121 research outputs found

    Nuclear Shape Fluctuations in Fermi-Liquid Drop Model

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    Within the nuclear Fermi-liquid drop model, quantum and thermal fluctuations are considered by use of the Landau-Vlasov-Langevin equation. The spectral correlation function of the nuclear surface fluctuations is evaluated in a simple model of an incompressible and irrotational Fermi liquid. The dependence of the spectral correlation function on the dynamical Fermi-surface distortion is established. The temperature at which the eigenvibrations become overdamped is calculated. It is shown that, for realistic values of the relaxation time parameter and in the high temperature regime, there is a particular eigenmode of the Fermi liquid drop where the restoring force is exclusively due to the dynamical Fermi-surface distortion.Comment: 23 pages, revtex, file and 3 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    A New Study of the Transition to Uniform Nuclear Matter in Neutron Stars and Supernovae

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    A comprehensive microscopic study of the properties of bulk matter at densities just below nuclear saturation ρs=2.5∌1014\rho_s = 2.5 \sim 10^{14} g cm−3^{-3}, zero and finite temperature and high neutron fraction, is outlined, and preliminary results presented. Such matter is expected to exist in the inner crust of neutron stars and during the core collapse of massive stars with $M \gtrsim 8M_{\odot}Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Participant Contribution at the ``Dense Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions and Astrophysics" Summer School, JINR, Dubna, Aug. 21 - Sept. 1, 2006. To be published in PEPAN letter

    Neutron Drops and Skyrme Energy-Density Functionals

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    The Jπ^{\pi}=0+^+ ground state of a drop of 8 neutrons and the lowest 1/2−^- and 3/2−^- states of 7-neutron drops, all in an external well, are computed accurately with variational and Green's function Monte Carlo methods for a Hamiltonian containing the Argonne v18v_{18} two-nucleon and Urbana IX three-nucleon potentials. These states are also calculated using Skyrme-type energy-density functionals. Commonly used functionals overestimate the central density of these drops and the spin-orbit splitting of 7-neutron drops. Improvements in the functionals are suggested

    Direct Urca Process in a Neutron Star Mantle

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    We show that the direct Urca process of neutrino emission is allowed in two possible phases of nonspherical nuclei (inverse cylinders and inverse spheres) in the mantle of a neutron star near the crust-core interface. The process is open because neutrons and protons move in a periodic potential created by inhomogeneous nuclear structures. In this way the nucleons acquire large quasimomenta needed to satisfy momentum-conservation in the neutrino reaction. The appropriate neutrino emissivity in a nonsuperfluid matter is about 2--3 orders of magnitude higher than the emissivity of the modified Urca process in the stellar core. The process may noticeably accelerate the cooling of low-mass neutron stars.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to A&

    The Minimal CFL-Nuclear Interface

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    At nuclear matter density, electrically neutral strongly interacting matter in weak equilibrium is made of neutrons, protons and electrons. At sufficiently high density, such matter is made of up, down and strange quarks in the color-flavor locked phase, with no electrons. As a function of increasing density (or, perhaps, increasing depth in a compact star) other phases may intervene between these two phases which are guaranteed to be present. The simplest possibility, however, is a single first order phase transition between CFL and nuclear matter. Such a transition, in space, could take place either through a mixed phase region or at a single sharp interface with electron-free CFL and electron-rich nuclear matter in stable contact. Here we construct a model for such an interface. It is characterized by a region of separated charge, similar to an inversion layer at a metal-insulator boundary. On the CFL side, the charged boundary layer is dominated by a condensate of negative kaons. We then consider the energetics of the mixed phase alternative. We find that the mixed phase will occur only if the nuclear-CFL surface tension is significantly smaller than dimensional analysis would indicate.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure
