721 research outputs found

    Triplet supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions by spin injection

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    We show that injecting nonequilibrium spins into the superconducting leads strongly enhances the stationary Josephson current through a superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junction. The resulting long-range super-current through a ferromagnet is carried by triplet Cooper pairs that are formed in s-wave superconductors by the combined effects of spin injection and exchange interaction. We quantify the exchange interaction in terms of Landau Fermi-liquid factors. The magnitude and direction of the long-range Josephson current can be manipulated by varying the angles of the injected polarizations with respect to the magnetization in the ferromagnet

    Drift-diffusion model for spin-polarized transport in a non-degenerate 2DEG controlled by a spin-orbit interaction

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    We apply the Wigner function formalism to derive drift-diffusion transport equations for spin-polarized electrons in a III-V semiconductor single quantum well. Electron spin dynamics is controlled by the linear in momentum spin-orbit interaction. In a studied transport regime an electron momentum scattering rate is appreciably faster than spin dynamics. A set of transport equations is defined in terms of a particle density, spin density, and respective fluxes. The developed model allows studying of coherent dynamics of a non-equilibrium spin polarization. As an example, we consider a stationary transport regime for a heterostructure grown along the (0, 0, 1) crystallographic direction. Due to the interplay of the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit terms spin dynamics strongly depends on a transport direction. The model is consistent with results of pulse-probe measurement of spin coherence in strained semiconductor layers. It can be useful for studying properties of spin-polarized transport and modeling of spintronic devices operating in the diffusive transport regime.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Multi-subband effect in spin dephasing in semiconductor quantum wells

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    Multi-subband effect on spin precession and spin dephasing in nn-type GaAs quantum wells is studied with electron-electron and electron-phonon scattering explicitly included. The effects of temperature, well width and applied electric field (in hot-electron regime) on the spin kinetics are thoroughly investigated. It is shown that due to the strong inter-subband scattering, the spin procession and the spin dephasing rate of electrons in different subbands are almost identical despite the large difference in the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) terms of different subbands. It is also shown that for quantum wells with small well width at temperatures where only the lowest subband is occupied, the spin dephasing time increases with the temperature as well as the applied in-plane electric field until the contribution from the second subband is no longer negligible. For wide quantum wells the spin dephasing time tends to decrease with the temperature and the electric field.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures in eps forma

    Unconventional sign-reversing superconductivity in LaFeAsO_(1-x)F_x

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    We argue that the newly discovered superconductivity in a nearly magnetic, Fe-based layered compound is unconventional and mediated by antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, though different from the usual superexchange and specific to this compound. This resulting state is an example of extended s-wave pairing with a sign reversal of the order parameter between different Fermi surface sheets. The main role of doping in this scenario is to lower the density of states and suppress the pair-breaking ferromagnetic fluctuations

    Spin diffusion/transport in nn-type GaAs quantum wells

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    The spin diffusion/transport in nn-type (001) GaAs quantum well at high temperatures (120\ge120 K) is studied by setting up and numerically solving the kinetic spin Bloch equations together with the Poisson equation self-consistently. All the scattering, especially the electron-electron Coulomb scattering, is explicitly included and solved in the theory. This enables us to study the system far away from the equilibrium, such as the hot-electron effect induced by the external electric field parallel to the quantum well. We find that the spin polarization/coherence oscillates along the transport direction even when there is no external magnetic field. We show that when the scattering is strong enough, electron spins with different momentums oscillate in the same phase which leads to equal transversal spin injection length and ensemble transversal injection length. It is also shown that the intrinsic scattering is already strong enough for such a phenomena. The oscillation period is almost independent on the external electric field which is in agreement with the latest experiment in bulk system at very low temperature [Europhys. Lett. {\bf 75}, 597 (2006)]. The spin relaxation/dephasing along the diffusion/transport can be well understood by the inhomogeneous broadening, which is caused by the momentum-dependent diffusion and the spin-orbit coupling, and the scattering. The scattering, temperature, quantum well width and external magnetic/electric field dependence of the spin diffusion is studied in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J Appl. Phy

    Current-Induced Polarization and the Spin Hall Effect at Room Temperature

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    Electrically-induced electron spin polarization is imaged in n-type ZnSe epilayers using Kerr rotation spectroscopy. Despite no evidence for an electrically-induced internal magnetic field, current-induced in-plane spin polarization is observed with characteristic spin lifetimes that decrease with doping density. The spin Hall effect is also observed, indicated by an electrically-induced out-of-plane spin polarization with opposite sign for spins accumulating on opposite edges of the sample. The spin Hall conductivity is estimated as 3 +/- 1.5 Ohms**-1 m**-1/|e| at 20 K, which is consistent with the extrinsic mechanism. Both the current-induced spin polarization and the spin Hall effect are observed at temperatures from 10 K to 295 K.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Comment on "Antilocalization in a 2D Electron Gas in a Random Magnetic Field"

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    In a recent Letter, Taras-Semchuk and Efetov reconsider the problem of electron localization in a random magnetic field in two dimensions. They claim that due to the long-range nature of the vector potential correlations an additional term appears in the effective field theory (σ\sigma-model) of the problem, leading to delocalization at the one-loop level. This calls into question the results of earlier analytical studies, where the random magnetic field problem was mapped onto the conventional unitary-class σ\sigma-model, implying that the leading quantum correction is of two-loop order and of a localizing nature. We show in this Comment, however, that the new term in fact does not exist and was erroneously obtained by Taras-Semchuk and Efetov because of an inconsistent treatment violating gauge invariance.Comment: 1 page, 2 figure

    Spin coherence of a two-dimensional electron gas induced by resonant excitation of trions and excitons in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells

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    The mechanisms for generation of long-lived spin coherence in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) have been studied experimentally by means of a picosecond pump-probe Kerr rotation technique. CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells with a diluted 2DEG were investigated. The strong Coulomb interaction between electrons and holes, which results in large binding energies of neutral excitons and negatively charged excitons (trions), allows one to address selectively the exciton or trion states by resonant optical excitation. Different scenarios of spin coherence generation were analyzed theoretically, among them the direct trion photocreation, the formation of trions from photogenerated excitons and the electron-exciton exchange scattering. Good agreement between experiment and theory is found.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figure

    Restrictions on modeling spin injection by resistor networks

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    Because of the technical difficulties of solving spin transport equations in inhomogeneous systems, different resistor networks are widely applied for modeling spin transport. By comparing an analytical solution for spin injection across a ferromagnet - paramagnet junction with a resistor model approach, its essential limitations stemming from inhomogeneous spin populations are clarified.Comment: To be published in a special issue of Semicond. Sci. Technol., Guest editor Prof. G. Landweh

    Shape Analysis of the Level Spacing Distribution around the Metal Insulator Transition in the Three Dimensional Anderson Model

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    We present a new method for the numerical treatment of second order phase transitions using the level spacing distribution function P(s)P(s). We show that the quantities introduced originally for the shape analysis of eigenvectors can be properly applied for the description of the eigenvalues as well. The position of the metal--insulator transition (MIT) of the three dimensional Anderson model and the critical exponent are evaluated. The shape analysis of P(s)P(s) obtained numerically shows that near the MIT P(s)P(s) is clearly different from both the Brody distribution and from Izrailev's formula, and the best description is of the form P(s)=c1sexp(c2s1+β)P(s)=c_1\,s\exp(-c_2\,s^{1+\beta}), with β0.2\beta\approx 0.2. This is in good agreement with recent analytical results.Comment: 14 pages in plain TeX, 6 figures upon reques