6 research outputs found


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    A case of severe convective development affecting Croatia on 22 and 23 June 2007 is analyzed by means of synoptic material, satellite, radar and lightning data as well as hailpad data and hail observations. The development occurred during the passage of a cold front in strong upper-level south-westerly flow, bringing warm and humid air from the West Mediterranean. The onset of convection was triggered by the orographic lifting on the islands and later on the Dinaric Alps. A supercell developing in the North Adriatic split into two cells due to strong vertical wind shear and veering of the wind in the lowest 3 km. The right-moving cell with cyclonic rotation was longer living and the left one died out. Large hail was reported along the path of the cell. Later on, convective cells developing over the continental part of Croatia were of lower intensity, but still bringing hail of the hazelnut size. Hailpad measurements and hail observations show the distribution of hail in time and give the information about the sizes of hailstones. Aladin meso-scale model performance is tested for the development in the North Adriatic, showing that the model could successfully reproduce the environment and the conditions for severe convective development, however underestimating the precipitation amount

    Capillary abnormalities in workers occupationally exposed to ionizing and nonionizing radiations

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    Cilj studije je bio metodom kapilaroskopije upozoriti na mogući utjecaj ionizacijskog i neionizacijskog zračenja na periferni krvotok profesionalno izloženih osoba. Kapilaroskopski smo pregledali 100 osoba profesionalno izloženih ionizacijskom zračenju, 110 osoba profesionalno izloženih neionizacijskom zračenju i 80 kontrolnih, neizloženih osoba. U obje test-skupine oÅ”tećenja mikrocirkulacije su bila statistički značajno učestalija nego u kontrolnoj skupini.The aim of the study was to determine a possible effect of ionizing and nonionizing radiations on peripheral blood flow in occupationally exposed persons by means of capillaroscopic analysis. Altogether 290 subjects were examined. Of these 100 were occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation, 110 were occupationally exposed to nonionizing radiation and 80 control subjects never worked with radiation sources. Statistical analysis showed that microvascular abnormalities occurred significantly more frequently among occupationally exposed persons than in the control group

    Attitudes, Behaviour and Knowledge on Sexuality among Female Adolescents in Zagreb, Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the level of knowledge about sexuality, attitudes and sexual behaviour of female adolescents. The study included 194 female students, 117 from Medical High School (MHS) and 77 from General High School (GHS) in Zagreb. Data was collected using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. In addition to items on personal data (age, parental education etc.), the participants were asked to define terms about sexuality (e.g. menstruation, puberty) the definitions of which are found in biology textbooks for the fifth and eighth grade of primary school. The aim of the third part of the survey was to collect information about attitudes and behaviour of female adolescents. The results showed a low level of knowledge in students of both schools. General High School students showed a higher level of knowledge than their Medical High School peers. One fifth of General High School students and 1/3 of Medical High School students were unable to define the term Ā»menstruationĀ«. The majority of adolescents talk about sexuality with their friends, 92.1% of General High School and 81.2% of Medical High School students. Almost 50% of students of both schools would like to talk about sexuality with their school doctor. 6.9% of Medical High School students had at least one sexual intercourse while none of the General High School students had been sexually active at the time of the survey. As the majority of students were not sexually active and results showed a rather low level of knowledge, this seems to be the ideal period for the implementation of educational programs aimed at increasing the level of knowledge, and thus preventing unwanted consequences (STD, pregnancy, abortion, infertility)