542 research outputs found

    Time and Frequency Domain Methods for Basis Selection in Random Linear Dynamical Systems

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    Polynomial chaos methods have been extensively used to analyze systems in uncertainty quantification. Furthermore, several approaches exist to determine a low-dimensional approximation (or sparse approximation) for some quantity of interest in a model, where just a few orthogonal basis polynomials are required. We consider linear dynamical systems consisting of ordinary differential equations with random variables. The aim of this paper is to explore methods for producing low-dimensional approximations of the quantity of interest further. We investigate two numerical techniques to compute a low-dimensional representation, which both fit the approximation to a set of samples in the time domain. On the one hand, a frequency domain analysis of a stochastic Galerkin system yields the selection of the basis polynomials. It follows a linear least squares problem. On the other hand, a sparse minimization yields the choice of the basis polynomials by information from the time domain only. An orthogonal matching pursuit produces an approximate solution of the minimization problem. We compare the two approaches using a test example from a mechanical application

    Enhancing adaptive sparse grid approximations and improving refinement strategies using adjoint-based a posteriori error estimates

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for adaptive sparse grid approximations of quantities of interest computed from discretized partial differential equations. We use adjoint-based a posteriori error estimates of the physical discretization error and the interpolation error in the sparse grid to enhance the sparse grid approximation and to drive adaptivity of the sparse grid. Utilizing these error estimates provides significantly more accurate functional values for random samples of the sparse grid approximation. We also demonstrate that alternative refinement strategies based upon a posteriori error estimates can lead to further increases in accuracy in the approximation over traditional hierarchical surplus based strategies. Throughout this paper we also provide and test a framework for balancing the physical discretization error with the stochastic interpolation error of the enhanced sparse grid approximation

    Generation and application of multivariate polynomial quadrature rules

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    The search for multivariate quadrature rules of minimal size with a specified polynomial accuracy has been the topic of many years of research. Finding such a rule allows accurate integration of moments, which play a central role in many aspects of scientific computing with complex models. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we provide novel mathematical analysis of the polynomial quadrature problem that provides a lower bound for the minimal possible number of nodes in a polynomial rule with specified accuracy. We give concrete but simplistic multivariate examples where a minimal quadrature rule can be designed that achieves this lower bound, along with situations that showcase when it is not possible to achieve this lower bound. Our second main contribution comes in the formulation of an algorithm that is able to efficiently generate multivariate quadrature rules with positive weights on non-tensorial domains. Our tests show success of this procedure in up to 20 dimensions. We test our method on applications to dimension reduction and chemical kinetics problems, including comparisons against popular alternatives such as sparse grids, Monte Carlo and quasi Monte Carlo sequences, and Stroud rules. The quadrature rules computed in this paper outperform these alternatives in almost all scenarios

    Gradient-based Optimization for Regression in the Functional Tensor-Train Format

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    We consider the task of low-multilinear-rank functional regression, i.e., learning a low-rank parametric representation of functions from scattered real-valued data. Our first contribution is the development and analysis of an efficient gradient computation that enables gradient-based optimization procedures, including stochastic gradient descent and quasi-Newton methods, for learning the parameters of a functional tensor-train (FT). The functional tensor-train uses the tensor-train (TT) representation of low-rank arrays as an ansatz for a class of low-multilinear-rank functions. The FT is represented by a set of matrix-valued functions that contain a set of univariate functions, and the regression task is to learn the parameters of these univariate functions. Our second contribution demonstrates that using nonlinearly parameterized univariate functions, e.g., symmetric kernels with moving centers, within each core can outperform the standard approach of using a linear expansion of basis functions. Our final contributions are new rank adaptation and group-sparsity regularization procedures to minimize overfitting. We use several benchmark problems to demonstrate at least an order of magnitude lower accuracy with gradient-based optimization methods than standard alternating least squares procedures in the low-sample number regime. We also demonstrate an order of magnitude reduction in accuracy on a test problem resulting from using nonlinear parameterizations over linear parameterizations. Finally we compare regression performance with 22 other nonparametric and parametric regression methods on 10 real-world data sets. We achieve top-five accuracy for seven of the data sets and best accuracy for two of the data sets. These rankings are the best amongst parametric models and competetive with the best non-parametric methods.Comment: 24 page

    A Christoffel function weighted least squares algorithm for collocation approximations

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    We propose, theoretically investigate, and numerically validate an algorithm for the Monte Carlo solution of least-squares polynomial approximation problems in a collocation frame- work. Our method is motivated by generalized Polynomial Chaos approximation in uncertainty quantification where a polynomial approximation is formed from a combination of orthogonal polynomials. A standard Monte Carlo approach would draw samples according to the density of orthogonality. Our proposed algorithm samples with respect to the equilibrium measure of the parametric domain, and subsequently solves a weighted least-squares problem, with weights given by evaluations of the Christoffel function. We present theoretical analysis to motivate the algorithm, and numerical results that show our method is superior to standard Monte Carlo methods in many situations of interest.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    A generalized sampling and preconditioning scheme for sparse approximation of polynomial chaos expansions

