225 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Josephson Effect and Violation of the Josephson Relation in Layered Superconductors

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    Equations describing the resistive state of a layered superconductor with anisotropic pairing are derived. The similarity with a stack of Josephson junctions is found at small voltages only, when current density in the direction perpendicular to the layers can be interpreted as a sum of the Josephson superconducting, the Ohmic dissipative and the interference currents. In the spatially uniform state differential conductivity at higher voltages becomes negative. Nonuniformity of the current distribution generates the branch imbalance and violates the Josephson relation between frequency and voltage.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, revtex, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Linear response and collective oscillations in superconductors with d-wave pairing

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    Simple and physically transparent equations for the linear response of layered superconductors with d-wave symmetry of the order parameter are derived by means of the quasiclassic kinetic theory of superconductivity. Responses to solenoidal and potential electric fields have different frequency dependencies. The conductivity describing the response to the solenoidal field is limited by the momentum relaxation, like in a normal metal. The response to the potential electric field depends, in addition, on the branch imbalance relaxation rate. The damping of plasma oscillations of superconducting electrons is determined by dielectric relaxation and is small. Relaxation of branch imbalance determined by elastic scattering is large enough to make the Carlson-Goldman mode in d-wave superconductors overdamped.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to Physical Review

    On Effect of Equilibrium Fluctuations on Superfluid Density in Layered Superconductors

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    We calculate suppression of inter- and intralayer superconducting currents due to equilibrium phase fluctuations and find that, in contrast to a recent prediction, the effect of thermal fluctuations cannot account for linear temperature dependence of the superfluid density in high-Tc superconductors at low temperatures. Quantum fluctuations are found to dominate over thermal fluctuations at low temperatures due to hardening of their spectrum caused by the Josephson plasma resonance. Near Tc sizeable thermal fluctuations are found to suppress the critical current in the stack direction stronger, than in the direction along the layers. Fluctuations of quasiparticle branch imbalance make the spectral density of voltage fluctuations at small frequencies non zero, in contrast to what may be expected from a naive interpretation of Nyquist formula.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, RevTeX, Submitted to PR

    Convective Term and Transversely Driven Charge-Density Waves

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    We derive the convective terms in the damping which determine the structure of the moving charge-density wave (CDW), and study the effect of a current flowing transverse to conducting chains on the CDW dynamics along the chains. In contrast to a recent prediction we find that the effect is orders of magnitude smaller, and that contributions from transverse currents of electron- and hole-like quasiparticles to the force exerted on the CDW along the chains act in the opposite directions. We discuss recent experimental verification of the effect and demonstrate experimentally that geometry effects might mimic the transverse current effect.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publications in PR

    Reflectivity and Microwave Absorption in Crystals with Alternating Intrinsic Josephson Junctions

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    We compute the frequency and magnetic field dependencies of the reflectivity R(ω)R(\omega) in layered superconductors with two alternating intrinsic Josephson junctions with different critical current densities and quasiparticle conductivities for the electric field polarized along the c-axis. The parameter α\alpha describing the electronic compressibility of the layers and the charge coupling of neighboring junctions was extracted for the SmLa1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}CuO4δ_{4-\delta} superconductor from two independent optical measurements, the fit of the loss function L(ω)L(\omega) at zero magnetic field and the magnetic field dependence of the peak positions in L(ω)L(\omega). The experiments are consistent with a free electron value for α\alpha near the Josephson plasma frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures, misprints in table correcte

    Coupling of the lattice and superlattice deformations and hysteresis in thermal expansion for the quasi one-dimensional conductor TaS3_3

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    An original interferometer-based setup for measurements of length of needle-like samples is developed, and thermal expansion of o-TaS3_3 crystals is studied. Below the Peierls transition the temperature hysteresis of length LL is observed, the width of the hysteresis loop δL/L\delta L/L being up to 51055 \cdot 10^{-5}. The behavior of the loop is anomalous: the length changes so that it is in front of its equilibrium value. The hysteresis loop couples with that of conductivity. The sign and the value of the length hysteresis are consistent with the strain dependence of the charge-density waves (CDW) wave vector. With lowering temperature down to 100 K the CDW elastic modulus grows achieving a value comparable with the lattice Young modulus. Our results could be helpful in consideration of different systems with intrinsic superstructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett., accepted for publicatio

    Optical Properties of Crystals with Spatial Dispersion: Josephson Plasma Resonance in Layered Superconductors

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    We derive the transmission coefficient, T(ω)T(\omega), for grazing incidence of crystals with spatial dispersion accounting for the excitation of multiple modes with different wave vectors k{\bf k} for a given frequency ω\omega. The generalization of the Fresnel formulas contains the refraction indices of these modes as determined by the dielectric function ϵ(ω,k)\epsilon(\omega,{\bf k}). Near frequencies ωe\omega_e, where the group velocity vanishes, T(ω)T(\omega) depends also on an additional parameter determined by the crystal microstructure. The transmission TT is significantly suppressed, if one of the excited modes is decaying into the crystal. We derive these features microscopically for the Josephson plasma resonance in layered superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, epl.cls style file, minor change

    Non-equilibrium current noise in mesoscopic disordered SNS junctions

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    Current noise in superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) junctions is calculated within the scattering theory of multiple Andreev reflections (MAR). It is shown that the noise exhibits subharmonic gap singularities at eV=2Δ/neV=2\Delta/n, n=1,2,...n=1,2,... both in single-mode junctions with arbitrary transparency DD and in multi-mode disordered junctions. The subharmonic structure is superimposed with monotonic increase of the effective transferred charge q=SI(0)/2Iq^*=S_I(0)/2I with decreasing bias voltage. Other features of the noise include a step-like increase of qq^* in junctions with small DD, and a divergence SI(0)V1/2S_I(0) \propto V^{-1/2} at small voltages and excess noise Sex=2eIexS_{ex} = 2eI_{ex}, where IexI_{ex} is the excess current, at large voltages, in junctions with diffusive transport.Comment: 5 page

    Adiabatic Dynamics of Superconducting Quantum Point Contacts

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    Starting from the quasiclassical equations for non-equilibrium Green's functions we derive a simple kinetic equation that governs ac Josephson effect in a superconducting quantum point contact at small bias voltages. In contrast to existing approaches the kinetic equation is valid for voltages with arbitrary time dependence. We use this equation to calculate frequency-dependent linear conductance, and dc I ⁣ ⁣VI\!-\!V characteristics with and without microwave radiation for resistively shunted quantum point contacts. A novel feature of the I ⁣ ⁣VI\!-\!V characteristics is the excess current 2Ic/π2I_c/\pi appearing at small voltages. An important by-product of our derivation is the analytical proof that the microscopic expression for the current coincides at arbitrary voltages with the expression that follows from the Bogolyubov-de Gennes equations, if one uses appropriate amplitudes of Andreev reflection which contain information about microscopic structure of the superconductors.Comment: 12 Pages, REVTEX 3.0, 3 figures available upon reques