811 research outputs found

    Constraints on short-range spin-dependent interactions from scalar spin-spin coupling in deuterated molecular hydrogen

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    A comparison between existing measurements and calculations of the scalar spin-spin interaction (J-coupling) in deuterated molecular hydrogen (HD) yields stringent constraints on anomalous spin-dependent potentials between nucleons at the atomic scale (1A˚{\rm \sim 1 \AA}). The dimensionless coupling constant gPpgPN/4πg_P^pg_P^{N}/4\pi associated with exchange of pseudoscalar (axion-like) bosons between nucleons is constrained to be less than 5×1075\times 10^{-7} for boson masses in the range of 5keV5 {\rm keV}. This represents improvement by a factor of about 100 over constraints placed by measurements of the dipole-dipole interaction in molecular H2{\rm H_2}. The dimensionless coupling constant gApgAN/4πg_A^pg_A^N/4 \pi associated with exchange of a heretofore undiscovered axial-vector boson between nucleons is constrained to be gApgAN/4π<2×1019g_A^pg_A^N/4 \pi < 2 \times 10^{-19} for bosons of mass 1000eV\lesssim 1000 {\rm eV}, improving constraints at this distance scale by a factor of 100 for proton-proton couplings and more than 8 orders of magnitude for neutron-proton couplings. This limit is also a factor of 100 more stringent than recent constraints obtained for axial-vector couplings between electrons and nucleons obtained from comparison of measurements and calculations of hyperfine structure.Comment: 4 pages 2 figure

    Where do winds come from? A new theory on how water vapor condensation influences atmospheric pressure and dynamics

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    Phase transitions of atmospheric water play a ubiquitous role in the Earth's climate system, but their direct impact on atmospheric dynamics has escaped wide attention. Here we examine and advance a theory as to how condensation influences atmospheric pressure through the mass removal of water from the gas phase with a simultaneous account of the latent heat release. Building from the fundamental physical principles we show that condensation is associated with a decline in air pressure in the lower atmosphere. This decline occurs up to a certain height, which ranges from 3 to 4 km for surface temperatures from 10 to 30 deg C. We then estimate the horizontal pressure differences associated with water vapor condensation and find that these are comparable in magnitude with the pressure differences driving observed circulation patterns. The water vapor delivered to the atmosphere via evaporation represents a store of potential energy available to accelerate air and thus drive winds. Our estimates suggest that the global mean power at which this potential energy is released by condensation is around one per cent of the global solar power -- this is similar to the known stationary dissipative power of general atmospheric circulation. We conclude that condensation and evaporation merit attention as major, if previously overlooked, factors in driving atmospheric dynamics

    Effective Field Theory for Rydberg Polaritons

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    We develop an effective field theory (EFT) to describe the few- and many-body propagation of one dimensional Rydberg polaritons. We show that the photonic transmission through the Rydberg medium can be found by mapping the propagation problem to a non-equilibrium quench, where the role of time and space are reversed. We include effective range corrections in the EFT and show that they dominate the dynamics near scattering resonances in the presence of deep bound states. Finally, we show how the long-range nature of the Rydberg-Rydberg interactions induces strong effective NN-body interactions between Rydberg polaritons. These results pave the way towards studying non-perturbative effects in quantum field theories using Rydberg polaritons.Comment: 5+ pages main text, 3 figures; 5 pages supplemental, 1 figure; v2 - replaced discussion of N-body bound state preparation with discussion of effective range corrections and made other minor correction

    Comment on "The Tropospheric Land-Sea Warming Contrast as the Driver of Tropical Sea Level Pressure Changes" by Bayr and Dommenget

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    T Bayr and D Dommenget [J. Climate 26 (2013) 1387] proposed a model of temperature-driven air redistribution to quantify the ratio between changes of sea level pressure psp_s and mean tropospheric temperature TaT_a in the tropics. This model assumes that the height of the tropical troposphere is isobaric. Here problems with this model are identified. A revised relationship between psp_s and TaT_a is derived governed by two parameters -- the isobaric and isothermal heights -- rather than just one. Further insight is provided by the model of R S Lindzen and S Nigam [J. Atmos. Sci. 44 (1987) 2418], which was the first to use the concept of isobaric height to relate tropical psp_s to air temperature, and did this by assuming that isobaric height is always around 3 km and isothermal height is likewise near constant. Observational data, presented here, show that neither of these heights is spatially universal nor do their mean values match previous assumptions. Analyses show that the ratio of the long-term changes in psp_s and TaT_a associated with land-sea temperature contrasts in a warming climate -- the focus of Bayr and Dommenget [2013] -- is in fact determined by the corresponding ratio of spatial differences in the annual mean psp_s and TaT_a. The latter ratio, reflecting lower pressure at higher temperature in the tropics, is dominated by meridional pressure and temperature differences rather than by land-sea contrasts. Considerations of isobaric heights are shown to be unable to predict either spatial or temporal variation in psp_s. As noted by Bayr and Dommenget [2013], the role of moisture dynamics in generating sea level pressure variation remains in need of further theoretical investigations.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.101

    Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays

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    A major application for atomic ensembles consists of a quantum memory for light, in which an optical state can be reversibly converted to a collective atomic excitation on demand. There exists a well-known fundamental bound on the storage error, when the ensemble is describable by a continuous medium governed by the Maxwell-Bloch equations. The validity of this model can break down, however, in systems such as dense, ordered atomic arrays, where strong interference in emission can give rise to phenomena such as subradiance and "selective" radiance. Here, we develop a general formalism that finds the maximum storage efficiency for a collection of atoms with discrete, known positions, and a given spatial mode in which an optical field is sent. As an example, we apply this technique to study a finite two-dimensional square array of atoms. We show that such a system enables a storage error that scales with atom number NaN_\mathrm{a} like (logNa)2/Na2\sim (\log N_\mathrm{a})^2/N_\mathrm{a}^2, and that, remarkably, an array of just 4×44 \times 4 atoms in principle allows for an efficiency comparable to a disordered ensemble with optical depth of around 600.Comment: paper is now identical to published versio