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm for recovering sparse orthogonal polynomials using stochastic collocation. Our approach is motivated by the desire to use generalized polynomial chaos expansions (PCE) to quantify uncertainty in models subject to uncertain input parameters. The standard sampling approach for recovering sparse polynomials is to use Monte Carlo (MC) sampling of the density of orthogonality. However MC methods result in poor function recovery when the polynomial degree is high. Here we propose a general algorithm that can be applied to any admissible weight function on a bounded domain and a wide class of exponential weight functions defined on unbounded domains. Our proposed algorithm samples with respect to the weighted equilibrium measure of the parametric domain, and subsequently solves a preconditioned β„“1\ell^1-minimization problem, where the weights of the diagonal preconditioning matrix are given by evaluations of the Christoffel function. We present theoretical analysis to motivate the algorithm, and numerical results that show our method is superior to standard Monte Carlo methods in many situations of interest. Numerical examples are also provided that demonstrate that our proposed Christoffel Sparse Approximation algorithm leads to comparable or improved accuracy even when compared with Legendre and Hermite specific algorithms.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Convergence of Probability Densities using Approximate Models for Forward and Inverse Problems in Uncertainty Quantification

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    We analyze the convergence of probability density functions utilizing approximate models for both forward and inverse problems. We consider the standard forward uncertainty quantification problem where an assumed probability density on parameters is propagated through the approximate model to produce a probability density, often called a push-forward probability density, on a set of quantities of interest (QoI). The inverse problem considered in this paper seeks a posterior probability density on model input parameters such that the subsequent push-forward density through the parameter-to-QoI map matches a given probability density on the QoI. We prove that the probability densities obtained from solving the forward and inverse problems, using approximate models, converge to the true probability densities as the approximate models converges to the true models. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate optimal convergence of probability densities for sparse grid approximations of parameter-to-QoI maps and standard spatial and temporal discretizations of PDEs and ODEs

    A Consistent Bayesian Formulation for Stochastic Inverse Problems Based on Push-forward Measures

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    We formulate, and present a numerical method for solving, an inverse problem for inferring parameters of a deterministic model from stochastic observational data (quantities of interest). The solution, given as a probability measure, is derived using a Bayesian updating approach for measurable maps that finds a posterior probability measure, that when propagated through the deterministic model produces a push-forward measure that exactly matches the observed probability measure on the data. Our approach for finding such posterior measures, which we call consistent Bayesian inference, is simple and only requires the computation of the push-forward probability measure induced by the combination of a prior probability measure and the deterministic model. We establish existence and uniqueness of observation-consistent posteriors and present stability and error analysis. We also discuss the relationships between consistent Bayesian inference, classical/statistical Bayesian inference, and a recently developed measure-theoretic approach for inference. Finally, analytical and numerical results are presented to highlight certain properties of the consistent Bayesian approach and the differences between this approach and the two aforementioned alternatives for inference

    Enhancing β„“1\ell_1-minimization estimates of polynomial chaos expansions using basis selection

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    In this paper we present a basis selection method that can be used with β„“1\ell_1-minimization to adaptively determine the large coefficients of polynomial chaos expansions (PCE). The adaptive construction produces anisotropic basis sets that have more terms in important dimensions and limits the number of unimportant terms that increase mutual coherence and thus degrade the performance of β„“1\ell_1-minimization. The important features and the accuracy of basis selection are demonstrated with a number of numerical examples. Specifically, we show that for a given computational budget, basis selection produces a more accurate PCE than would be obtained if the basis is fixed a priori. We also demonstrate that basis selection can be applied with non-uniform random variables and can leverage gradient information

    Compressed sensing with sparse corruptions: Fault-tolerant sparse collocation approximations

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    The recovery of approximately sparse or compressible coefficients in a Polynomial Chaos Expansion is a common goal in modern parametric uncertainty quantification (UQ). However, relatively little effort in UQ has been directed toward theoretical and computational strategies for addressing the sparse corruptions problem, where a small number of measurements are highly corrupted. Such a situation has become pertinent today since modern computational frameworks are sufficiently complex with many interdependent components that may introduce hardware and software failures, some of which can be difficult to detect and result in a highly polluted simulation result. In this paper we present a novel compressive sampling-based theoretical analysis for a regularized β„“1\ell^1 minimization algorithm that aims to recover sparse expansion coefficients in the presence of measurement corruptions. Our recovery results are uniform, and prescribe algorithmic regularization parameters in terms of a user-defined a priori estimate on the ratio of measurements that are believed to be corrupted. We also propose an iteratively reweighted optimization algorithm that automatically refines the value of the regularization parameter, and empirically produces superior results. Our numerical results test our framework on several medium-to-high dimensional examples of solutions to parameterized differential equations, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure
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