6 research outputs found
This research is a study of the mediatization of the ḥadīth on Dajjāl (the anti-Christ) in the context of media culture. Mediatization of the ḥadīth through illustrations allows every Muslim to understand the stages and events that will occur at the End of the Time (Ākhir al-Zamān). Such ḥadīth is pre-actual doctrinal texts in Islam. This article uses the theory of mediatization that has a close link with the discipline of media studies and religiosity. We argue that the ḥadīth illustration as an expression of religious beliefs is a continuation of the massive use of technology in understanding religious doctrines. On the other hand, the illustration of the ḥadīth. Ḥadīth on the Dajjāl in digital media has formed a new pattern in the understanding of ḥadīth from abstract-imaginative to concrete-imaginative. The illustration of the Dajjāl has become an indication of the widespread role of the media in the spread of Islamic doctrines, and its changing role from being dominated by the texts to being dominated by the logic of religion. This research uses the theory of mediatization with the approach of media culture. The data is obtained from footage of such ḥadīth documentary airing on YouTube accounts. These shows usually refer to preachers who are concerned with conveying the contents of the ḥadīth
Promoting the spirit of nationalism through Quran-Hadis lectures: A case of Gus Miftah’s da'wah model
The idea of nationalism as the national glue in Indonesia faces currents of decadence in contemporary society. As a religious text, the Quran and Hadith and their interpretations have a special role in stemming this decadence of nationalism through the teachings of preachers, preachers and preachers. Gus Miftah, as a well-known preacher in Indonesia, tries to promote the spirit of nationalism by contextualizing messages and values from the Quran and Hadith with the conditions of diversity and multiculturalism in Indonesia. This article raises Gus Miftah as a popular preacher with a high commitment to issues of nationality and Indonesianness. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method in analyzing digital observation data on Gus Miftah's video lectures on Youtube. This study resulted in a general conclusion that Gus Miftah's Quran-Hadith Teaching contextualizes the Quran-Hadith within the framework of nationalism and diversity. Gus Miftah's commitment to the national interest issue can be seen from his understanding of socio-religious themes, such as tolerance, unity and nationalism. This is a factor in the popularity of Gus Miftah's da'wah which is in line with traditional/moderate Islamic understanding. This research contributes to enriching the literature on the relationship between da'wah and contextualization of the Quran and Hadith in Indonesia which gives rise to a uniqueness of Indonesian Islam.
Gagasan nasionalisme sebagai perekat bangsa di Indonesia menghadapi dekadensi dengan isu-isu kontemporer masyarakat. Sebagai teks agama, Al-Quran dan Hadits serta tafsirnya memiliki peran khusus dalam membendung dekadensi nasionalisme ini melalui ajaran para da'i, muballigh, atau ulama. Gus Miftah, sebagai seorang mubaligh ternama di Indonesia, mencoba mengangkat semangat nasionalisme dengan mengkontekstualisasikan pesan dan nilai-nilai dari Al-Qur'an dan Hadits yang sejalan dengan kondisi kebhinekaan dan multikulturalisme di Indonesia. Artikel ini mengangkat Gus Miftah sebagai pendakwah populer dengan komitmen tinggi terhadap isu tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam menganalisis data observasi digital pada video ceramah Gus Miftah di Youtube. Kajian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan umum bahwa Gus Miftah mengontekstualisasikan ajaran Al-Qur'an-Hadits dalam kerangka nasionalisme dan kebinekaan. Komitmen Gus Miftah terhadap isu kepentingan nasional tampak dalam pemahamannya terhadap tema-tema sosial keagamaan, seperti toleransi, persatuan, dan nasionalisme. Hal ini menjadi faktor popularitas dakwah Gus Miftah yang sejalan dengan pemahaman Islam tradisional/moderat. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk memperkaya literatur tentang hubungan dakwah dan kontekstualisasi Alquran dan Hadits di Indonesia yang memunculkan keunikan Islam Indonesia
Skripsi ini bertujuan untukmendeskripsikan bagaimana implementasi jaminan
perlindungan atas risiko kecelakaan kerja bagi nelayan melalui Bantuan Premi
Ansuransi Nelayan(BPAN) di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur dan untuk
