267 research outputs found

    Gauge invariance of the color-superconducting gap on the mass shell

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    The gap parameter for color superconductivity is expected to be a gauge invariant quantity, at least on the appropriate mass shell. Computing the gap to subleading order in the QCD coupling constant, g, we show that the prefactor of the exponential in 1/g is gauge dependent off the mass shell, and independent of gauge on the mass shell.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the Conference on Statistical QCD, Bielefeld, August 26 - 30, 200

    Color superconductivity in cold, dense quark matter

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    We review what is different and what is similar in a color superconductor as compared to an ordinary BCS superconductor. The parametric dependence of the zero-temperature gap on the coupling constant differs in QCD from that in BCS theory. On the other hand, the transition temperature to the superconducting phase is related to the zero-temperature gap in the same way in QCD as in BCS theory.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the "Fifth Workshop on QCD", Villefranche, Jan. 3-7, 200

    Differential freezeout and pion interferometry at RHIC from covariant transport theory

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    Puzzling discrepancies between recent pion interferometry data on Au+Au reactions at s^1/2 = 130 and 200 AGeV from RHIC and predictions based on ideal hydrodynamics are analyzed in terms of covariant parton transport theory. The discrepancies of out and longitudinal radii are significantly reduced when the finite opacity of the gluon plasma is taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 3 EPS figures. Submitted to PR

    Longitudinal gluons and Nambu-Goldstone bosons in a two-flavor color superconductor

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    In a two-flavor color superconductor, the SU(3)_c gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by diquark condensation. The Nambu-Goldstone excitations of the diquark condensate mix with the gluons associated with the broken generators of the original gauge group. It is shown how one can decouple these modes with a particular choice of 't Hooft gauge. We then explicitly compute the spectral density for transverse and longitudinal gluons of adjoint color 8. The Nambu-Goldstone excitations give rise to a singularity in the real part of the longitudinal gluon self-energy. This leads to a vanishing gluon spectral density for energies and momenta located on the dispersion branch of the Nambu-Goldstone excitations.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, minor revisions to text, one ref. adde

    Asymptotic deconfinement in high-density QCD

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    We discuss QCD with two light flavors at large baryon chemical potential mu. Color superconductivity leads to partial breaking of the color SU(3) group. We show that the infrared physics is governed by the gluodynamics of the remaining SU(2) group with an exponentially soft confinement scale Lambda_QCD' Delta*exp[-a*mu/(g*Delta)], where Delta<<mu is the superconducting gap, g is the strong coupling, and a=0.81... We estimate that at moderate baryon densities Lambda_QCD' is O(10 MeV) or smaller. The confinement radius increases exponentially with density, leading to "asymptotic deconfinement." The velocity of the SU(2) gluons is small due to the large dielectric constant of the medium.Comment: 4 pages; restructured, published versio

    Lifetime Effects in Color Superconductivity at Weak Coupling

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    Present computations of the gap of color superconductivity in weak coupling assume that the quarks which participate in the condensation process are infinitely long-lived. However, the quasiparticles in a plasma are characterized by having a finite lifetime. In this article we take into account this fact to evaluate its effect in the computation of the color gap. By first considering the Schwinger-Dyson equations in weak coupling, when one-loop self-energy corrections are included, a general gap equation is written in terms of the spectral densities of the quasiparticles. To evaluate lifetime effects, we then model the spectral density by a Lorentzian function. We argue that the decay of the quasiparticles limits their efficiency to condense. The value of the gap at the Fermi surface is then reduced. To leading order, these lifetime effects can be taken into account by replacing the coupling constant of the gap equation by a reduced effective one.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; explanations on the role of the Meissner effect added; 2 references added; accepted for publication in PR

    Masses of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons in two flavor color superconducting phase

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    The masses of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons in the color superconducting phase of dense QCD with two light flavors are estimated by making use of the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action. Parametrically, the masses of the doublet and antidoublet bosons are suppressed by a power of the coupling constant as compared to the value of the superconducting gap. This is qualitatively different from the mass expression for the singlet pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson, resulting from non-perturbative effects. It is argued that the (anti-) doublet pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons form colorless [with respect to the unbroken SU(2)_{c}] charmonium-like bound states. The corresponding binding energy is also estimated.Comment: 18 pages and 1 figure. REVTeX. New references and Appendix C with a discussion of the gauge invariance in color superconductivity are added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Van der Waals Excluded Volume Model of Multicomponent Hadron Gas

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    A generalization of the Van der Waals excluded volume procedure for the multicomponent hadron gas is proposed. The derivation is based on the grand canonical partition function for the system of particles of several species interacting by hard core potentials. The obtained formulae for thermodynamical quantities are consistent with underlying principles of statistical mechanics as well as with thermodynamical identities. The model can be applied to the analysis of experimental data for particle number ratios in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions.Comment: 8 page

    Chiral Phase Transition within Effective Models with Constituent Quarks

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    We investigate the chiral phase transition at nonzero temperature TT and baryon-chemical potential ÎŒB\mu_B within the framework of the linear sigma model and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. For small bare quark masses we find in both models a smooth crossover transition for nonzero TT and ÎŒB=0\mu_B=0 and a first order transition for T=0 and nonzero ÎŒB\mu_B. We calculate explicitly the first order phase transition line and spinodal lines in the (T,ÎŒB)(T,\mu_B) plane. As expected they all end in a critical point. We find that, in the linear sigma model, the sigma mass goes to zero at the critical point. This is in contrast to the NJL model, where the sigma mass, as defined in the random phase approximation, does not vanish. We also compute the adiabatic lines in the (T,ÎŒB)(T,\mu_B) plane. Within the models studied here, the critical point does not serve as a ``focusing'' point in the adiabatic expansion.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure
