168 research outputs found

    Quark-binding effects in inclusive decays of heavy mesons

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    We present a new approach to the analysis of quark-binding effects in inclusive decays of heavy mesons within the relativistic dispersion quark model. Various differential distributions, such as electron energy spectrum, q2q^2- and MXM_X-distributions, are calculated in terms of the BB meson soft wave function which also determines long-distance effects in exclusive transition form factors. Using the quark-model parameters and the BB meson wave function previously determined from the description of the exclusive bub \to u transitions within the same dispersion approach, we provide numerical results on various distributions in the inclusive BXclνB \to X_c l\nu decays.Comment: revtex, 18 pages, preprint HD-THEP-99-50 (Heidelberg) and RM3-TH/99-13 (Roma

    Non-local anomaly of the axial-vector current for bound states

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    We demonstrate that the amplitude <ργν(qˉγνγ5q)0><\rho\gamma|\partial_\nu (\bar q\gamma_\nu \gamma_5 q)|0> does not vanish in the limit of zero quark masses. This represents a new kind of violation of the classical equation of motion for the axial current and should be interpreted as the axial anomaly for bound states. The anomaly emerges in spite of the fact that the one loop integrals are ultraviolet-finite as guaranteed by the presence of the bound-state wave function. As a result, the amplitude behaves like 1/p2\sim 1/p^2 in the limit of a large momentum pp of the current. This is to be compared with the amplitude which remains finite in the limit p2p^2\to\infty. The observed effect leads to the modification of the classical equation of motion of the axial-vector current in terms of the non-local operator and can be formulated as a non-local axial anomaly for bound states.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, numerical value for κ\kappa in Eq. (19) is corrected, Eqs. (22) and (23) are modified. New references added. Results remain unchange

    Bound-state parameters from dispersive sum rules for vacuum-to-vacuum correlators

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    We study the extraction of the ground-state parameters from vacuum-to-vacuum correlators. We work in quantum-mechanical potential model which provides the only possibility to probe the reliability and the actual accuracy of this method: one obtains the bound-state parameters from the correlators by the standard procedures adopted in the method of sum rules and compares these results with the exact values calculated from the Schroedinger equation. We focus on the crucial ingredient of the method of sum rules - the effective continuum threshold - and propose a new algorithm to fix this quantity. In a quantum-mechanical model, our procedure leads to a remarkable improvement of the accuracy of the extracted ground-state parameters compared to the standard procedures adopted in the method and used in all previous applications of dispersive sum rules in QCD. The application of the proposed procedure in QCD promises a considerable increase of the accuracy of the extracted hadron parameters.Comment: Introduction modified, comment on analytic properties of dual correlators adde

    Rare exclusive semileptonic b -> s transitions in the Standard Model

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    We study long-distance effects in rare exclusive semileptonic decays B -> (K, K*) (l+ l-, nu bar{nu}) and analyze dilepton spectra and asymmetries within the framework of the Standard Model. The form factors, describing the meson transition amplitudes of the effective Hamiltonian are calculated within the lattice-constrained dispersion quark model: the form factors are given by dispersion representations through the wave functions of the initial and final mesons, and these wave functions are chosen such that the B -> K* transition form factors agree with the lattice results at large q**2. We calculate branching ratios of semileptonic B -> K, K* transition modes and study the sensitivity of observables to the long-distance contributions. The shape of the forward-backward asymmetry and the longitudinal lepton polarization asymmetry are found to be independent of the long-distance effects and mainly determined by the values of the Wilson coefficients in the Standard Model.Comment: revtex, 17 pp., 5 figures with epsfig.st

    Top physics at the LHC ?

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    Hybrid tracking detector based on semiconductor and gas technologies

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    New Silicon-Gas Pixel Detector (SiGPD) is the result of the further development already proposed Gas-Pixel Detector (GPD). The only disadvantage of GPD was the uncertainty of the particle arriving time. The problem can be solved by additional silicon pixels implementation inside existed electronic chip epitaxial layer during regular chip production. The cost of new Si-Gas Pixel Detector remains practically the same. The new detectors have self-triggering properties and can be used for a first level trigger generation in the particle physics experiments and for many other applications

    The parameters of the fermion-mixing and search restriction on a mass leptoquark.

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    It is shown that the inclusion of fermion mixing in the framework of fourcolour quark-lepton symmetric model can be greatly reduces the restrictions on the mass vector leptoquark. The lower limit for the mass of the vector leptoquark obtained from processes K L 0 → l i + l j − ,     B 0 → l i + l j − and   B s → l i + l j − can be of the order of 85 TeV