1,167 research outputs found

    The Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of Isolated Dwarf Galaxies

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    Using a suite of simulations (Governato et al. 2010) which successfully produce bulgeless (dwarf) disk galaxies, we provide an analysis of their associated cold interstellar media (ISM) and stellar chemical abundance patterns. A preliminary comparison with observations is undertaken, in order to assess whether the properties of the cold gas and chemistry of the stellar components are recovered successfully. To this end, we have extracted the radial and vertical gas density profiles, neutral hydrogen velocity dispersion, and the power spectrum of structure within the ISM. We complement this analysis of the cold gas with a brief examination of the simulations' metallicity distribution functions and the distribution of alpha-elements-to-iron.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the JENAM 2010 Symposium "Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution" (Lisbon, 9-10 September 2010), P. Papaderos, S. Recchi, G. Hensler (eds.), Springer Verlag (2011), in pres

    Combinatorial Bounds and Characterizations of Splitting Authentication Codes

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    We present several generalizations of results for splitting authentication codes by studying the aspect of multi-fold security. As the two primary results, we prove a combinatorial lower bound on the number of encoding rules and a combinatorial characterization of optimal splitting authentication codes that are multi-fold secure against spoofing attacks. The characterization is based on a new type of combinatorial designs, which we introduce and for which basic necessary conditions are given regarding their existence.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in "Cryptography and Communications

    Short One-Time Signatures

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    We present a new one-time signature scheme having short signatures. Our new scheme supports aggregation, batch verification, and admits efficient proofs of knowledge. It has a fast signing algorithm, requiring only modular additions, and its verification cost is comparable to ECDSA verification. These properties make our scheme suitable for applications on resource-constrained devices such as smart cards and sensor nodes. Along the way, we give a unified description of five previous one-time signature schemes and improve parameter selection for these schemes, and as a corollary we give a fail-stop signature scheme with short signatures

    Secure and linear cryptosystems using error-correcting codes

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    A public-key cryptosystem, digital signature and authentication procedures based on a Gallager-type parity-check error-correcting code are presented. The complexity of the encryption and the decryption processes scale linearly with the size of the plaintext Alice sends to Bob. The public-key is pre-corrupted by Bob, whereas a private-noise added by Alice to a given fraction of the ciphertext of each encrypted plaintext serves to increase the secure channel and is the cornerstone for digital signatures and authentication. Various scenarios are discussed including the possible actions of the opponent Oscar as an eavesdropper or as a disruptor

    Implementing Shor's algorithm on Josephson Charge Qubits

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    We investigate the physical implementation of Shor's factorization algorithm on a Josephson charge qubit register. While we pursue a universal method to factor a composite integer of any size, the scheme is demonstrated for the number 21. We consider both the physical and algorithmic requirements for an optimal implementation when only a small number of qubits is available. These aspects of quantum computation are usually the topics of separate research communities; we present a unifying discussion of both of these fundamental features bridging Shor's algorithm to its physical realization using Josephson junction qubits. In order to meet the stringent requirements set by a short decoherence time, we accelerate the algorithm by decomposing the quantum circuit into tailored two- and three-qubit gates and we find their physical realizations through numerical optimization.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    High precision spectra at large redshift for dynamical DE cosmologies

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    The next generation mass probes will investigate DE nature by measuring non-linear power spectra at various z, and comparing them with high precision simulations. Producing a complete set of them, taking into account baryon physics and for any DE state equation w(z), would really be numerically expensive. Regularities reducing such duty are essential. This paper presents further n-body tests of a relation we found, linking models with DE state parameter w(z) to const.-w models, and also tests the relation in hydro simulations.Comment: PASCOS 2010, the 16th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Valencia (Spain), July 19th - 23rd, 201

    Quantum Nondemolition Monitoring of Universal Quantum Computers

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    The halt scheme for quantum Turing machines, originally proposed by Deutsch, is reformulated precisely and is proved to work without spoiling the computation. The ``conflict'' pointed out recently by Myers in the definition of a universal quantum computer is shown to be only apparent. In the context of quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement, it is also shown that the output observable, an observable representing the output of the computation, is a QND observable and that the halt scheme is equivalent to the QND monitoring of the output observable.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, no figures, revised, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Evolution of interfaces and expansion in width

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    Interfaces in a model with a single, real nonconserved order parameter and purely dissipative evolution equation are considered. We show that a systematic perturbative approach, called the expansion in width and developed for curved domain walls, can be generalized to the interfaces. Procedure for calculating curvature corrections is described. We also derive formulas for local velocity and local surface tension of the interface. As an example, evolution of spherical interfaces is discussed, including an estimate of critical size of small droplets.Comment: Discussion of stability of the interface is added, and the numerical estimates of width and velocity of the interface in the liquid crystal example are corrected. 25 pages, Latex2

    Cryptographic requirements for chaotic secure communications

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    In recent years, a great amount of secure communications systems based on chaotic synchronization have been published. Most of the proposed schemes fail to explain a number of features of fundamental importance to all cryptosystems, such as key definition, characterization, and generation. As a consequence, the proposed ciphers are difficult to realize in practice with a reasonable degree of security. Likewise, they are seldom accompanied by a security analysis. Thus, it is hard for the reader to have a hint about their security. In this work we provide a set of guidelines that every new cryptosystems would benefit from adhering to. The proposed guidelines address these two main gaps, i.e., correct key management and security analysis, to help new cryptosystems be presented in a more rigorous cryptographic way. Also some recommendations are offered regarding some practical aspects of communications, such as channel noise, limited bandwith, and attenuation.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure