hybrid Composites

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    Development of aluminium composites by stircasting technique is an effective method for fabrication of better quality of MMCs. Stircasting technique is one of the most commonly accepted techniques. In this research work, Al6061 / TiB2+CeO2 hybrid MMCs have been fabricated with varying wt. % of TiB2 (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) particulates and constant 5% of CeO2 particulates. The monolithic alloy and hybrid composite were hot-rolled at a temperature of 515°C. Whereas, both the monolithic and hot-rolled hybrid composite was subjected to micro-structural study, hardness and tensile test. Optical microscope analysis revealed uniform dispersal of hard particles with in the base matrix in case of both of ascast and hot-rolled composites. Both ascast and hotrolled hybrid composites have shown extensive enhanced mechanical behavior and high wear resistance when compared with monolithic alloy. Though, ductility of the hybrid MMCs decreased with increasing TiB2 and CeO2 content. A tensile and wear fractography outcome shows the internal fractured structure of a tensile and wear specimen which was analysed using a SEM analysis

    Stable and Metastable vortex states and the first order transition across the peak effect region in weakly pinned 2H-NbSe_2

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    The peak effect in weakly pinned superconductors is accompanied by metastable vortex states. Each metastable vortex configuration is characterized by a different critical current density J_c, which mainly depends on the past thermomagnetic history of the superconductor. A recent model [G. Ravikumar, et al, Phys. Rev. B 61, R6479 (2000)] proposed to explain the history dependent J_c postulates a stable state of vortex lattice with a critical current density J_c^{st}, determined uniquely by the field and temperature. In this paper, we present evidence for the existence of the stable state of the vortex lattice in the peak effect region of 2H-NbSe_2. It is shown that this stable state can be reached from any metastable vortex state by cycling the applied field by a small amplitude. The minor magnetization loops obtained by repeated field cycling allow us to determine the pinning and "equilibrium" properties of the stable state of the vortex lattice at a given field and temperature unambiguously. The data imply the occurence of a first order phase transition from an ordered phase to a disordered vortex phase across the peak effect.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Corresponding author: S. Ramakrishna

    Context-dependent conformation of diethylglycine residues in peptides

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    Diethylglycine (Deg) residues incorporated into peptides can stabilize fully extended (C5) or helical conformations. The conformations of three tetrapeptides Boc-Xxx-Deg-Xxx-Deg-OMe (Xxx = Gly, GD4; Leu, LD4 and Pro, PD4) have been investigated by NMR. In the Gly and Leu peptides, NOE data suggest that the local conformations at the Deg residues are fully extended. Low temperature coefficients for the Deg(2) and Deg(4) NH groups are consistent with their inaccessibility to solvent, in a C5 conformation. NMR evidence supports a folded β-turn conformation involving Deg(2)-Gly(3), stabilized by a 4→1 intramolecular hydrogen bond between Pro(1) CO and Deg(4) NH in the proline containing peptide (PD4). The crystal structure of GD4 reveals a hydrated multiple turn conformation with Gly(1)-Deg(2) adopting a distorted type II/II′ conformation, while the Deg(2)-Pro(3) segment adopts a type III/III′ structure. A lone water molecule is inserted into the potential 4 → 1 hydrogen bond of the Gly(1)-Deg(2) β-turn

    Critical points in the Bragg glass phase of a weakly pinned crystal of Ca3_3Rh4_4Sn13_{13}

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    New experimental data are presented on the scan rate dependence of the magnetization hysteresis width ΔM(H)\Delta M(H) (\propto critical current density Jc(H)J_c(H)) in isothermal MHM-H scans in a weakly pinned single crystal of Ca3_3Rh4_4Sn13_{13}, which displays second magnetization peak (SMP) anomaly as distinct from the peak effect (PE). We observe an interesting modulation in the field dependence of a parameter which purports to measure the dynamical annealing of the disordered bundles of vortices injected through the sample edges towards the destined equilibrium vortex state at a given HH. These data, in conjunction with the earlier observations made while studying the thermomagnetic history dependence in Jc(H)J_c(H) in the tracing of the minor hysteresis loops, imply that the partially disordered state heals towards the more ordered state between the peak field of the SMP anomaly and the onset field of the PE. The vortex phase diagram in the given crystal of Ca3_3Rh4_4Sn13_{13} has been updated in the context of the notion of the phase coexistence of the ordered and disordered regions between the onset field of the SMP anomaly and the spinodal line located just prior to the irreversibility line. A multi-critical point and a critical point in the (H,TH,T) region of the Bragg glass phase have been marked in this phase diagram and the observed behaviour is discussed in the light of recent data on multi-critical point in the vortex phase diagram in a single crystal of Nb.Comment: To appear in Current trends in Vortex State Studies - Pramana J. Physic