35 research outputs found

    Integrable turbulence generated from modulational instability of cnoidal waves

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    We study numerically the nonlinear stage of modulational instability (MI) of cnoidal waves, in the framework of the focusing one-dimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation. Cnoidal waves are the exact periodic solutions of the NLS equation and can be represented as a lattice of overlapping solitons. MI of these lattices lead to development of "integrable turbulence" [Zakharov V.E., Stud. Appl. Math. 122, 219-234 (2009)]. We study the major characteristics of the turbulence for dn-branch of cnoidal waves and demonstrate how these characteristics depend on the degree of "overlapping" between the solitons within the cnoidal wave. Integrable turbulence, that develops from MI of dn-branch of cnoidal waves, asymptotically approaches to it's stationary state in oscillatory way. During this process kinetic and potential energies oscillate around their asymptotic values. The amplitudes of these oscillations decay with time as t^{-a}, 1<a<1.5, the phases contain nonlinear phase shift decaying as t^{-1/2}, and the frequency of the oscillations is equal to the double maximal growth rate of the MI, s=2g_{max}. In the asymptotic stationary state the ratio of potential to kinetic energy is equal to -2. The asymptotic PDF of wave amplitudes is close to Rayleigh distribution for cnoidal waves with strong overlapping, and is significantly non-Rayleigh one for cnoidal waves with weak overlapping of solitons. In the latter case the dynamics of the system reduces to two-soliton collisions, which occur with exponentially small rate and provide up to two-fold increase in amplitude compared with the original cnoidal wave.Comment: 36 pages, 25 figure

    Rogue waves with rational profiles in unstable condensate and its solitonic model

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    In this brief report we study numerically the spontaneous emergence of rogue waves in (i) modulationally unstable plane wave at its long-time statistically stationary state and (ii) bound-state multi-soliton solutions representing the solitonic model of this state [Gelash et al, PRL 123, 234102 (2019)]. Focusing our analysis on the cohort of the largest rogue waves, we find their practically identical dynamical and statistical properties for both systems, that strongly suggests that the main mechanism of rogue wave formation for the modulational instability case is multi-soliton interaction. Additionally, we demonstrate that most of the largest rogue waves are very well approximated -- simultaneously in space and in time -- by the amplitude-scaled rational breather solution of the second order.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Growing of integrable turbulence

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    We study numerically the integrable turbulence in the framework of the focusing one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation using a new method -- the "growing of turbulence". We add to the equation a weak controlled pumping term and start adiabatic evolution of turbulence from statistically homogeneous Gaussian noise. After reaching a certain level of average intensity, we switch off the pumping and realize that the "grown up" turbulence is statistically stationary. We measure its Fourier spectrum, the probability density function (PDF) of intensity and the autocorrelation of intensity. Additionally, we show that, being adiabatic, our method produces stationary states of the integrable turbulence for the intermediate moments of pumping as well. Presently, we consider only the turbulence of relatively small level of nonlinearity; however, even this "moderate" turbulence is characterized by enhanced generation of rogue waves.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur