7 research outputs found

    Z' boson detection in the Minimal Quiver Standard Model

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    We undertake a phenomenological study of the extra neutral Z' boson in the Minimal Quiver Standard Model and discuss limits on the model's parameters from previous precision electroweak experiments, as well as detection prospects at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We find that masses lower than around 700 GeV are excluded by the ZZ-pole data from the CERN-LEP collider, and below 620 GeV by experimental data from di-electron events at the Fermilab-Tevatron collider. We also find that at a mass of 1 TeV the LHC cross section would show a small peak in the di-lepton and top pair channel.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. v2: substantial revisions and improvements, final version accepted for publicatio

    Supersymmetry Breaking from a Calabi-Yau Singularity

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    We conjecture a geometric criterion for determining whether supersymmetry is spontaneously broken in certain string backgrounds. These backgrounds contain wrapped branes at Calabi-Yau singularites with obstructions to deformation of the complex structure. We motivate our conjecture with a particular example: the Y2,1Y^{2,1} quiver gauge theory corresponding to a cone over the first del Pezzo surface, dP1dP_1. This setup can be analyzed using ordinary supersymmetric field theory methods, where we find that gaugino condensation drives a deformation of the chiral ring which has no solutions. We expect this breaking to be a general feature of any theory of branes at a singularity with a smaller number of possible deformations than independent anomaly-free fractional branes.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, latex, v2: minor changes, refs adde

    Comments on the non-conformal gauge theories dual to Ypq manifolds

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    We study the infrared behavior of the entire class of Y(p,q) quiver gauge theories. The dimer technology is exploited to discuss the duality cascades and support the general belief about a runaway behavior for the whole family. We argue that a baryonic classically flat direction is pushed to infinity by the appearance of ADS-like terms in the effective superpotential. We also study in some examples the IR regime for the L(a,b,c) class showing that the same situation might be reproduced in this more general case as well.Comment: 48 pages, 27 figures; updated reference

    Mesonic Chiral Rings in Calabi-Yau Cones from Field Theory

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    We study the half-BPS mesonic chiral ring of the N=1 superconformal quiver theories arising from N D3-branes stacked at Y^pq and L^abc Calabi-Yau conical singularities. We map each gauge invariant operator represented on the quiver as an irreducible loop adjoint at some node, to an invariant monomial, modulo relations, in the gauged linear sigma model describing the corresponding bulk geometry. This map enables us to write a partition function at finite N over mesonic half-BPS states. It agrees with the bulk gravity interpretation of chiral ring states as cohomologically trivial giant gravitons. The quiver theories for L^aba, which have singular base geometries, contain extra operators not counted by the naive bulk partition function. These extra operators have a natural interpretation in terms of twisted states localized at the orbifold-like singularities in the bulk.Comment: Latex, 25pgs, 12 figs, v2: minor clarification

    Unitary integrals and related matrix models

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