3,729 research outputs found

    Comparison between various notions of conserved charges in asymptotically AdS-spacetimes

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    We derive hamiltionian generators of asymptotic symmetries for general relativity with asymptotic AdS boundary conditions using the ``covariant phase space'' method of Wald et al. We then compare our results with other definitions that have been proposed in the literature. We find that our definition agrees with that proposed by Ashtekar et al, with the spinor definition, and with the background dependent definition of Henneaux and Teitelboim. Our definition disagrees with the one obtained from the ``counterterm subtraction method,'' but the difference is found to consist only of a ``constant offset'' that is determined entirely in terms of the boundary metric. We finally discuss and justify our boundary conditions by a linear perturbation analysis, and we comment on generalizations of our boundary conditions, as well as inclusion of matter fields.Comment: 64p, Latex, no figures, v2: references added, typos corrected, v3: some equations correcte

    Symmetry of high-piezoelectric Pb-based complex perovskites at the morphotropic phase boundary II. Theoretical treatment

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    The structural characteristics of the perovskite- based ferroelectric Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-9%PbTiO3 at the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) region (x≃0.09) have been analyzed. The analysis is based on the symmetry adapted free energy functions under the assumption that the total polarization and the unit cell volume are conserved during the transformations between various morphotropic phases. Overall features of the relationships between the observed lattice constants at various conditions have been consistently explained. The origin of the anomalous physical properties at MPB is discussed

    Radio-mode feedback in local AGNs: dependence on the central black hole parameters

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    Radio mode feedback, in which most of the energy of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) is released in a kinetic form via radio-emitting jets, is thought to play an important role in the maintenance of massive galaxies in the present-day Universe. We study the link between radio emission and the properties of the central black hole in a large sample of local radio galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), based on the catalogue of Best and Heckman (2012). Our sample is mainly dominated by massive black holes (mostly in the range 108−109M⊙10^8-10^9 M_{\odot}) accreting at very low Eddington ratios (typically λ<0.01\lambda < 0.01). In broad agreement with previously reported trends, we find that radio galaxies are preferentially associated with the more massive black holes, and that the radio loudness parameter seems to increase with decreasing Eddington ratio. We compare our results with previous studies in the literature, noting potential biases. The majority of the local radio galaxies in our sample are currently in a radiatively inefficient accretion regime, where kinetic feedback dominates over radiative feedback. We discuss possible physical interpretations of the observed trends in the context of a two-stage feedback process involving a transition in the underlying accretion modes.Comment: accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    2D Yang-Mills Theory as a Matrix String Theory

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    Quantization of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a torus in the gauge where the field strength is diagonal leads to twisted sectors that are completely analogous to the ones that originate long string states in Matrix String Theory. If these sectors are taken into account the partition function is different from the standard one found in the literature and the invariance of the theory under modular transformations of the torus appears to hold in a stronger sense. The twisted sectors are in one-to-one correspondence with the coverings of the torus without branch points, so they define by themselves a string theory. A possible duality between this string theory and the Gross-Taylor string is discussed, and the problems that one encounters in generalizing this approach to interacting strings are pointed out. This talk is based on a previous paper by the same authors, but it contains some new results and a better interpretation of the results already obtained.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures included with epsf. Talk presented at the 2nd Conference on Quantum aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu, Greece, 21-26 September 199

    Universality of Nonperturbative Effects in c<1 Noncritical String Theory

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    Nonperturbative effects in c<1 noncritical string theory are studied using the two-matrix model. Such effects are known to have the form fixed by the string equations but the numerical coefficients have not been known so far. Using the method proposed recently, we show that it is possible to determine the coefficients for (p,q) string theory. We find that they are indeed finite in the double scaling limit and universal in the sense that they do not depend on the detailed structure of the potential of the two-matrix model.Comment: 17 page

    Light-cone Gauge NSR Strings in Noncritical Dimensions

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    Light-cone gauge NSR string theory in noncritical dimensions should correspond to a string theory with a nonstandard longitudinal part. Supersymmetrizing the bosonic case [arXiv:0909.4675], we formulate a superconformal worldsheet theory for the longitudinal variables X^{\pm}, \psi^{\pm}. We show that with the transverse variables and the ghosts combined, it is possible to construct a nilpotent BRST charge.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamics of a string coupled to gravitational waves - Gravitational wave scattering by a Nambu-Goto straight string

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    We study the perturbative dynamics of an infinite gravitating Nambu-Goto string within the general-relativistic perturbation framework. We develop the gauge invariant metric perturbation on a spacetime containing a self-gravitating straight string with a finite thickness and solve the linearized Einstein equation. In the thin string case, we show that the string does not emit gravitational waves by its free oscillation in the first order with respect to its oscillation amplitude, nevertheless the string actually bends when the incidental gravitational waves go through it.Comment: Published in Physical Review D. Some explanations are changed to clarify our point

    On the He II Emission In Eta Carinae and the Origin of Its Spectroscopic Events

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    We describe and analyze Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of transient emission near 4680 {\AA} in Eta Car, reported earlier by Steiner & Damineli (2004). If, as seems probable, this is He II λ\lambda4687, then it is a unique clue to Eta Car's 5.5-year cycle. According to our analysis, several aspects of this feature support a mass-ejection model of the observed spectroscopic events, and not an eclipse model. The He II emission appeared in early 2003, grew to a brief maximum during the 2003.5 spectroscopic event, and then abruptly disappeared. It did not appear in any other HST spectra before or after the event. The peak brightness was larger than previously reported, and is difficult to explain even if one allows for an uncertainty factor of order 3. The stellar wind must provide a temporary larger-than-normal energy supply, and we describe a special form of radiative amplification that may also be needed. These characteristics are consistent with a class of mass-ejection or wind-disturbance scenarios, which have implications for the physical structure and stability of Eta Car.Comment: 47 pages (including all appendices, tabs, & figs), 9 figures, 3 tables; submitted to Astrophysical Journal (2005 March 29), accepted for publication in Ap

    Origin of second-harmonic generation in the incommensurate phase of K2SeO4

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    We show that a ferroelectric phase transition takes place in the incommensurate phase of the K2SeO4 crystal. The ferroelectric character of the IC phase explains the second-harmonic generation observed in the corresponding temperature range.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
