5,618 research outputs found

    Automated enzymatic determination of plasma free fatty acids by centrifugal analysis

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    Assessment of Neuropsychological Trajectories in Longitudinal Population-Based Studies of Children

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    This paper provides a strategy for the assessment of brain function in longitudinal cohort studies of children. The proposed strategy invokes both domain-specific and omnibus intelligence test approaches. In order to minimise testing burden and practice effects, the cohort is divided into four groups with one-quarter tested at 6-monthly intervals in the 0–2-year age range (at ages 6 months, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 years) and at annual intervals from ages 3–20 (one-quarter of the children at age 3, another at age 4, etc). This strategy allows investigation of cognitive development and of the relationship between environmental influences and development at each age. It also allows introduction of new domains of function when age-appropriate. As far as possible, tests are used that will provide a rich source of both longitudinal and cross-sectional data. The testing strategy allows the introduction of novel tests and new domains as well as piloting of tests when the test burden is relatively light. In addition to the recommended tests for each age and domain, alternative tests are described. Assessment methodology and knowledge about child cognitive development will change over the next 20 years, and strategies are suggested for altering the proposed test schedule as appropriate

    Far-flung Filaments of Ejecta in the Young Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8

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    New optical images of the young SNR G292.0+1.8, obtained from the 0.9-m telescope at CTIO, show a more extensive network of filaments than had been known previously. Filaments emitting in [O III] are distributed throughout much of the 8 arcmin diameter shell seen in X-ray and radio images, including a few at the very outermost shell limits. We have also detected four small complexes of filaments that show [S II] emission along with [OIII]. In a single long-slit spectrum we find variations of almost an order of magnitude in the relative strengths of oxygen and sulfur lines, which must result from abundance variations. None of the filaments, with or without [S II], shows any evidence for hydrogen, so all appear to be fragments of pure SN ejecta. The [S II] filaments provide the first evidence for undiluted products of oxygen burning in the ejecta from the supernova that gave rise to G292.0+1.8. Some oxygen burning must have occurred, but the paucity of [S II]-emitting filaments suggests that either the oxygen burning was not extensive or that most of its products have yet to be excited. Most of the outer filaments exhibit radial, pencil-like morphologies that suggest an origin as Rayleigh-Taylor fingers of ejecta, perhaps formed during the explosion. Simulations of core-collapse supernovae predict such fingers, but these have never before been so clearly observed in a young SNR. The total flux from the SNR in [OIII] 5007 is 5.4 * 10**-12 ergs/cm**2/s. Using a distance of 6 kpc and an extinction correction corresponding to E(B-V) = 0.6 (lower than previous values but more consistent both with our data and radio and X-ray estimates of NH), this leads to a luminosity of 1.6 * 10**35 ergs/s in the 5007 Ang. line.Comment: 32 pages including 10 figures, and 3 tables, accepted for publication in AJ. Vol 132, July 2006. Higher resolution versions of the figures and a pdf of the manuscript can be found at http://www-int.stsci.edu/~long/papers/g292_optical

    A Deep \u3cem\u3eChandra\u3c/em\u3e ACIS Survey of M83

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    We have obtained a series of deep X-ray images of the nearby galaxy M83 using Chandra, with a total exposure of 729 ks. Combining the new data with earlier archival observations totaling 61 ks, we find 378 point sources within the D25 contour of the galaxy. We find 80 more sources, mostly background active galactic nuclei (AGNs), outside of the D25 contour. Of the X-ray sources, 47 have been detected in a new radio survey of M83 obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Of the X-ray sources, at least 87 seem likely to be supernova remnants (SNRs), based on a combination of their properties in X-rays and at other wavelengths. We attempt to classify the point source population of M83 through a combination of spectral and temporal analysis. As part of this effort, we carry out an initial spectral analysis of the 29 brightest X-ray sources. The soft X-ray sources in the disk, many of which are SNRs, are associated with the spiral arms, while the harder X-ray sources, mostly X-ray binaries (XRBs), do not appear to be. After eliminating AGNs, foreground stars, and identified SNRs from the sample, we construct the cumulative luminosity function (CLF) of XRBs brighter than 8 × 1035 erg s–1. Despite M83\u27s relatively high star formation rate, the CLF indicates that most of the XRBs in the disk are low mass XRBs

