487 research outputs found

    Profil Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Dalam Rejim Hukum Perundang-Undangan

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    Hukum Perundang-undangan lahir dari kekuasaan. Dalam banyak hal. Logika kekuasaan mendominasi struktur, sistem, dan substansi rejim hukum Perundang-undangan. pengalaman sejarah menunjukkan, hukum Perundang-undangan dimanipulasi dan direkayasa sedemikian rupa dan kepentingan kekuasaan, yang berlindung di Balik asas legalitas dan paham konstitusionalisme. Secara teoritis, lahirlah apa yang disebut unjust law. Hukum yang demikian, dalam hal-hal tertentu, secara potensial melanggar hak-hak asasi manusia (HAM). Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisis unjust law tersebut dan profil pelanggaran HAK yang terdapat di dalamnya

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Bank Nagari Cab. Lubuk Alung Berbasis Java

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    Bank adalah suatu badan USAha yang bergerak di bidang keuangan atau jasa keuangan. Bank akan selalu berhubungan erat dengan masyarakat, untuk hal itu maka pelayanan menjadi penilaian suatu bank. Selama ini penilaian karyawan dilakukan secara manual menggunakan program aplikasi perkantoran. Masing masing data diolah secara manual dan tidak terintegrasi, seperti absensi kehadiran, disiplin, kenerja, prilaku, prestasi dan pencapaian target karyawan. Bank Nagari Cab. Lubuk Alung, hasil penilaian kerja yang sudah di sosialisasikan, perlu adanya standarisasi dan penilaian yang tepat, sehingga mewujudkan prestasi kerja yang memadai bagi tercapainya tujuan dan sasaran Perusahaan. Diharapkan dengan adanya sistem informasi penilaian kinerja karyawan di Bank Nagari Cab. Lubuk Alung bisa meminimalkan waktu menilai setiap karyawan, dan mendapatkan laporan yang di harapkan pemimpin di Bank Nagari Cab Lubuk Alung yang akurat, serta karyawan juga dapat melihat mereka sudah mempunyai nilai yang di harapkan Perusahaan dengan adanya sistem informasi ini


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    The purpose of this study is to determine (1) To determine the effect of entertainment tax revenue on Regional Original Revenues. (2) To find out inflation affects the Regional Original Revenue. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression analysis. To facilitate analysis, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciens (SPSS) program for windows is used. The results of this study indicate that the results of the t test of entertainment tax variables obtained tcount> ttable where 4.801> 2.353 and the significance value obtained was 0.041 <0.05. Thus it means that partially the entertainment tax revenue variable has a significant effect on the PAD variable in the Ende Regency Revenue Agency. The t-test results of the inflation variable obtained value of t> t table where 16.026> 2.353 and the significance value obtained was 0.004 <0.05. Thus it means that partially the inflation variable has a significant effect on the PAD variable in the Ende Regency Regional Revenue Agency

    Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas Produksi Mesin Thresser Untuk Meminimasi Ongkos Material Handling

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    Perancangan tata letak fasilitas merupakan aktifitas yang sangat penting dalammerencanakan sebuah fasilitas baru maupun yang bersifat perencanaan ulang. Tata letakfasilitas yang dirancang dengan baik pada umumnya akan memberikan kontribusi yangpositif dalam optimalisasi proses operasi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah perancanganulangtata letak fasilitas produksimesin thresser untukmeminimasi ongkos material handling.Hasil penyeimbangan lintasan produksi dengan metode Rank Positional Weightmemperlihatkan penurunan balanced delay dari 63,89% pada kondisi awal menjadi15.14% pada kondisi usulan dengan efisiensi lintasan 84.86%. Hasil re-layoutmemperlihatkan pengurangan jarak perpindahan sebesar 24.98% dan penurunan ongkosmaterial handling (OMH) sebesar 24.17%

    Pengaruh Pemberian POC Urine Sapi terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Pinang Betara (Areca Catechu L.)

