2 research outputs found


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    The appropriate evaluation and the development of special measures to protect donor lungs are important factors for successful lung transplantation. Aim. To develop and determine the effectiveness of the protocol of morpho- functional assessment of potential lung donor. Methods and results. During the period from May, 2011 to May, 2012, 37 donors with diagnoses of brain death were surveyed. 5 bilateral lung transplantations were performed only in 2 cases donors have been evaluated as «ideal». In the majority of recipients early postoperative period was evaluated as satisfactory. Conclusion. Designed multivariate algorithm of donor with brain death assess- ment, effectively implemented through the selection of donors for lung transplantation with satisfactory results in the early postoperative period. However, compliance with ideal criteria will not allow to effectively provide care for patients with terminal lung disease under conditions of continuous growth of «waiting list»


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    The appropriate evaluation and the development of special measures to protect donor lungs are important factors for successful lung transplantation. Aim. To develop and determine the effectiveness of the protocol of morpho- functional assessment of potential lung donor. Methods and results. During the period from May, 2011 to May, 2012, 37 donors with diagnoses of brain death were surveyed. 5 bilateral lung transplantations were performed only in 2 cases donors have been evaluated as «ideal». In the majority of recipients early postoperative period was evaluated as satisfactory. Conclusion. Designed multivariate algorithm of donor with brain death assess- ment, effectively implemented through the selection of donors for lung transplantation with satisfactory results in the early postoperative period. However, compliance with ideal criteria will not allow to effectively provide care for patients with terminal lung disease under conditions of continuous growth of «waiting list». Цель исследования. Адекватная оценка и разработка специальных мероприятий по защите и восста- новлению морфофункциональнальных свойств легких потенциального донора. Методы и результа- ты. В период с мая 2011 года по май 2012 года наблюдали 37 доноров с диагнозом смерти мозга. Было выполнено 5 билатеральных трансплантаций легких, и только в 2 случаях доноры были определены как удовлетворительные. У большинства реципиентов ранний послеоперационный период протекал удовлет- ворительно. Заключение. Предложенный многофакторный алгоритм поддержки донора со смертью мозга позволяет эффективно отбирать доноров для трансплантации легких с удовлетворительным результатом в раннем послеоперационном периоде. Однако следование идеальным критериям не позволяет оказывать эффективную помощь пациентам в терминальной стадии болезни легких, включенным в лист ожидания трансплантации.