    A Deep \u3cem\u3eChandra\u3c/em\u3e ACIS Survey of M83

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    We have obtained a series of deep X-ray images of the nearby galaxy M83 using Chandra, with a total exposure of 729 ks. Combining the new data with earlier archival observations totaling 61 ks, we find 378 point sources within the D25 contour of the galaxy. We find 80 more sources, mostly background active galactic nuclei (AGNs), outside of the D25 contour. Of the X-ray sources, 47 have been detected in a new radio survey of M83 obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Of the X-ray sources, at least 87 seem likely to be supernova remnants (SNRs), based on a combination of their properties in X-rays and at other wavelengths. We attempt to classify the point source population of M83 through a combination of spectral and temporal analysis. As part of this effort, we carry out an initial spectral analysis of the 29 brightest X-ray sources. The soft X-ray sources in the disk, many of which are SNRs, are associated with the spiral arms, while the harder X-ray sources, mostly X-ray binaries (XRBs), do not appear to be. After eliminating AGNs, foreground stars, and identified SNRs from the sample, we construct the cumulative luminosity function (CLF) of XRBs brighter than 8 × 1035 erg s–1. Despite M83\u27s relatively high star formation rate, the CLF indicates that most of the XRBs in the disk are low mass XRBs

    An Illustration of Modeling Cataclysmic Variables: HST, FUSE, SDSS Spectra of SDSSJ080908.39+381406.2

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    We use FUSE, HST, and SDSS spectra of the cataclysmic variable SDSSJ0809 to illustrate procedures for calculating and testing system models. Our final model has an accretion disk temperature profile similar to the SW Sextantis profile determined from tomographic reconstruction.Comment: 51 pages, 19 Postscript figures, 6 table

    On the jets, kinks, and spheromaks formed by a planar magnetized coaxial gun

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    Measurements of the various plasma configurations produced by a planar magnetized coaxial gun provide insight into the magnetic topology evolution resulting from magnetic helicity injection. Important features of the experiments are a very simple coaxial gun design so that all observed geometrical complexity is due to the intrinsic physical dynamics rather than the source shape and use of a fast multiple-frame digital camera which provides direct imaging of topologically complex shapes and dynamics. Three key experimental findings were obtained: (1) formation of an axial collimated jet [Hsu and Bellan, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 334, 257 (2002)] that is consistent with a magnetohydrodynamic description of astrophysical jets, (2) identification of the kink instability when this jet satisfies the Kruskal-Shafranov limit, and (3) the nonlinear properties of the kink instability providing a conversion of toroidal to poloidal flux as required for spheromak formation by a coaxial magnetized source [Hsu and Bellan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 215002 (2003)]. A new interpretation is proposed for how the n=1 central column instability provides flux amplification during spheromak formation and sustainment, and it is shown that jet collimation can occur within one rotation of the background poloidal field.Comment: Physics of Plasmas (accepted

    A limit on the detectability of the energy scale of inflation

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    We show that the polarization of the cosmic microwave background can be used to detect gravity waves from inflation if the energy scale of inflation is above 3.2 times 10^15 GeV. These gravity waves generate polarization patterns with a curl, whereas (to first order in perturbation theory) density perturbations do not. The limiting ``noise'' arises from the second--order generation of curl from density perturbations, or rather residuals from its subtraction. We calculate optimal sky coverage and detectability limits as a function of detector sensitivity and observing time.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Simulations and cosmological inference: A statistical model for power spectra means and covariances

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    We describe an approximate statistical model for the sample variance distribution of the non-linear matter power spectrum that can be calibrated from limited numbers of simulations. Our model retains the common assumption of a multivariate Normal distribution for the power spectrum band powers, but takes full account of the (parameter dependent) power spectrum covariance. The model is calibrated using an extension of the framework in Habib et al. (2007) to train Gaussian processes for the power spectrum mean and covariance given a set of simulation runs over a hypercube in parameter space. We demonstrate the performance of this machinery by estimating the parameters of a power-law model for the power spectrum. Within this framework, our calibrated sample variance distribution is robust to errors in the estimated covariance and shows rapid convergence of the posterior parameter constraints with the number of training simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, matches final version published in PR