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    . Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Desa Pulau Kopung Kecamatan Sentajo Raya Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Waktu yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 bulan yang dimulai bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2017. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian POC Urine sapi terhadap pertumbuhan bibit pinang (Areca catechu L.). Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial, dimana faktor S (Pupuk POC Urine Sapi yang terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan yaitu S0 Tanpa pemberian POC Urine Sapi (Kontrol), S1 Pemberian POC Urine Sapi 50 ml/ liter air, S2 Pemberian POC Urine Sapi 100 ml/liter air, S3 Pemberian POC Urine Sapi 150 ml/liter air, S4: Pemberian POC Urine Sapi 200 ml/liter air. Data-data dianalisis secara statistik, dengan uji lanjut beda nyata jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5%. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi bibit (cm), diameter batang (cm), dan jumlah daun (helai). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Perlakuan pemberian pupuk organik cair (POC) urin sapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter pengamatan jumlah daun bibit pinang dengan perlakuan terbaik S3 (Pemberian POC Urine Sapi 150 ml/liter air) dengan jumlah daun 6,67 helai

    Control primitives for robot systems

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    A methodology is developed for describing of hierarchical control of robot systems in a manner which is faithful to the underlying mechanics, structured enough to be used as an interpreted language, and sufficiently flexible to encompass a wide variety of systems. A consistent set of primitive operations which form the core of a robot system description and control language is presented. This language, motivated by the hierarchical organization of neuromuscular systems, is capable of describing a large class of robot systems under a variety of single-level and distributed control schemes

    Impact of Auto-evaluation Tests as Part of the Continuous Evaluation in Programming Courses

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    The continuous evaluation allows for the assessment of the progressive assimilation of concepts and the competences that must be achieved in a course. There are several ways to implement such contin uous evaluation system. We propose auto-evaluation tests as a valuable tool for the student to judge his level of knowledge. Furthermore, these tests are also used as a small part of the continuous evaluation process, encouraging students to learn the concepts seen in the course, as they have the feeling that the time dedicated to this study will have an assured reward, binge able to answer correctly the questions in the continuous evaluation exams. New technologies are a great aid to improve the auto evaluation experience both for the students and the teachers. In this research work we have compared the results obtained in courses where auto-evaluation tests were provided against courses where they were not provided, showing how the tests improve a set of quality metrics in the results of the courseMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2-

    Control primitives for robot systems

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    A methodology is developed for describing of hierarchical control of robot systems in a manner which is faithful to the underlying mechanics, structured enough to be used as an interpreted language, and sufficiently flexible to encompass a wide variety of systems. A consistent set of primitive operations which form the core of a robot system description and control language is presented. This language, motivated by the hierarchical organization of neuromuscular systems, is capable of describing a large class of robot systems under a variety of single-level and distributed control schemes

    Assessment and intervention issues and models in School Psychology : the case of Europe and North America

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    As práticas da Psicologia Escolar parecem ser cada vez mais marcadas pelas necessidades de referenciação/diagnóstico de crianças para o subsistema de educação especial, em detrimento do desenho e implementação de intervenções dirigidas aos problemas específicos dos alunos. A aparente insatisfação dos psicólogos escolares com essa tendência, bem como as dificuldades na utilização de modelos categoriais de diagnóstico em contexto escolar, têm dado origem à progressiva implementação de modelos alternativos de avaliação e intervenção, principalmente de modelos Response to Intervention, Curriculum-Based Measurement e Problem Solving. A controvérsia quanto à natureza verdadeiramente alternativa desses modelos parece, no entanto, longe de se esgotar. Neste artigo são discutidas vantagens e limitações dos diferentes modelos, de acordo com a melhor evidência disponível na literatura, e são ainda equacionadas as suas implicações nas práticas da Psicologia Escolar. Practices in School Psychology seem to be increasingly restricted to referrals/diagnosis of children for the sub-system of special education instead of being focused on the design and implementation of interventions for students with specific problems. The apparent dissatisfaction of school psychologists with this trend and the difficulties dealing with categorical diagnostic models within the school context have stimulated a movement toward the implementation of alternative assessment and intervention models, such as Response to Intervention, Curriculum-Based Measurement and Problem-Solving. However, the controversy about the true alternative nature of these models seems far from being exhausted. The aim of this paper is to discuss the benefits and limitations of the different models according to the best evidence available. We also consider the implications for practices in School PsychologyPractices in School Psychology seem to be increasingly restricted to referrals/diagnosis of children for the sub-system of special education instead of being focused on the design and implementation of interventions for students with specific problems. The apparent dissatisfaction of school psychologists with this trend and the difficulties dealing with categorical diagnostic models within the school context have stimulated a movement toward the implementation of alternative assessment and intervention models, such as Response to Intervention, Curriculum-Based Measurement and Problem-Solving. However, the controversy about the true alternative nature of these models seems far from being exhausted. The aim of this paper is to discuss the benefits and limitations of the different models according to the best evidence available. We also consider the implications for practices in School Psychology(undefined