2,843 research outputs found

    Density and spin response function of a normal Fermi gas at unitarity

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    Using Landau theory of Fermi liquids we calculate the dynamic response of both a polarized and unpolarized normal Fermi gas at zero temperature in the strongly interacting regime of large scattering length. We show that at small excitation energies the {\it in phase} (density) response is enhanced with respect to the ideal gas prediction due to the increased compressibility. Viceversa, the {\it out of phase} (spin) response is quenched as a consequence of the tendency of the system to pair opposite spins. The long wavelength behavior of the static structure factor is explicitly calculated. The results are compared with the predictions in the collisional and superfluid regimes. The emergence of a spin zero sound solution in the unpolarized normal phase is explicitly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Self-consistent calculation of particle-hole diagrams on the Matsubara frequency: FLEX approximation

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    We implement the numerical method of summing Green function diagrams on the Matsubara frequency axis for the fluctuation exchange (FLEX) approximation. Our method has previously been applied to the attractive Hubbard model for low density. Here we apply our numerical algorithm to the Hubbard model close to half filling (ρ=0.40\rho = 0.40), and for T/t=0.03T/t = 0.03, in order to study the dynamics of one- and two-particle Green functions. For the values of the chosen parameters we see the formation of three branches which we associate with the a two-peak structure in the imaginary part of the self-energy. From the imaginary part of the self-energy we conclude that our system is a Fermi liquid (for the temperature investigated here), since ImΣ(k,ω)w2\Sigma(\vec{k},\omega) \approx w^2 around the chemical potential. We have compared our fully self-consistent FLEX solutions with a lower order approximation where the internal Green functions are approximated by free Green functions. These two approches, i.e., the fully selfconsistent and the non-selfconsistent ones give different results for the parameters considered here. However, they have similar global results for small densities.Comment: seven pages, nine figures as ps files. Accepted in Int. J. Modern Phys. C (1997

    Partially suppressed long-range order in the Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons

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    We adopt a kinetic theory of polariton non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation, to describe the formation of off-diagonal long-range order. The theory accounts properly for the dominant role of quantum fluctuations in the condensate. In realistic situations with optical excitation at high energy, it predicts a significant depletion of the condensate caused by long-wavelength fluctuations. As a consequence, the one-body density matrix in space displays a partially suppressed long-range order and a pronounced dependence on the finite size of the system

    Valley dependent many-body effects in 2D semiconductors

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    We calculate the valley degeneracy (gvg_v) dependence of the many-body renormalization of quasiparticle properties in multivalley 2D semiconductor structures due to the Coulomb interaction between the carriers. Quite unexpectedly, the gvg_v dependence of many-body effects is nontrivial and non-generic, and depends qualitatively on the specific Fermi liquid property under consideration. While the interacting 2D compressibility manifests monotonically increasing many-body renormalization with increasing gvg_v, the 2D spin susceptibility exhibits an interesting non-monotonic gvg_v dependence with the susceptibility increasing (decreasing) with gvg_v for smaller (larger) values of gvg_v with the renormalization effect peaking around gv12g_v\sim 1-2. Our theoretical results provide a clear conceptual understanding of recent valley-dependent 2D susceptibility measurements in AlAs quantum wells.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dipole and monopole modes in the Bose-Hubbard model in a trap

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    The lowest-lying collective modes of a trapped Bose gas in an optical lattice are studied in the Bose-Hubbard model. An exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is performed in a one-dimensional five-particle system in order to find the lowest few eigenstates. Dipole and breathing character of the eigenstates is confirmed in the limit where the tunneling dominates the dynamics, but under Mott-like conditions the excitations do not correspond to oscillatory modes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Boson Core Compressibility

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    Strongly interacting atoms trapped in optical lattices can be used to explore phase diagrams of Hubbard models. Spatial inhomogeneity due to trapping typically obscures distinguishing observables. We propose that measures using boson double occupancy avoid trapping effects to reveal key correlation functions. We define a boson core compressibility and core superfluid stiffness in terms of double occupancy. We use quantum Monte Carlo on the Bose-Hubbard model to empirically show that these quantities intrinsically eliminate edge effects to reveal correlations near the trap center. The boson core compressibility offers a generally applicable tool that can be used to experimentally map out phase transitions between compressible and incompressible states.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Umklapp collisions and center of mass oscillation of a trapped Fermi gas

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    Starting from the the Boltzmann equation, we study the center of mass oscillation of a harmonically trapped normal Fermi gas in the presence of a one-dimensional periodic potential. We show that for values of the the Fermi energy above the first Bloch band the center of mass motion is strongly damped in the collisional regime due to umklapp processes. This should be contrasted with the behaviour of a superfluid where one instead expects the occurrence of persistent Josephson-like oscillations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, corrected typo

    Tunable Charge and Spin Seebeck Effects in Magnetic Molecular Junctions

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    We study the charge and spin Seebeck effects in a spin-1 molecular junction as a function of temperature (T), applied magnetic field (H), and magnetic anisotropy (D) using Wilson's numerical renormalization group. A hard-axis magnetic anisotropy produces a large enhancement of the charge Seebeck coefficient Sc (\sim k_B/|e|) whose value only depends on the residual interaction between quasiparticles in the low temperature Fermi-liquid regime. In the underscreened spin-1 Kondo regime, the high sensitivity of the system to magnetic fields makes it possible to observe a sizable value for the spin Seebeck coefficient even for magnetic fields much smaller than the Kondo temperature. Similar effects can be obtain in C60 junctions where the control parameter is the gap between a singlet and a triplet molecular state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Single-particle and collective excitations in quantum wires made up of vertically stacked quantum dots: Zero magnetic field

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    We report on the theoretical investigation of the elementary electronic excitations in a quantum wire made up of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots. The length scales (of a few nanometers) involved in the experimental setups prompt us to consider an infinitely periodic system of two-dimensionally confined (InAs) quantum dot layers separated by GaAs spacers. The the Bloch functions and the Hermite functions together characterize the whole system. We then make use of the Bohm-Pines' (full) random-phase approximation in order to derive a general nonlocal, dynamic dielectric function. Thus developed theoretical framework is then specified to work within a (lowest miniband and) two-subband model that enables us to scrutinize the single-particle as well as collective responses of the system. We compute and discuss the behavior of the eigenfunctions, band-widths, density of states, Fermi energy, single-particle and collective excitations, and finally size up the importance of studying the inverse dielectric function in relation with the quantum transport phenomena. It is remarkable to notice how the variation in the barrier- and well-widths can allow us to tailor the excitation spectrum in the desired energy range. Given the advantage of the vertically stacked quantum dots over the planar ones and the foreseen applications in the single-electron devices and in the quantum computation, it is quite interesting and important to explore the electronic, optical, and transport phenomena in such systems

    Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW Theory

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    In past decades the scientific community has been looking for a reliable first-principles method to predict the electronic structure of solids with high accuracy. Here we present an approach which we call the quasiparticle self-consistent GW approximation (QpscGW). It is based on a kind of self-consistent perturbation theory, where the self-consistency is constructed to minimize the perturbation. We apply it to selections from different classes of materials, including alkali metals, semiconductors, wide band gap insulators, transition metals, transition metal oxides, magnetic insulators, and rare earth compounds. Apart some mild exceptions, the properties are very well described, particularly in weakly correlated cases. Self-consistency dramatically improves agreement with experiment, and is sometimes essential. Discrepancies with experiment are systematic, and can be explained in terms of approximations made.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure