2 research outputs found

    The Siča/Lučica late Bronze age hoard

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    U radu se objavljuje kasnobrončanodobna ostava Siča/Lučica pronađena na Korduna, nedaleko od Karlovca. Veći dio ostave pronađen je na sekundarnome mjestu, kamo je dospio iskopavanjem zemlje. S obzirom na to da je nalaz ostave zabilježen izvan konteksta naselja ili groblja, otvaraju se pitanja o svrsi takva načina deponiranja predmeta te uopće o fenomenu ostava i njihovim mogućim značenjima. Prema količinskome sastavu (287 predmeta) i tipoloÅ”kim karakteristikama predmeta ostava se može pripisati velikim ostavama mjeÅ”ovitoga sastava iz II. faze ostava sjeverne Hrvatske, odnosno pripada vremenu Br D/Ha A.This work is a publication of the Siča/Lučica hoard found in the Kordun region, close to the city of Karlovac. Most of the hoard was discovered at a secondary site ā€“ the result of its movement during excavation of soil. Since the hoardā€™s discovery was recorded outside of the context of a settlement or cemetery, there is some question as to the purpose for this manner of deposition of items and the phenomenon of hoards in general and their possible significance. Based on the quantity of its contents (287 items) and their typological characteristics, the hoard can be classified among the mixed-content hoards dated to the second phase of the northern Croatian hoards, i.e. the Br D/Ha A

    Late Bronze Age Metal Finds in the Požega Valley

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    PožeÅ”ka kotlina izdvojena je zemljopisna cjelina u srediÅ”njem dijelu sjeverne Hrvatske. StrateÅ”ki položaj između važnih riječnih tokova Save i Drave davao je tom kraju značaj izuzetno važnog komunikacijskog područja Å”to se očituje u brojnim arheoloÅ”kim nalazima od prapovijesti do srednjega vijeka. Stoga ni značajni nalazi iz vremena kasnoga brončanog doba ne predstavljaju iznenađenje. Kako se u to vrijeme sve viÅ”e razvija metalurgija bronce, u PožeÅ”koj su kotlini veoma brojni nalazi metala. NajčeŔće se pojavljuju kao ostave ili pojedinačni nalazi, a rjeđe su pronađeni u kontekstu naselja ili grobova. Skupina metalnih nalaza kasnoga brončanog doba s prostora PožeÅ”tine sastoji se od oružja, oruđa i nakita koji su u jednom trenutku dospjeli pod zemlju pojedinačno ili skupno kao ostave, a mogu se datirati u razdoblje od Ha A do Ha B.The Požega Valley is a distinct geographic unit in the central portion of northern Croatia. Its strategic location between the vital courses of the Sava and Drava rivers accords this region with exceptional importance as a communications zone, which is confirmed by the numerous archaeological finds dating from prehistory to the Middle Ages. Therefore, the important finds dating to the Late Bronze Age are not surprising. Since bronze metallurgy expanded considerably during that era, metal finds are very numerous in the Požega Valley. Most often they appear as hoards or individual finds, while more rarely they are found within the context of settlements or graves. The category of Late Bronze Age metal finds from the Požega Valley consists of weapons, tools and jewelry which at some point were buried either individually or jointly as hoards, and they can be dated to periods from Ha A to Ha B