mengetahui kendala dalam implementasi jaminan perindangan atas risiko
kecelakaan kerja tersebut. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan
metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta
pendekatan yuridis normatif mengkaji Undang-undang nomor 07 tahun 2016 serta
Peraturan menteri kelautan dan perikanan No 18/PERMEN/2018. Berdasarkan
penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil dan kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
Penerapan Jaminan perlindungan atas risiko kecelakaan kerja melalui Program
BPAN di Dinas Perikanan TanjungJabung Timur masih mengalami beberapa
penghambat sehingga pelaksanaan jaminan perlindungan atas risiko kecelakaan
kerja kurang berjalan maksimal. Beberapa faktor penghambat yang pertama
kurangnya staf mempengaruhi lambatnya proses pendataan nelayan akibatnya
masih nelayan yang belum memiliki kartu kusuka. Kusuka merupakan salah satu
syarat program BPAN. Kedua banyak masyarakat nelayan menganggap program
ini belum terlalu penting. Hal ini dipengaruhi kurangnya pemahaman terhadap
pentingnya ansuransi untuk kehidupan yang akan datang dan latar belakang
pendidikan nelayan yang mayoritas yang masih rendah. Ketiga luasnya wilayah
Tanjung Jabung Timur tidak didukung dengan fasilitas infrastruktur yang
The attention of researchers about Islam to Nusantara is largely related to the transmission of Islam to Nusantara. Meanwhile, attention to the role of vernacularization of Islamic sciences by Nusantara scholars - including attention to vernacularization of interpretive science - is still limited. This paper with the vernacular concept from A.H. Johns, focused on discussing the role of Jawi Tafsir in the Islamization of Nusantara in the early phases of both the formulation of Islamic Nusantara Islam and the socio-cultural transformation of Nusantara. This article’s frame of reference is in terms of the concepts of enculturation, adoption and cultural adaptation, in which vernacularization occurs in each of these processes. Through studies on the Jawi’s vernacular interpretation, Tarjumān al-Mustafīd, this paper argues that in the early scientific formulation of the Nusantara Islam that transformed the socio-cultural Nusantara, the existence of the Tarjumān al-Mustafīd had a major role. With another Jawi commentaries, Tarjumān al-Mustafīd then became the Nusantara's Islamic identity and proof of Islam with the archipelago's character
The 2005th Amman Message: Significant Reference for Nusantara Ulama to Enlarge the Existing Indonesian Plurality
The Amman Message signed by 500 Ulama from Moslem countries, both Shia and Sunni, on the 27th of Ramadan 1425 H or 9 November 2004 in Amman, Jordan. This declaration is a reaction to the widespread fragmentation and decentralization of Muslim identity. The Amman Message positioning Islamic valued vis-a-vis the dynamic modern world. The method used in this research was tracing the content of the book of Risalat Amman (Amman Message), especially to the Ulama consensus related to the topic of pluralism. As an Islamic scholars consensus from all over the world, the Amman Message discussed and decided some opinions on plurality. This article would parse the significance of this message and its contribution to the Indonesian Islamic scholars’ perspective in perceiving the plurality existing in Indonesia modern world, within the Indonesian Islam and in context Indonesia cross religion discourse and dialogue intra-religion concept
BUDAYA POPULIS DALAM DAKWAH ISLAM: Simbolisasi Muslim Urban dalam Film Ketika Tuhan Jatuh Cinta
Urban Muslims are one of the unique communities in society. This can be seen from the symbolization of urban Muslims that is different from traditional Muslim societies, in Islamic films. Urban characteristics in Indonesia's populist culture show the dialectic of urban Muslim life in the face of a socio-religious context. Urban Muslims are required to actualize themselves in complex urban life with social class conflicts, social deviations, and cultural orientations. This article aims to identify the symbols of urban Muslims in film when God falls in love using interpretive symbol analysis using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. This article concludes that the symbolization of urban Muslims in populist culture Islamic film is concentrated on three things: 1) visual communication 2) narrative 3) storyline contextualization. Urban Muslims have unique symbol characteristics 1) religious tolerance 2) anti-establishment 3) self-actualization 4) self-satisfaction oriented