6 research outputs found

    Nonlinear tensor product approximation of functions

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    We are interested in approximation of a multivariate function f(x1,,xd)f(x_1,\dots,x_d) by linear combinations of products u1(x1)ud(xd)u^1(x_1)\cdots u^d(x_d) of univariate functions ui(xi)u^i(x_i), i=1,,di=1,\dots,d. In the case d=2d=2 it is a classical problem of bilinear approximation. In the case of approximation in the L2L_2 space the bilinear approximation problem is closely related to the problem of singular value decomposition (also called Schmidt expansion) of the corresponding integral operator with the kernel f(x1,x2)f(x_1,x_2). There are known results on the rate of decay of errors of best bilinear approximation in LpL_p under different smoothness assumptions on ff. The problem of multilinear approximation (nonlinear tensor product approximation) in the case d3d\ge 3 is more difficult and much less studied than the bilinear approximation problem. We will present results on best multilinear approximation in LpL_p under mixed smoothness assumption on ff

    Some Problems in the Theory of Ridge Functions

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