862 research outputs found

    Simulations of Information Transport in Spin Chains

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    Transport of quantum information in linear spin chains has been the subject of much theoretical work. Experimental studies by nuclear spin systems in solid-state by NMR (a natural implementation of such models) is complicated since the dipolar Hamiltonian is not solely comprised of nearest-neighbor XY-Heisenberg couplings. We present here a similarity transformation between the XY-Heisenberg Hamiltonian and the grade raising Hamiltonian, an interaction which is achievable with the collective control provided by radio-frequency pulses in NMR. Not only does this second Hamiltonian allows us to simulate the information transport in a spin chain, but it also provides a means to observe its signature experimentally

    Inhomogeneous Nuclear Spin Flips

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    We discuss a feedback mechanism between electronic states in a double quantum dot and the underlying nuclear spin bath. We analyze two pumping cycles for which this feedback provides a force for the Overhauser fields of the two dots to either equilibrate or diverge. Which of these effects is favored depends on the g-factor and Overhauser coupling constant A of the material. The strength of the effect increases with A/V_x, where V_x is the exchange matrix element, and also increases as the external magnetic field B_{ext} decreases.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (jpg

    Canonical representation for electrons and its application to the Hubbard model

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    A new representation for electrons is introduced, in which the electron operators are written in terms of a spinless fermion and the Pauli operators. This representation is canonical, invertible and constraint-free. Importantly, it simplifies the Hubbard interaction. On a bipartite lattice, the Hubbard model is reduced to a form in which the exchange interaction emerges simply by decoupling the Pauli subsystem from the spinless fermion bath. This exchange correctly reproduces the large UU superexchange. Also derived, for U=±∞U=\pm\infty, is the Hamiltonian to study Nagaoka ferromagnetism. In this representation, the infinite-UU Hubbard problem becomes elegant and easier to handle. Interestingly, the ferromagnetism in Hubbard model is found to be related to the gauge invariance of the spinless fermions. Generalization of this representation for the multicomponent fermions, a new representation for bosons, the notion of a `soft-core' fermion, and some interesting unitary transformations are introduced and discussed in the appendices.Comment: 10+ pages, 3 Figure

    Anomalous dynamics in two- and three- dimensional Heisenberg-Mattis spin glasses

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    We investigate the spectral and localization properties of unmagnetized Heisenberg-Mattis spin glasses, in space dimensionalities d=2d=2 and 3, at T=0. We use numerical transfer-matrix methods combined with finite-size scaling to calculate Lyapunov exponents, and eigenvalue-counting theorems, coupled with Gaussian elimination algorithms, to evaluate densities of states. In d=2d=2 we find that all states are localized, with the localization length diverging as ω−1\omega^{-1}, as energy ω→0\omega \to 0. Logarithmic corrections to density of states behave in accordance with theoretical predictions. In d=3d=3 the density-of-states dependence on energy is the same as for spin waves in pure antiferromagnets, again in agreement with theoretical predictions, though the corresponding amplitudes differ.Comment: RevTeX4, 9 pages, 9 .eps figure

    Dynamics and Control of a Quasi-1D Spin System

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    We study experimentally a system comprised of linear chains of spin-1/2 nuclei that provides a test-bed for multi-body dynamics and quantum information processing. This system is a paradigm for a new class of quantum information devices that can perform particular tasks even without universal control of the whole quantum system. We investigate the extent of control achievable on the system with current experimental apparatus and methods to gain information on the system state, when full tomography is not possible and in any case highly inefficient

    Wigner Molecules in Nanostructures

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    The one-- and two-- particle densities of up to four interacting electrons with spin, confined within a quasi one--dimensional ``quantum dot'' are calculated by numerical diagonalization. The transition from a dense homogeneous charge distribution to a dilute localized Wigner--type electron arrangement is investigated. The influence of the long range part of the Coulomb interaction is studied. When the interaction is exponentially cut off the ``crystallized'' Wigner molecule is destroyed in favor of an inhomogeneous charge distribution similar to a charge density wave .Comment: 10 pages (excl. Figures), Figures available on request LaTe

    Relationship between long time scales and the static free-energy in the Hopfield model

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    The Glauber dynamics of the Hopfield model at low storage level is considered. We analytically derive the spectrum of relaxation times for large system sizes. The longest time scales are gathered in families, each family being in one to one correspondence with a stationary (not necessarily stable) point of the static mean-field free-energy. Inside a family, the time scales are given by the reciprocals (of the absolute values) of the eigenvalues of the free-energy Hessian matrix.Comment: 5 pages RevTex file, accepted for publication in J.Phys.

    Folding of the Triangular Lattice in the FCC Lattice with Quenched Random Spontaneous Curvature

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    We study the folding of the regular two-dimensional triangular lattice embedded in the regular three-dimensional Face Centered Cubic lattice, in the presence of quenched random spontaneous curvature. We consider two types of quenched randomness: (1) a ``physical'' randomness arising from a prior random folding of the lattice, creating a prefered spontaneous curvature on the bonds; (2) a simple randomness where the spontaneous curvature is chosen at random independently on each bond. We study the folding transitions of the two models within the hexagon approximation of the Cluster Variation Method. Depending on the type of randomness, the system shows different behaviors. We finally discuss a Hopfield-like model as an extension of the physical randomness problem to account for the case where several different configurations are stored in the prior pre-folding process.Comment: 12 pages, Tex (harvmac.tex), 4 figures. J.Phys.A (in press

    Spin-spin correlators in Majorana representation

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    In the Majorana representation of a spin 1/2 we find an identity which relates spin-spin correlators to one-particle fermionic correlators. This should be contrasted with the straightforward approach in which two-particle (four-fermion) correlators need to be calculated. We discuss applications to the analysis of the dynamics of a spin coupled to a dissipative environment and of a quantum detector performing a continuous measurement of a qubit's state

    Magnetism in Closed-shell Quantum Dots: Emergence of Magnetic Bipolarons

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    Similar to atoms and nuclei, semiconductor quantum dots exhibit formation of shells. Predictions of magnetic behavior of the dots are often based on the shell occupancies. Thus, closed-shell quantum dots are assumed to be inherently nonmagnetic. Here, we propose a possibility of magnetism in such dots doped with magnetic impurities. On the example of the system of two interacting fermions, the simplest embodiment of the closed-shell structure, we demonstrate the emergence of a novel broken-symmetry ground state that is neither spin-singlet nor spin-triplet. We propose experimental tests of our predictions and the magnetic-dot structures to perform them.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.177201; minor change
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